自治医科大学紀要 第33巻

1〜14 原著論文 Original Article



自治医科大学 英語

要  約


Internet Search Methods to Recall Word Forms

Robert Dilenschneider

English, Jichi Medical University

 In two different experiments, 16 and 24 subjects were randomly assigned to four search conditions of NO AID, GLOSS, CLICK and CLICK & SPELL to investigate unknown words while reading an assigned passage. For the first experiment, different time limits to read a passage were allotted to three of the four search conditions. For the second experiment, time limits were the same for all search conditions. Overall, the results from both experiments revealed that the CLICK and CLICK & SPELL search conditions were the most efficient and that the GLOSS search condition was the least efficient to foster the retention of word forms for English as a second language students.

15〜21 原著論文 Original Article

急性GVHDの補助的検査:granzyme Bおよびperforin細胞内染色の有用性

松 春子,尾崎 勝俊,目黒 明子,畑中 恵子,多々良礼音,翁 家国,佐藤 一也,森 政樹,室井 一男,永井 正,小澤 敬也


要  約
 移植片対宿主病(Graft versus host disease: GVHD)の診断治療は,移植成績を左右する重要な因子である。日常診療においてGVHDの診断は主に臨床症状に頼っており,診断のよりどころとなる科学的根拠の病理検査は結果が判明するまでに時間を要する。今回,GVHDが疑われた場合に当日に結果が判明する検査として,末梢血のgranzyme B,perforinの細胞内染色を施行した。臨床的にGVHDを認めた群ではgranzyme B,perforinの陽性率が高く,治療後に減少を認めた。今回用いたフローサイトメトリーによる解析は簡便であり,当日に結果が判明することから,急性GVHDの診断に補助的役割を果たす可能性がある。


Intracellular staining of granzyme B and perforin fordiagnosis of acute graft-versus-host disease

Haruko Matsu, Katsutoshi Ozaki, Raine Tatara, Satoko Oka, Akiko Meguro, Iekuni Oh, Kazuya Sato, Keiko Hatanaka, Masaki Mori, Kazuo Muroi, and Keiya Ozawa

Division of Hematology, Jichi Medical University

 Acute graft-versus-host disease (aGVHD) is diagnosed based on clinical manifestations and bilirubin levels. Pathological survey is recommended but time-consuming and usually becomes available only after treatment. Thus, an aGVHD-specific maker that could be measured within a day is highly desirable for diagnosis. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction for cytotoxic molecules, such as granzyme B and perforin, has been reported to be useful in the diagnosis of aGVHD; however, the significance of these markers has not yet been established. Here, we re-evaluated these molecules using intracellular staining and demonstrated that they are correlated with clinical grade of aGVHD, and that they decrease after improvement. These markers might therefore be practical due to the simplicity and rapidity of measurement.

(Key words: GVHD, granzyme B, perforin)

23〜28 原著論文 Original Article


笹崎 美幸,森 政樹,上澤 光世,藤原慎一郎,菊池 裕二,佐藤 一也,松山 智洋,大嶺 謙,上田 真寿,鈴木 隆浩,尾崎 勝俊,永井 正,室井 一男,小澤 敬也 


要  約
 バーキットリンパ腫/白血病(Burkitt lymphoma/leukemia;BL)はc-myc遺伝子(8q24)と免疫グロブリン(Ig)遺伝子の相互転座に起因する高悪性度B細胞腫瘍であり,急速に進行する病態を特徴とする。以前は悪性リンパ腫中でも予後不良群に分類されていたが,化学療法への感受性が高くレジメンの工夫により治癒可能であると再評価され,疾患概念が変遷してきた。当科で最近12年間に診断し治療を行った10症例について,治療別の治療成績について比較検討したところ,Hyper-CVAD/HD-MTX/Ara-C+Rituximab併用療法導入後より高い奏功率が得られるようになり,短期間ではあるが生存率も向上し治癒する可能性があることが示唆された。以前は不良であった疾患の予後が化学療法の工夫により格段に改善したため,当科での経験を報告する。



Improved outcome of Burkitt lymphoma/leukemia treated with a new strategy

Miyuki Sasazaki, Masaki Mori, Mituyo Uesawa, Shinitirou Fuziwara, Yuuzi Kikuti, Kazuya Satou, Tomohiro Matuyama, Ken Oomine, Masuzu Ueda, Takahiro Suzuki, Katutosi Ozaki, Tadashi Nagai, Kazuo Muroi, Keiya Ozawa

Division of Hematology, Jichi Medical University Hospital

 Burkitt lymphoma/leukemia (BL) was formerly recognized as an aggressive malignant lymphoma with a poor prognosis. To confirm whether the prognosis of BL is improved by the Hyper-CVAD/HD-MTX/Ara-C regimen with or without rituximab (group B) compared with the classical treatment regimen for acute lymphoblastic leukemia or non-Hodgkin lymphoma (group A), the outcomes of 10 patients treated in our hospital from 1997 to 2009 were analyzed. The results showed that both groups had achieved complete remission with each induction therapy; however, 5 of 6 patients in group B had long-term remission, while 3 of 4 patients in group A who received bone marrow transplantation relapsed. In conclusion, the new strategy with short-duration combination chemotherapy is safe and useful for BL.

29〜36 原著論文 Original Article


細谷 好則1),宇井 崇1),倉科憲太郎1),春田 英律1),斉藤 心1),瑞木 亨1),俵藤 正信1),佐藤 貴一2),山本 徳博2),菅野健太郎2),長瀬 通隆3),藤井 博文3),柴山 千秋4),中澤 聖則4),三澤 和秀5),和田 政彦5),布宮 伸5),平林 由広6),西野 宏7),宮崎 邦夫8),去川 俊二8),福嶋 敬宜9),仁木 利郎9),丹波嘉一郎10),佐田 尚宏1),永井 秀雄1),安田 是和1)


抄  録
 自治医科大学附属病院における食道癌手術成績について報告する。1999年から2009年を対象期間として生存率と術後合併症を評価した。進行癌では集学的治療として,2000-2006年:術前化学放射線療法(低用量FP[5-FU:300mg/m2 Day1-5, CDDP: 3mg/m2 Day1-5]と加速多分割40Gy),2006-07年:術後標準FP[5-FU:800mg/m2 Day1-5, CDDP:80mg/m2 Day1]2コース,2008年以降:術前標準FP2コースを施行した。術式は原則3群リンパ節郭清とした。全体で317例,進行度別の3年生存率はStage0=86%(n=25),StageI=91%(n=54),StageII=79%(n=94),StageIII=56% (n=106),StageIV=11% (n=38)であった。術後に呼吸器合併症6%,縫合不全4%,在院死亡0.6%を認めた。食道癌手術は3領域リンパ節郭清まで施行可能であるが,切除範囲は限界に達している。StageIまでは内視鏡切除や鏡視下手術などのより侵襲の少ない治療が望まれる。StaegII以上ではさらなる集学的治療の開発が重要と考えられる。



