自治医科大学紀要 第29巻


1-5 原著論文 Original Article JPN

Seasonal changes of wild mosquitoes at a northern Kanto area in Japan


Division of Medical Zoology, Department on Infection and Immunity, Jichi Medical University

We have collected wild mosquitoes around Jichi Medical University, Tochigi, Japan, for five years (2001-2005). A light trap was hung overnight in a cattle hut 2km far from Jichi Medical University, and the number of mosquitoes collected was counted the next day. The mosquito species collected were Anopheles sinensis, Culex tritaeniorhynchus, Culex pipiens pallens etc... An. sinensis, which can transmit vivax malaria, was collected from June to September, in particular, the middle of July to the beginning of August. On the peak day, more than 1800 An. sinensis female mosquitoes were collected. Almost all An. sinensis fed on blood. Cx. tritaeniorhynchus, which can transmit Japanese encephalitis, reached a peak, more than 1600 per night, in August. A three-week interval was observed between peaks of An. sinensis and Cx. tritaeniorhynchus. Both mosquito species might feed on cattle and oviposit in paddy fields several hundred meters from the cattle hut. In winter, no adult mosquitoes were collected from the cattle hut. We should notice that these vector mosquitoes still live together with us in Japan. We will follow the number of these mosquitoes as information for the future.

シナハマダラカ / コガタイエカ / アカイエカ / ヒトスジシマカ / ライトトラップ



7-15 原著論文 Original Article JPN

Autoimmune bullous dermatosis presenting with in vivo IgA deposition along dermoepidermal junction : Characteristics of the patients treated at the department of dermatology, Jichi Medical University

山田,朋子 / 鈴木,正之 / 横倉,英人 / 河田,真子 / 佐藤,篤子 / 大山,正彦 / 堀田,健人 / 藤田,悦子 / 木田,絹代 / 臼井,恵太郎 / 村田,哲 / 加倉井,真樹 / 出光,俊郎 / 中川,秀己 / 大槻,マミ太郎
Yamada,Tomoko / Suzuki,Masayuki / Yokoura,Hideto / Kawada,Naoko / Sato,Atsuko / Oyama,Masahiko / Hotta,Taketo / Fujita,Etsuko / Kida,Kinuyo / Usui,Keitaro / Murata,Satoru / Kakurai,Maki / Demitsu,Toshio / Nakagawa,Hidemi / Ohtsuki,Mamitro

自治医科大学皮膚科学教室 / 自治医科大学皮膚科学教室 / 自治医科大学皮膚科学教室 / 自治医科大学皮膚科学教室 / 自治医科大学皮膚科学教室 / 自治医科大学皮膚科学教室 / 自治医科大学皮膚科学教室 / 自治医科大学皮膚科学教室 / 自治医科大学皮膚科学教室 / 自治医科大学皮膚科学教室 / 自治医科大学皮膚科学教室 / 自治医科大学大宮医療センター皮膚科 / 自治医科大学大宮医療センター皮膚科 / 東京慈恵会医科大学皮膚科学教室 / 自治医科大学皮膚科学教室
Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University, School of Medicine / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University, School of Medicine / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University, School of Medicine / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University, School of Medicine / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University, School of Medicine / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University, School of Medicine / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University, School of Medicine / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University, School of Medicine / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University, School of Medicine / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University, School of Medicine / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University, School of Medicine / Division of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center / Division of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center / Department of Dermatology, Jikei University School of Medicine / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University, School of Medicine

Immunological studies were carried out on 20 patients, who visited our hospital, with autoimmune bullous dermatosis presenting with in vivo IgA deposition along basement membrane zone (BMZ). In 18 patients, IgG deposition was observed along BMZ, additionally. In 12 patients, IgAl deposition was observed along BMZ, while those of IgA2 and J chains were not. Immunoblot showed 120 and/or 230 kDa bands of IgA deposition in almost all cases. Both bands were detected in 7 cases. 120 and 230 kDa bands of IgG deposition were also detected, but the frequency was lower than that of IgA deposition. ELISA showed high level of anti-BP180 (NC16a) IgA and IgG antibody activities in 6patients. DDS was effective in 3 patients who had no mucosal involvements and whose sera were negative for anti-NC16a antibody activity.

Linear IgA dermatosis / Linear IgA/IgG bullous dermatosis / BPA2 / DDS / IgA subclass



17-28 原著論文 Original Article JPN

QOL assessment in head and neck malignancies treated with accelerated hyperfractionation

柴山,千秋 / 仲澤,聖則 / 中村,道子 / 放射線治療看護師グループ
Shibayama,Chiaki / Nakazawa,Masanori / Nakamura,Michiko / Group of department of radiology nurses

自治医科大学放射線医学教室 / 自治医科大学放射線医学教室 / 自治医科大学放射線医学教室 / 自治医科大学附属病院看護部
Depatment of Radiology, Jichi Medical University / Depatment of Radiology, Jichi Medical University / Depatment of Radiology, Jichi Medical University / Depatment of Nursing, Jichi Medical University Hospital

