Dec. 10 , 2021  

Core to Core Program, Joint Seminar with Parasitology and Tropical Medicine / Environmental Hygine was held at Kitasato University. Prof. Kato and Associate Prof. Yamamoto were speakers. title: Leishmaniasis: field - to- lab & lab - to - field (Kato), title: A mosquito control technique using a synthetic cell ablation system (Yamamoto)

加藤教授と山本准教授は、北里大学医学部寄生虫学・熱帯医学主催の研究拠点形成事業 寄生虫学・熱帯医学/環境衛生学合同セミナーで講演をしました。加藤教授演題:
Leishmaniasis: field - to - lab & labo - to - field、山本准教授演題:A mosquito control technique using a synthetic cell ablation system

Copyright@Division of Medical Zoology, Department of Infection and Immunity, Jichi Medical University all right researved.
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