Results of surgical treatment for patients with thoracic esophageal carcinoma in Jichi Medical University Hospital from 1999 through 2009

Yoshinori Hosoya1), Takashi Ui1), Kentaro Kurashina1), Hidenori Haruta1), Shin Saito1), Toru Zuiki1), Masanobu Hyodo1), Kiichi Sato2), Norihiro Yamamoto2), Kentaro Sugano2), Michitaka Nagase3), Hirohumi Hujii3), Chiaki Shibayama4), Masanori Nakazawa4), Kazuhide Misawa5), Masahiko Wada5), Shin Nunomiya5), Yoshihiro Hirabayashi6), Hiroshi Nishino7), Kunio Miyazaki8), Shunji Sarukawa8), Noriyoshi Fukushima9), Toshiro Niki9), Kiichiro Tanba10), Naohiro Sata1), Hideo Nagai1), Yoshikazu Yasuda1)

1)Department of Surgery, 2)Department of Gastoenterology, 3)Department of Clinical Oncology, 4)Department of Radiology, 5)Division of Intensive Care, 6)Department of Anesthesiology, 7)Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 8)Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 9)Division of Pathology, and 10)Department of Palliative Medicine, Jichi Medical University

 The results of surgical treatment for patients with thoracic esophageal carcinoma at Jichi Medical University Hospital from 1999 through 2009 were reviewed. Long-term outcome, prognosis, and postoperative complications were analyzed. Multi-modality treatment regimens, including surgery, varied over three time intervals for patients with advanced cancer: 1) 1999-2006, preoperative chemo-radiotherapy: low-dose 5FU (300 mg/m2) and cisplatin (3 mg/m2) days 1-5/three courses with concurrent radiotherapy (40 Gy); 2) 2006-2007, postoperative standard FP chemotherapy: 5FU (800 mg/m2) day 1 and cisplatin (80 mg/m2) days 1-5/two courses; and 3) 2008-2009, preoperative chemotherapy: standard FP/two courses. The 3-year cumulative survival rate was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method for each stage: Stage 0, 86% (n=25); Stage I, 91% (n=54); Stage II, 79% (n=94); Stage III, 56% (n=106); and Stage IV, 11% (n=38). Postoperative complications included respiratory failure (6%) and anastomotic leakage (4%). The hospital mortality rate was 0.6%. The present multi-modality regimen, with surgery before or after chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or both, is inadequate to improve outcomes for patients with advanced esophageal carcinoma. However, there is a need for advanced staging to develop more effective multidisciplinary treatment regimens.

37〜48 原著論文 Original Article

初回エピソード統合失調症の精神病未治療期間(Duration of untreated psychosis:DUP)と1年予後

利谷健治,小林聡幸,加藤 敏

自治医科大学 精神医学

要  約
目的:初回エピソード統合失調症の精神病未治療期間(Duration of untreated psychosis:DUP)と治療予後との関係はこれまでにも多数報告されている。しかし,その報告のほとんどは初回入院患者を対象としている。今回われわれは,すべての外来初診患者を対象にして,DUPと1年後治療予後との関係を調査した。
方法:ICD-10 F20:統合失調症と診断された56名の初回エピソード患者らは初診時と1年後に簡易精神症状評価尺度(Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale:BPRS)と全般的機能評価尺度(Global Assessment of Functioning:GAF)で臨床評価をされた。結果:DUPが短いほどBPRS改善率,GAF改善率は良好であった。DUPはBPRS改善率,GAF改善率に対して独立した予測因子である可能性が示唆された。短期DUP群(<7ヶ月)は長期DUP群(>7ヶ月)よりBPRS改善率,GAF改善率が有意に良好であった。


Relationship between Duration of Untreated Psychosis (DUP) and the One-Year Prognosis among Patients with First-Episode Schizophrenia

Kenji Toshitani, Toshiyuki Kobayashi and Satoshi Kato

Department of Psychiatry, Jichi Medical School

OBJECTIVE: A number of reports have been published concerning the relationship between the duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) and the prognosis after treatment in patients with first-episode schizophrenia. However, many of these reports are based on analysis of patients hospitalized for the first time. The present study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between DUP and the one-year prognosis among the patients paying their first visit to the Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic of our hospital.
METHOD: Fifty-six patients diagnosed as having schizophrenia according to ICD-10 F20 were evaluated clinically using the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) and the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) during the first visit and at a visit made one year later.
RESULTS: The percent improvement in the BPRS and GAF scores were greater in the patients with a shorter DUP. These results suggest that the DUP may serve as an independent predictor of the percent improvement in the BPRS and GAF scores. The percent improvement in both the BPRS score and GAF scores was significantly greater in the short DUP group (< 7 months) than in the long DUP group (> 7 months).
CONCLUSION: The one-year prognosis was better in the patients with a shorter DUP. The results additionally indicate that DUP may serve as an independent predictor of the one-year prognosis in patients with first-episode schizophrenia. The DUP was also shown to be significantly correlated with the one-year prognosis.

(Key words: Duration of untreated psychosis, First episode, Outpatients, Prognosis, Schizophrenia)

49〜54 原著論文 Original Article


木村 貴明,石川 暢夫,佐久間康成,藤原 岳人,貫井 昭徳,安士 正裕,八木澤 隆 

自治医科大学 腎泌尿器外科学講座 腎臓外科学部門

要  約


Kidney Transplantation for Patients on Long-Term Dialysis at Jichi Medical University Hospital

Takaaki Kimura, Nobuo Ishikawa, Yasunaru Sakuma, Takehito Fujiwara, Akinori Nukui, Masahiro Yashi, Takashi Yagisawa

Division of Renal Surgery and Transplantation Department Urology, Jichi Medical University

 As the number of the dialysis patients in Japan continues to increase, the number of long-term dialysis patients is also increasing. This study was designed to investigate the results of kidney transplantation in long-term dialysis patients. Ninety-four cases underwent kidney transplantation between April 2003 and December 2009 in our hospital. All patients received quadruple sequential immunosuppression, such as tacrolimus or cyclosporine, mycophenolate mofetil, methylprednisolone, and basiliximab. Four patients were treated with long-term dialysis (more than 20 years) before receiving a kidney transplant. One patient had acute antibody-mediated rejection and underwent steroid pulse therapy and plasma exchange. All patients acquired cytomegalovirus infection that was successfully treated with ganciclovir. Lower pole necrosis of the kidney due to external iliac artery occlusion occurred in one patient during the perioperative period, and lymphorrhea occurred in two patients. These complications were successfully treated. All patients have maintained kidney function and have been dialysis-free. The results of kidney transplantation in long-term dialysis patients were the same as those in short-term dialysis patients. Kidney transplantation can be performed in long-term dialysis patients with a high success rate.

55〜61 原著論文 Original Article


飯田さと子*,坂本 敦司**

* 地域社会振興財団 地域社会健康科学研究所/自治医科大学 公衆衛生学部門
**地域社会振興財団 地域社会健康科学研究所/自治医科大学 地域医療政策部門

要  約



Regional Differences in Doctors’ Perceptions of Sociopolitical Countermeasures against Inadequate Rural Medicine: Content Analysis of Free Comments from Clinic-based Doctors Obtained from a Questionnaire Survey

Satoko Iida*, Atsushi Sakamoto**

* Centre for Community Health Science, The Foundation for Development of the Community/ Department of Public Health, Jichi Medical University
**Centre for Community Health Science, The Foundation for Development of the Community/ Department of Community Health Policy, Jichi Medical University

 Background and Purpose: One of the reasons why sociopolitical countermeasures against inadequate rural medicine have failed is presumed to be the lack of interest among urban residents and medical doctors in rural medicine. This study examined the differences in doctors’ perceptions depending on their work locations (i.e., urban/rural areas) on how to enhance the effectiveness of the countermeasures.
 Methods: Using the results of the 2005 nationwide survey of clinic-based doctors on regional disparities in medicine by Jichi Medical University (response rate 53%; number of respondents 1,820), the authors conducted a content analysis of the comments from 472 doctors who filled in the free comments section asking for opinions on rural medicine. The subject doctors were classified into two groups depending on their work locations; there were 141 urban doctors and 331 rural doctors. Using the chi-square test, the authors then compared the ratios of the countermeasures recommended between the two groups of doctors. At the same time, the distributions of the most commonly suggested countermeasures were compared by group.
 Results: Countermeasures recommended by quite a few of the urban doctors included drawing doctors to and developing infrastructure in rural areas, whereas those of many of the rural doctors referred to improvements in their own medical skills, as well as collaboration with other professionals.
 Considerations and Conclusion: Urban doctors showed a tendency to emphasize the quantitative aspect of the measures for rural medicine. On the other hand, rural doctors stressed the necessity of qualitative improvement as effective measures, based on their experiences at their work sites where they had to handle problems relating to the quality of medicine. Therefore, it is necessary to raise urban doctors’ awareness of the importance of qualitative improvement for rural medicine.

(Keywords: rural medicine, content analysis, quantitative fulfillment for medicine, qualitative fulfillment for medicine)

63〜70 原著論文 Original Article


松嶋 大1,2),岡山 雅信2),藤原 真治2),小松 憲一2),梶井 英治2)


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Comparison of Health-Related Quality of Life of Outpatients Among Various Medical Institutions

Dai MATSUSHIMA1,2), Masanobu OKAYAMA1), Shinji FUJIWARA1), Kenichi KOMATSU1), Eiji KAJII1)

1)Fujisawa Municipal Hospital
2)Division of Community and Family Medicine, Center for Community Medicine, Jichi Medical University

[Objective] To compare health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of outpatients among various scales of medical institutions. The relationships between HRQOL and health care-seeking behavior were reviewed.
[Methods] A questionnaire survey of outpatients at Jichi Medical University Hospital (JMUH) and medical institutions around JMUH was conducted. Questionnaire items included patients’ characteristics and HRQOL (SF8 score). SF8 scores were compared among three categories (large hospitals, moderate and small hospitals, and clinics).
[Results] Questionnaires were collected from 4,050 patients (85.8% response rate) at 66 institutions. Most SF8 scores decreased with the scale of the medical institution; the lowest score was seen for large hospitals, and the highest score was seen for clinics. Patients with a low mental health HRQOL had a significant tendency to visit large hospitals.
[Conclusion] Outpatients’ HRQOL differed according to the scale of medical institutions. Outpatients’ HRQOL appears to be related to health care-seeking behavior. Low mental health HRQOL is related to visiting a large hospital.

Key words
Health-related quality of life, Outpatient, health care-seeking behavior, SF-8

71〜78 原著論文 Original Article


熊谷 典子,松本 正俊,松嶋 大,梶井 英治 

自治医科大学地域医療学センター 地域医療学部門

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Communication in the workplace in Tochigi Prefecture: a survey report


Division of Community and Family Medicine, Center for Community Medicine, Jichi Medical University

[Objective] To clarify the current status of communication in the workplace.
[Methods] A questionnaire survey of employees who work for public and private companies in Tochigi Prefecture was conducted. The questions asked about employees’ background characteristics and their communication with other members in their workplaces. All items were simply totaled, and items of communication were compared among three groups (supervisors, colleagues, and subordinates).
[Results] Questionnaires were collected from 1,198 employees at 6 facilities (response rate, 88.2%). With regard to frequency of meetings in a week, “less than once” was most frequent. In terms of after-hours parties in a month, “none” was most frequent. The answers for all items related to communication were significantly different among the three groups (supervisors, colleagues, and subordinates). For communication time, “less than 5-15 minutes” was most frequent for all three groups, but the time tended to be shorter in cases of communication with a superior than with a colleague or a subordinate. With respect to satisfaction with communication, “satisfied” was most frequent for all three groups, but there tended to be more respondents who were “unsatisfied” with communication with superiors than with colleagues and subordinates.
[Conclusion] Meetings and after-hours parties were generally infrequent. Characteristics of communication differed among the three groups. Communication with a superior tends to be shorter and rather unsatisfactory as compared to communication with colleagues and subordinates.

Key words: communication, employee, mental health, workplace

79〜89 原著論文 Original Article


駒田 敬則1),吉田 泉1),佐久間由紀1),森 穂波1),雨宮 守正2),中里 優一3),田部井 薫1)

1)自治医科大学附属さいたま医療センター 腎臓科
2)さいたま赤十字病院 腎臓内科
3)さいたま社会保険病院 腎臓内科 

要  約



Comparison between long-acting and short-acting loop diuretics in patients with chronic kidney disease: evaluation of efficacy and safety

Takanori Komada1), Izumi Yoshida1), Yuki Sakuma1), Honami Mori1), Morimasa Amemiya2), Yuichi Nakazato3), Kaoru Tabei1)

1)First Department of Integrated Medicine, Saitama Medical Center, Jichi Medical University, Saitama City, Japan
2)Department of Internal Medicine, Saitama Red Cross Hospital, Saitama City, Japan
3)Kidney Center, Saitama Shakai Hoken Hospital, Saitama City, Japan

 Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) were treated with a long-acting loop diuretic, Azosemide and a short-acting loop diuretic, Furosemide in a crossover fashion. The two drugs were compared after crossover switch using a multicenter study design focusing on evaluation of diuretic effects and symptoms associated with quality of life. There was no significant difference between Azosemide and Furosemide treatment after crossover switch in alleviation of edema, blood pressure, and body weight, or change in daily urinary volume or sodium excretion. On the other hand, change in urinary protein excretion from start to end of treatment was less in Azosemide treatment (−0.239g/day) than in Furosemide treatment (0.353g/day) after crossover switch (p=0.0556). In a questionnaire survey of symptoms after treatment, the percentage of patients complaining of “hand cramp” was higher after Azosemide than after Furosemide treatment; however this difference was not statistically significant (p=0.0935). When asked “Which drug do you wish to continue?”, 30% selected Furosemide, 35% selected Azosemide and 35% gave a neutral answer. In conclusion, Azosemide was similar to Furosemide in efficacy and tolerability.

(Keywords: CKD, Chronic Renal Failure, Diuretics, Furosemide, Azosemide)

91〜99 原著論文 Original Article


新井 由季1),玉田 喜一2),和田 伸一2),大橋 明2),中澤 克行2),畑中 恒2),菅野健太郎2) 

1)大田原赤十字病院 内科
2)自治医科大学 消化器内科学 

要  約


The relationship of gallbladder motility with mixed diets which contains various quality and quantity of fat

Yuki ARAI, Kiichi TAMADA, Shinichi WADA, Akira OHASHI, Katsuyuki NAKAZAWA, Hisashi HATANAKA, and Kentaro SUGANO

Department of Gastroenterology, Jichi Medical University Hospital

 Purpose. To evaluate gallbladder motility on ultrasonography after the ingestion of different forms and quantities of fat.
 Methods. After a fast, 111 volunteers underwent ultrasonography to measure gallbladder volumes before, 30 min, and 60 min after ingesting Calorie Mate Liquid®, Calorie Mate Jelly®, Terumeal 2.0®, or Terumeal 2.0α®, which are used as nutritional supplements. The Calorie Mate products contain 4.4 g of fat, while the Terumeal products contain 15 g of fat. Most of the fat in these products is composed of long-chain fatty acids except for Terumeal 2.0α®, in which 15% of the fat is composed of medium-chain fatty acids. Gallbladder volume and the ejection fraction were measured using the ellipsoid method.
 Results. There were significant differences in gallbladder volume before, 30 min, and 60 min after taking Calorie Mate Liquid® and Terumeal 2.0α®, and in gallbladder volume before and 30 min after taking Calorie Mate Jelly® and Terumeal 2.0®. There were significant differences in the 30-min ejection fraction between Calorie Mate Jelly® and Calorie Mate Liquid® and Terumeal 2.0α®, and in the 60-min ejection fraction between Calorie Mate Jelly® and Terumeal 2.0® and Terumeal 2.0α®. There were no other significant differences.
 Conclusions. Calorie Mate Liquid®, which contains 4.4 g of fat, can be used as an appropriate gallbladder stimulant. Gallbladder contractions were weaker with jellies than with others; thus, jelly meals are not appropriate for evaluating gallbladder contraction. There was no difference in gallbladder contraction between the meal containing a medium-chain fatty acid component of 15% and the other meals.

(Key words: gallbladder motility, medium-chain fatty acids, ellipsoid method, CalorieMate®, Terumeal®

101〜110 原著論文 Original Article


沼田 裕一

横須賀市立うわまち病院 循環器科

抄  録

(Key words:医療機能役割・外来単価・紹介患者・救急車搬入患者・再来患者)


Examination of factors that affect outpatient unit price evaluated from the perspective of medical treatment functional role

Yuichi Numata

Department of Cardiology, Yokosuka General Hospital Uwamachi

 Background: We previously reported that outpatient earnings were affected by the number of referrals and the number of cases brought by ambulance, while an increase in the number of return patients decreased outpatient earnings. The outpatient unit price, which affects outpatient earnings, was examined in the present study.
 Methods: In the regression analysis, the dependent variable was outpatient unit price, and the independent variables were total number of outpatients, first medical examination, brought by ambulance, referral, new case, and the number of return outpatients. Next, the above variables were examined per doctor.
 Results: The strength of the relation to the outpatient unit price was in the following order: referral > new > ambulance > first medical examination > return > total number of outpatients. The strength of the relation between the number of patients and the outpatient unit price per doctor was in the following order: referral > ambulance > new > first medical examination > number of return patients. However, the outpatient unit price and the number of return patients were negatively correlated, and neither the outpatient unit price nor the total number of outpatients was correlated.
  Conclusion: The number of referred patients and the number of emergency patients per doctor were strongly correlated to the outpatient unit price, and the number of return patients showed a negative effect on the outpatient unit price. Moreover, the total number of outpatients per doctor was not related to the outpatient unit price.

Key words: medical functional role, outpatient unit price, referred patient, ambulance-borne patient, return case.

111〜116 症例報告 Case Report


菊池 裕二,尾崎 勝俊,松山 智洋,岡 智子,山本 千鶴,森 政樹,永井 正,室井 一男,小澤 敬也 


要  約
 悪性リンパ腫に対する自家末梢血幹細胞移植後に二次性白血病を発症した40歳男性に対し,非血縁男性ドナーから同種骨髄移植を行った。移植前,患者はHBsAg(−), HBsAb(−), HBcAb(−), HCVAb(+), HCV-RNA(+)であった。移植後より肝機能障害が遷延し,移植片対宿主病(graft-versus-host disease; GVHD)が疑われたためタクロリムス(tacrolimus; FK506)投与を行ったが改善せず,その後腹水貯留と下腿浮腫が増悪した。肝炎ウイルスの再検でHBsAg(+), HBcAb(+)が判明し,B型肝炎ウイルス(hepatitis B virus; HBV)による劇症肝炎と診断した。保存検体におけるHBV-DNAは移植後61日以降のもので陽性であったが,輸血や移植ドナーからの感染は否定的であり,潜在性HBV感染の可能性が考えられた。移植後のウイルス性肝炎は,病理組織学的に肝GVHDとの鑑別が困難であり,移植後肝障害をみた場合には,臨床的にGVHDが疑われる場合でも常にウイルス性肝炎の可能性を念頭に置く必要がある。



Fulminant hepatitis after bone marrow transplantation due to reactivation of occult hepatitis B virus infection

Yuji Kikuchi, Katsutoshi Ozaki, Tomohiro Matsuyama, Satoko Oka, Chizuru Yamamoto, Masaki Mori, Tadashi Nagai, Kazuo Muroi, Keiya Ozawa

Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University

 A 40-year-old man who developed secondary leukemia after autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (auto-PBSCT) for non-Hodgkin lymphoma underwent allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (allo-BMT) from a non-sibling donor. He received a conditioning regimen of melphalan (L-PAM, 180 mg/m2) and total body irradiation (12 Gy). A short course of methotrexate (MTX) and FK506 was given for prophylaxis of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Acute gut GVHD was well controlled by prednisolone (PSL). Before the BMT, the patient was negative for HBsAg, HBsAb, and HBcAb, and positive for HCVAb and HCV-RNA. After transplantation, liver dysfunction continued, and FK506 was administered because hepatic GVHD was suspected. However, the hepatic dysfunction did not improve, and the patient was re-admitted because of worsening abdominal distension and pedal edema. Re-evaluation of viral hepatitis status showed that the patient was positive for HBsAg and HBcAb, leading to a diagnosis of fulminant hepatitis due to HBV. The patient’s stored blood samples were tested for HBV-DNA and were positive 61 days after the transplant, but infection from blood transfusion or transplanted bone marrow was considered unlikely. However, reactivation of occult HBV infection was thought possible. Viral hepatitis after transplantation is hard to distinguish histopathologically from hepatic GVHD. Therefore, whenever liver dysfunction occurs after transplantation, it is necessary to consider viral hepatitis, even when GVHD is suspected clinically.

(Key words: allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, fulminant hepatitis, GVHD, occult HBV infection)

117〜122 症例報告 Case Report


小松原利英,坂野 康人,小西 宏明,三澤 吉雄 

自治医科大学 外科学講座 心臓血管外科部門

要  約



Resection of right atrial myxoma with extracorporeal circulation in a breast cancer patient with systemic metastases: a case report

Toshihide Komatsubara*1, Yasuhito Sakano*2, Hiroaki Konishi*2, Yoshio Misawa*2

*1 Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University
*2 Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Jichi Medical University

 A 64-year-old female was found to have a right atrial mass, 4×3 cm in diameter, and multiple small nodular lesions in bilateral lung fields on CT scan 8 years after a left mastectomy for breast cancer. The bone scintigram revealed a hot spot at the 2nd rib on the left. Therefore, this patient was diagnosed as having advanced staged breast cancer with lung and bone metastases, concomitant with a right atrial tumor. The differential diagnosis of the right atrial tumor included myxoma, other primary cardiac tumor, and metastasis of breast cancer. Although she had metastatic lesions, resection was performed with extracorporeal circulation because the patient was in good general condition and was expected to survive for several years. The resected tumor was found to be a myxoma. The literature was reviewed to identify the indications for open heart surgery in patients suffering from cancer.

123〜128 症例報告 Case Report


牧野 伸二,保沢こずえ,近藤 玲子,熊谷 知子,伊藤 華江,平林 里恵,金井 美佳 

自治医科大学 眼科学教室

要  約



Two cases of hypoplasia of the inferior rectus muscle

Shinji Makino, Kozue Hozawa, Reiko Kondo, Tomoko Kumagai, Hanae Ito, Rie Hirabayashi, Mika Kanai

Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical University

 Two patients with hypoplasia of the inferior rectus muscle are reported.
 Patient 1: A 65-year-old woman had left hypertropia. The left eye had a microcornea, iris coloboma, and completely restricted downward movement. Computed tomography showed a hypoplastic left inferior rectus muscle. During surgery, it was confirmed that the left inferior rectus muscle was absent. The patient underwent a muscle transposition procedure without tenotomy and splitting muscles, as described by Nishida. A superior rectus muscle tenotomy was also performed. Postoperatively, the left hypertropia decreased in the primary position. Patient 2: A 17-year-old boy had left hypertropia. His vertical deviation was 25 prism diopters (PD) in the primary position. The left eye had completely restricted downward movement. The left superior rectus muscle was recessed by 6 mm. Postoperatively, the vertical deviation decreased to 2 PD in the primary position. During additional surgery, it was confirmed that the left inferior rectus muscle was absent. Surgeons should keep in mind the possibility of hypoplasia of the inferior rectus muscle when downward gaze is limited and alter the surgical plan as necessary based on the intraoperative findings. We consider that a muscle transposition procedure without tenotomy and tendon-splitting is a surgical option for this unusual abnormality.

(Key words: Horizontal muscle transposition procedure, hypoplasia of the inferior rectus muscle, vertical strabismus)

129〜134 症例報告 Case Report


伊藤 弘人1),上野 泰宏1),若林 宣江2),井上千恵子2),本多ムツ子2),野口 忠秀1),神部 芳則1),草間 幹夫1) 


要  約



Fact-finding survey of patients at our pediatric eating/swallowing outpatient department

Hiroto Itoh1), Yasuhiro Ueno1), Nobue Wakabayashi2), Chieko Inoue2), Mutsuko Honda2), Tadahide Noguchi1), Yoshinori Jinbu1), Mikio Kusama1)

1)Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
2)Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Jichi Medical University Hospital

 Our department opened a pediatric eating/swallowing outpatient division in April 2000. A fact-finding survey of 134 patients who visited our pediatric eating/swallowing outpatient department over approximately 9 years from April 2000 to February 2009 was conducted, and the results are reported.
 The patients included 71 boys (53%) and 63 girls (47%); underlying diseases included 124 cases of nervous system disorder, which was most frequent, followed by 108 cases of congenital malformation, deformation, and chromosomal abnormalities, in that order. Among the eating/swallowing dysfunctions, there were 73 cases of oral intake preparatory dysfunction, which was the most frequent, followed by dysfunction in the acquisition period of squashing function and dysfunction in the acquisition period of grinding function, in that order. Regarding the training details, 69 patients (51.5%) were able to start with direct training, and 46 patients (34.3%) started with indirect training. At the first visit, tube feeding was conducted for 63 patients (7%). Of these, 16 patients (25.4%) were able to be weaned off tube feeding.
 This fact-finding survey of the patients at the eating/swallowing outpatient division of our department showed that the proportion of patients with severe underlying diseases having associated severe eating/swallowing disorders was high.

(Key words: pediatric eating/swallowing outpatient department, underlying diseases, eating/swallowing dysfunction)

135〜140 症例報告 Case Report


松永 宏明1),小谷 和彦1),石橋 和久2),鯉渕 晴美1),中澤 晶子1)3),藤井 康友1),紺野 啓1),尾本 きよか1)4),山田 俊幸1),河野 幹彦4),谷口 信行1) 

4)自治医科大学附属さいたま医療センター総合医学第1 臨床検査部

要  約
背景 劇症1型糖尿病は,一見ありふれた主訴で受診することが多いが,放置すると数日で重篤な経過をたどるため,プライマリケアでの診断が特に重要である。今回われわれは専門性の高い医療設定とは限らない離島の医療機関を受診した劇症1型糖尿病の2症例を提示する。
症例 症例1は49歳の男性で,腹痛が先行し,全身倦怠感を主訴に来院した。著明な高血糖ならびに尿糖,尿ケトン体を認めた。症例2は44歳の女性で,感冒様症状が先行し,口渇感と全身倦怠感を主訴に来院した。中等度の高血糖ならびに尿糖,尿ケトン体を認めた。いずれも後日,劇症1型糖尿病の診断基準を満たした。
結語 劇症1型糖尿病を診断する上で,初期対応が重要である。一見common diseaseと思われても,口渇や全身倦怠感がみられた場合には,積極的に尿検査をすべきと思われた。特に,尿ケトン体の有無を確認することは有用である。



Two Cases of Fulminant Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus on Remote Islands

Hiroaki Matsunaga1), Kazuhiko Kotani1), Kazuhisa Ishibashi2), Harumi Koibuchi1), Shoko Nakazawa1)3), Yasutomo Fujii1), Kei Konno1), Kiyoka Omoto1)4), Toshiyuki Yamada1), Mikihiko Kawano4), Nobuyuki Taniguchi1)

1)Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Jichi Medical University, Tochigi, Japan
2)Department of Medicine, Kagoshima Red Cross Hospital, Kagoshima, Japan
3)Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University, Tochigi, Japan
4)Department of Laboratory Medicine, Saitama Medical Center, Jichi Medical University, Saitama, Japan

 Background: Patients with fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus often consult a primary physician about common symptoms such as a cold or gastritis, but diagnosis by primary care physicians is especially important because the patient’s status may become critical if neglected for a few days. In addition, opportunities for specialist consultation are limited on outlying islands. Two cases of fulminant type 1 diabetes that presented to hospitals on outlying islands are reported.
 Case Report: The first patient was a 49-year-old man. He had a chief complaint of general fatigue that had been preceded for 2 weeks by abdominal pain. Clinical tests revealed severe hyperglycemia and glycosuria and the presence of ketones in his urine. The second patient was a 44-year-old woman. She had cold-like symptoms for 1 week and complained of thirst and general fatigue. Clinical tests revealed moderate hyperglycemia and glycosuria and the presence of ketones in her urine. Both patients subsequently fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for fulminant type 1 diabetes.
 Conclusion: In diagnosing fulminant type 1 diabetes, initial investigation and management are critical. Even if a patient has mild complaints of thirst and general fatigue, urine tests should be performed. It is especially useful to test for the presence of ketones in the patient’s urine to screen for fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus.

(Key words: diabetic ketosis, primary care, type 1 diabetes mellitus, urine test)

141〜146 症例報告 Case Report


石井 彰1),菅原 斉1),渡辺 珠美1),吉川 修平1),田代 研1),石岡 春彦2),深津 健2),大沼 哲2),牛木真理子2),讃井 將満2),川上 正舒1) 

1)自治医科大学附属さいたま医療センター 総合医学1総合診療科
2)自治医科大学附属さいたま医療センター 中央診療部門集中治療部

要  旨



Acute lithium toxicosis induced by the new onset of diabetes mellitus in a patient with bipolar disorder

Akira ISHII1), Hitoshi SUGAWARA1), Tamami WATANABE1), Shuhei YOSHIKAWA1), Ken TASHIRO1), Haruhiko ISHIOKA2), Ken HUKATU2), Tetsu OONUMA2), Mariko USHIKI2), Hiromitu SANUI2), Masanobu KAWAKAMI1)

1)Division of General Medicine, Clinical Department of Internal Medicine, Saitama Medical Center, Jichi Medical University
2)Intensive Care Unit, Central Clinical Department, Saitama Medical Center, Jichi Medical University

 The patient was a 31-year-old man with bipolar disorder who developed acute lithium toxicosis induced by the new onset of diabetes mellitus. He was being treated with lithium carbonate and presented with loss of consciousness. He had been drinking a large quantity of soft drinks because of increasing thirst over the previous 2 months. At a regular hospital visit, his HbA1c was found to be 13%. He was treated with oral hypoglycemic medication despite the presence of ketosis. Nine days later, he was transported to our hospital unconscious. His plasma lithium level was 4.0 mEq/L. When he finally regained consciousness, he had severe residual cerebellar ataxia. Hypovolemia induced by high blood glucose causes prerenal acute renal failure. Once renal dysfunction has occurred, the serum lithium level quickly reaches toxic levels. Lithium toxicosis related to diabetes mellitus has rarely been reported. The mechanism of cerebellar ataxia due to lithium poisoning is not yet clear. This instructive case is presented along with a review of the relevant literature.

147〜153 症例報告 Case Report


渡辺 珠美1),菅原 斉1),松林 洋志1),石井 彰1),青木 厚1),牛丸 信也2),野首 光弘4),西田 淳二3),吉田 行雄2),川上 正舒1) 

総合医学1 1)総合診療科,2)消化器科,3)血液科,4)病理部

要  旨
 メトロニダゾールに対する副反応のためにチニダゾールで治療した後天性免疫不全症候群に併発したアメーバ性大腸炎を経験した。症例は42歳,男性。入院3ヶ月前から下痢が持続し他院入院。下部内視鏡検査でアメーバ性大腸炎と診断され,メトロニダゾールの内服が開始された。投与3日目に四肢と前胸部に皮疹が出現したため内服を中止した。その後,食欲低下と急激な体重減少,会話時の息切れ,動悸が出現し当院を受診。ヒト免疫不全ウイルス-RNA 量が2.0×106コピー/ml,末梢血CD4陽性リンパ球数が63 /μlであったことから後天性免疫不全症候群に併発したニューモシスチス肺炎による低酸素血症の診断で入院となった。なお,同性愛については再三否定。sulfamethoxazole-trimetoprim合剤とプレドニゾロンによる治療中,第11病日より39℃台の発熱と頻回の水様性下痢が見られた。第15病日に下部内視鏡検査を施行したところ,大腸粘膜全体の糜爛形成と生検組織内にアメーバ虫体を認め,アメーバ性大腸炎の再発と診断。第17病日よりメトロニダゾールの投与開始し解熱傾向となった。しかし,第22病日に再度39℃台の発熱が出現したためメトロニダゾールを中止し,チニダゾールの内服に変更した。その後は,発熱なく下痢の回数も減少し便潜血も陰性化した。外来でHighly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapyを開始する方針となり,第43病日に退院した。メトロニダゾール,チニダゾールともにアメーバ性大腸炎の治療薬としては,保険適応外の使用であり,早期の適応症追加が望まれる。



A case of amoebic colitis associated with AIDS successfully treated with tinidazole following an allergic reaction to metronidazole

Tamami WATANABE, Hitoshi SUGAWARA, Hiroshi MATSUBAYASHI, Akira ISHII, Atsushi AOKI, Shinya USHIMARU, Mitsuhiro NOKUBI, Junji NISHIDA, Yukio YOSHIDA, and Masanobu KAWAKAMI

Division of General Medicine, Clinical Department of Internal Medicine Saitama Medical Center, Jichi Medical University

 The case of a 42-year-old man with amoebic colitis associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) treated with tinidazole following an allergic reaction to metronidazole is presented. The patient had a 3-month history of persistent diarrhea. At another hospital, amoebic colitis was diagnosed by colonoscopy, and metronidazole was prescribed. A rash appeared on his limbs and chest 3 days after metronidazole was initiated, so it was discontinued. When the patient subsequently developed appetite loss, weight loss, exertional dyspnea, and palpitations, he was referred to our hospital. We found that he had Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonitis associated with AIDS. The patient denied sexual intercourse with men. His HIV-RNA viral load was 2.0×106 copies/ml, and his CD4 cell count was 63 /μl. His symptoms improved with sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim and prednisolone. On the 11th day after admission, his temperature rose to 38°C, and he had frequent, watery diarrhea. On the 15th day, colonoscopy showed erosive lesions along the entire colonic mucosa and amoebiasis in the specimen biopsy. On the 17th day, the patient began to take metronidazole. On the 22th day, his temperature rose to 38°C again, but no skin rash appeared. Because of the increased temperature, the medication was switched from metronidazole to tinidazole. As a result, his temperature returned to normal the next day, the frequent diarrhea decreased, and the results of the fecal occult blood tests became negative. The patient was discharged on the 43rd day, with a plan to receive highly active anti-retroviral therapy on an outpatient basis. Because both metronidazole and tinidazole are used to successfully treat amoebic colitis in Japan, we hope that the healthcare payment system will begin to cover the use of these drugs as soon as possible.

(Key Words: amoebic colitis, AIDS, tinidazole, metronidazole)

155〜160 症例報告 Case Report


宗雪 年孝1),松本 建志1),島田 裕司2),樋口 敬和1),加計 正文1),井野 隆史1),石田 岳史1)

1)さいたま市民医療センター 内科
2)さいたま市民医療センター 放射線科

要  旨
 症例は71歳女性。2009年11月上旬, 38.5℃の発熱を生じ,近医を受診。鼻腔拭い液によるインフルエンザ迅速診断キットで陰性にて抗菌薬を処方され帰宅。しかし,翌日より呼吸困難が出現し,4日後重症肺炎のため当センター紹介入院。インフルエンザ迅速診断キットで再検したが再度陰性であった。気管支鏡検査を施行し,気管支肺胞洗浄液のリアルタイムPCR法(realtime-reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction)にて新型インフルエンザA(H1N1)肺炎と診断した。原因不明の重症肺炎ではインフルエンザ迅速診断キットで陰性でも新型インフルエンザ肺炎の可能性を考慮する必要がある。



A case of severe pneumonia that was influenza rapid detection test-negative in which novel influenza H1N1 was found by bronchoalveolar lavage

Toshitaka Muneyuki1), Kenji Matsumoto1), Yuji Shimada2), Takakazu Higuchi1), Masafumi Kakei1), Takashi Ino1), Takeshi Ishida1)

1)Division of Internal Medicine, Saitama Citizens Medical Center
2)Division of Radiology, Saitama Citizens Medical Center

 A 71-year-old woman was referred to our hospital due to severe pneumonia in the beginning of November 2009. Her temperature rose to 38.5°C 4 days before the referral. She visited her family doctor, who prescribed an antibiotic. A rapid detection test of the nasal swab for influenza virus was negative. On the following day, she developed dyspnea, and her respiratory condition deteriorated rapidly. She was referred and admitted. On admission, a nasal swab was again negative for influenza virus with the rapid detection kit. Bronchoscopy was performed, and real-time PCR of the bronchoalveolar lavage was positive for novel influenza virus (H1N1). Considering the sensitivity of the currently available rapid detection kits for influenza virus, it appears necessary to consider the possibility of novel influenza (H1N1) when treating patients with severe pneumonia of undetermined etiology even when the result of the rapid detection kit is negative.

161〜166 症例報告 Case Report


柿澤 奈緒,佐々木純一,河村 裕,小西 文雄 

自治医科大学附属さいたま医療センター 一般消化器外科

要  約


Pneumatosis intestinalis in a patient with neutropenia following chemotherapy

Nao Kakizawa, Jun-ichi Sasaki, Yutaka J Kawamura, Fumio Konishi

Department of Surgery, Saitama Medical Center, Jichi Medical University

 Pneumatosis intestinalis (PI) are relatively rare conditions. Most cases are benign, but some with portal venous gas or intestinal infarction are severe. The pathogenesis is multifunctional, and optimal treatment depends on the cause. We report a case of chemotherapy-induced pneumoretroperitoneum in a 61 year-old female with small cell carcinoma. She had acute abdominal pain and came to the emergency room. She was diagnosed with pneumoretroperitoneum by using plain CT and underwent an operation. Laparotomy didn't reveal intestinal perforation and PI was considered to be the cause of her symptoms. Her postoperative course was uneventful with immediate improvement of her symptoms and discharged on 7th postoperative day.

(Key words: pneumoretroperitoneum, pneumatosis intestinalis, chemotherapy-induced, neutropenia, surgical treatment)

167〜174 症例報告 Case Report


岡 智子1,2),室井 一男1,2),森 政樹1,2),松山 智洋1,2),藤原慎一郎1),翁 家国1),佐藤 一也1),上田 真寿1),鈴木 隆浩1),尾崎 勝俊1),永井 正1),小澤 敬也1,2) 


要  約
 急性骨髄性白血病(acute myeloblastic leukemia:以下AML)の微小残存病変(minimal residual disease:以下MRD)の検出は,骨髄移植後の再発を予測する重要な検査である。AMLの細胞は,様々な抗原発現異常を呈することが知られている。今回,AMLの患者にみられたCD34+CD15+CD7+細胞を指標として,flow cytometryを用いて骨髄移植後のMRDを検査し,MRDの陽性化が続いた後,骨髄再発を来した例を経験したので報告する。

(Key words: 微小残存病変,急性骨髄性白血病,flow cytometry,骨髄移植)


Flow cytometry to detect minimal residual disease after bone marrow transplantation in a patient with acute myeloblastic leukemia

Satoko Oka1,2), Kazuo Muroi1,2), Masaki Mori1,2), Tomohiro Matsuyama1,2), Iekuni Oh1), Shin-ichiro Fujiwara1), Kazuya Sato1), Masuzu Ueda1), Takahiro Suzuki1), Katsutoshi Ozaki1), Tadashi Nagai1), Keiya Ozawa1,2)

1)Divison of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University Hospital
2)Division of Cell Transplantation and Transfusion, Jichi Medical University Hospital

 Detection of minimal residual disease (MRD) in acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML) after bone marrow transplantation is important to predict relapse. It is well known that AML cells show various abnormal antigen expressions. MRD was detected in an AML patient after BMT by flow cytometry measurements of CD34+CD15+CD7+ cells. Subsequently, the patient’s AML relapsed.

175〜181 症例報告 Case Report


高本 淳1),安井 應紀2),佐藤 眞2),佐藤 裕太1),安田 修1),松田 健一1),鎌田 敦志3) 


要  約
 83歳女性。低Na血症による意識障害を繰り返すことにより当院に入院した。頭部に異常を認めず。入院後,血液を混ずる大量の透明粘液便を指摘された。下部消化管内視鏡検査を行ったところ,下部直腸に大量の粘液分泌を伴う絨毛腫瘍を認め,低Na血症の原因と考えられた。手術は経肛門的腫瘍切除術を施行した。切除標本の病理組織診はtubular adenocarcinoma in tubulovillous adenomaであった。術後,意識障害は改善した。



A case of rectal villous tumor with episodic unconsciousness

Jun Takamoto1), Ouki Yasui2), Makoto Sato2), Yuta Sato1), Osamu Yasuda1), Kenichi Matsuda1), Atsushi Kamada3)

Departments of 1)Internal Medicine, 2)Surgery, and 3)Gastroenterology, Ugo Hospital

 An 83-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital for recurrent unconsciousness caused by hyponatremia. Brain MRI was normal. After admission, profuse mucous stool with blood was observed, and on colonoscopy, a villous tumor was seen in the lower rectum. The tumor secreted profuse mucus, which was thought to be the cause of the hyponatremia. A transanal wedge resection of the villous tumor was performed. Histological examination of the specimens revealed tubular adenocarcinoma in a tubulovillous adenoma. The patient’s postoperative course was good, and her level of consciousness improved.

(Key words: villous tumor, unconsciousness, electrolyte depletion syndrome)

183〜190 報 告 Report


菅原 斉,石井 彰,渡辺 珠美,松林 洋志,青木 厚,松本 葉子,加計 正文,百村 伸一,川上 正舒 

自治医科大学附属さいたま医療センター 総合診療科

要  約


Logistic regression analyses of the backgrounds of visiting medical students who applied to the clinical training program for residents and fellows at Saitama Medical Center of Jichi Medical University

Sugawara H1), Ishii A1), Watanabe T1), Matsubayashi H1), Aoki A1), Matsumoto Y1), Kakei M1), Momomura S2), Kawakami M1)

Divisions of 1)General Medicine and 2)Cardiovascular Disease, Clinical Department of Internal Medicine, Saitama Medical Center, Jichi Medical University

Background: Since Japan’s new compulsory clinical resident training system started in 2004, many medical students have visited the Division of General Medicine (G/M) at the Saitama Medical Center of Jichi Medical University. It is unclear which background factors influenced visiting medical students’ (visitors) and residents’ decisions to apply to the clinical training program for residents or continue into the subsequent clinical fellowship program.
Purpose: The present study aimed to identify important background factors that influenced visitors’ decisions to apply to both the clinical training program for residents and the subsequent clinical fellowship program, regardless of whether visitors participated in the G/M shadowing program.
Participants and Methods: Logistic regression analyses were conducted to identify significant background factors among 581 visitors, 397 candidates for the clinical training program for residents, and 81 residents who had completed the clinical training program for residents from 2003 to 2009.
Results: Older visitors were more likely to apply to the clinical training program for residents. Visitors or residents whose hometowns were outside of the Kanto metropolitan area were the least likely to apply to the clinical training program. Both the frequency of visits and the total number of days spent visiting increased the possibility of applying to the clinical training program and participating in the subsequent clinical fellowship program. These decisions were not influenced by participation in the G/M shadowing program.
Conclusion: “Shared territorial bonding” between visitors and residents from hometowns nearby and the location of the teaching hospital were important factors affecting the decision to apply to the residency program or the subsequent clinical fellowship program.

Key words: Japan’s compulsory clinical resident training system, Clinical training program, Logistic regression analysis, Division of General Medicine, Shared territorial bonding

191 平成21年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告


永谷 勝也,簔田 清次

自治医科大学内科学講座 アレルギー膠原病学部門

191〜192 平成21年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告


須山 成朝

生理学講座 統合生理学部門

192〜193 平成21年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告



自治医科大学内科学講座 血液学部門

193〜194 平成21年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告


藤原 研

自治医科大学医学部解剖学講座 組織学部門

194 平成21年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告


畑中 恒1)3),津久井舞未子1),高田 修治3),倉科憲太郎2),崔  永林3),曽田 学3),山下 義博3),春田 英律2)3),濱田 徹2)3),上野 敏秀3),玉田 喜一1),細谷 好則2),佐田 尚宏2),安田 是和2),永井 秀雄2),菅野健太郎1),間野 博行3)


194〜195 平成21年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告


崔 永林


195〜196 平成21年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告



196〜197 平成21年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告


平野 由紀1,2


197〜198 平成21年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告

Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Patients with Breast Cancer Using Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide and a Magnetometer

Mikio Shiozawa1 MD, Alan Lefor2 MD MPH, Yasuo Hozumi2 MD PhD, Katsumi Kurihara1 MD PhD, Naohiro Sata2 MD PhD, Yoshikazu Yasuda2 MD PhD, Moriaki Kusakabe DVM. PhD3

1Department of Surgery, Oyama Municipal Hospital 1-1-5 Wakagichyo, Oyama, Tochigi, Japan 323-0028
2Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University 3311 Yakushiji, Shimotsuke, Tochigi, Japan 329-0498
3Research Center for Food Safety, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo 1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 113-8657

198 平成21年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告


大島 久美


199 平成21年度自治医科大学大学院医学研究科研究奨励賞研究成果報告


内堀 亮介


199〜200 平成21年度自治医科大学大学院医学研究科研究奨励賞研究成果報告




200〜201 平成21年度自治医科大学大学院医学研究科研究奨励賞研究成果報告


柏倉 裕志


201 平成21年度自治医科大学大学院医学研究科研究奨励賞研究成果報告


加納 良彦


201〜202 平成21年度自治医科大学大学院医学研究科研究奨励賞研究成果報告




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