加速多分割照射Accelerated hyperfractionation(以下AHF)で治療された頭頸部悪性腫瘍患者49名に対し,放射線治療開始時,治療中毎週,終了時,治療終了後は6ヵ月迄の全診察時にのべ493回のQuality of Life(以下QOL)調査を行ない,AHFが患者のQOLに及ぼす影響を評価した。全身的QOLは治療中経時的に低下し,治療終了後約4ヵ月でほぼ治療前値に回復した。頭頸部QOLでは,咽頭・口腔の痛み,唾液分泌,嚥下に関するQOLの低下が治療3週目から終了時に顕著であった。AHFによる治療中のQOLは従来の標準分割照射法より低下傾向にあったが,痛み,嚥下に関するQOL低下は一時的であり,治療後2〜3ヵ月で治療前の状態に回復した。一方唾液分泌に関しては治療後も長期間QOL低下が遷延した。唾液分泌低下が治療中から治療後の患者のQOLに大きな影響を及ぼしていると考えられた。
he aim of this study is to evaluate the Quality of Life (QOL) in patients with head and neck malignancies during and after accelerated hyperfractionated radiotherapy (AHF). From April 2004 to March 2005, 49 patients with head and neck malignancies treated with AHF were entered into this study. QOL was measured with the Japanese version of the Quality of Life Radiation Therapy Instrument (QOL-RTI) and the head and neck module before radiotherapy, weekly during radiotherapy, and every follow-up examination until 6 months from the finishing of radiotherapy. The total number of QOL data was 493. The total score for the general QOL decreased during radiotherapy and returned to baseline score at 4 months after the end of treatment. The lowest total score for the head and neck QOL were obtained at week three and at the end of treatment. Especially, the score for pain, xerostomia and swallowing significantly decreased. The change in the QOL score from baseline was more severe on treatment with AHF than with conventional radiotherapy. However, the score for pain and swallowing returned to baseline score at 2 or 3 months after the end of treatment. In contrast, the score for xerostomia was low for six consecutive months. Xerostomia had a close relation to QOL during and after radiotherapy.

加速多分割照射 / 頭頸部悪性腫瘍 / Quality of Life accelerated hyperfractionated radiotherapy / head and neck malignancies / Quality of Life



29-40 原著論文 Original Article JPN

発達障害児の包括的アウトカム質問票(Comprehensive Outcome Questionnaire for Developmental disorder, COQ-D)の作成 : 健常児を対象とした項目分析および信頼性の検討
The development of a questionnaire measuring behavioral-psychiatric outcome for developmentally handicapped children : The Comprehensive Outcome Questionnaire for Developmental disorders (COQ-D)


Department of Pediatrics, Jichi Medical University

【目的】小児の発達障害の治療効果判定,予後研究に使用可能で簡便な質問紙形式の評価尺度を作成し,その信頼性を検討する。【対象および方法】栃木県内の幼稚園年長児クラスに在籍している児の主な養育者90人を対象とした。独自に作成した包括的アウトカム質問票(COQ-D)に回答してもらい,信頼性係数を算出し項目分析を行い,あわせて結果から読み取れる健常児の特性について検討した。【結果】質問票全体の信頼性係数は0.5台と低いが,下位尺度ごとの係数は0.7〜0.8であり,一定のまとまりを持つ質問紙と判断できた。健常幼児にも一定の割合で養育者が困惑する行動(cha1lenging behavior)が存在することと支援ニーズが行動の頻度に相関することが示された。【考察】行動面の問題,支援ニーズをそれぞれ評価の軸としたCOQ-Dは簡便に子どもの行動と支援ニーズを評価できる質問紙として使用可能であることが示唆された。
We developed a questionnaire measuring behavioral-psychiatric outcome for developmentally handicapped children named "The Comprehensive Outcome Questionnaire for Developmental disorders (COQ-D)". The questionnaire has 97 items measuring "challenging behaviors" and 46 items measuring ADL, cognitive function, social function and QOL of the children. We investigated the internal consistency and reliability of the questionnaire using normative data from normally developing preschool children. The Cronbach's alphas were estimated 0.5〜0.9. We concluded that COQ-D has relatively less internal consistency, but is a reliable questionnaire for measuring challenging behaviors among normal children. Further validation study is needed.

発達障害 / 行動 / 治療効果 / アウトカム / 質問紙 / development / outcome / questionnaire



41-47 原著論文 Original Article ENG

高齢者の開腹手術における非侵襲的陽圧呼吸療法(NPPV, BiPAP)
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) for elderly patients after abdominal surgery

俵藤,正信 / 大塚,紳 / 笹沼,英紀 / 関口,忠司 / 永井,秀雄
Hyodo,Masanobu / Ohtsuka,Shin / Sasanuma,Hideki / Sekiguchi,Chuuji / Nagai,Hideo

自治医科大学消化器一般外科:那須南病院外科 / 那須南病院外科 / 那須南病院外科 / 那須南病院外科 / 自治医科大学消化器一般外科
Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Jichi Medical University:Department of Surgery, Nasu-Minami Hospital / Department of Surgery, Nasu-Minami Hospital / Department of Surgery, Nasu-Minami Hospital / Department of Surgery, Nasu-Minami Hospital / Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Jichi Medical University

We introduced noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV, BiPAP) in elderly patients (over 80 years old) after abdominal surgery for postoperative respiratory care, and retrospectively estimated the effectiveness of NPPV. Thirty patients were allocated to the BiPAP group, and 29 patients to the no-BiPAP group. We measured PaO_2/FiO_2 (P/F ratio) and PaCO_2 at preoperative day, the operative day (after attaching BiPAP), and the 1^<st> postoperative morning (after removing BiPAP), then verified the incidence of cardiopulmonary complications, and postoperative hospital stay between both groups. In no-BiPAP group, the P/F ratio of the operative day and 1St postoperative morning was significantly lower than that of preoperative day. At the operative day and 1st postoperative morning, the P/F ratios of the BiPAP group were significantly higher than those of the no-BiPAP group, respectively (375.3±88 vs 291±64.9, 348.7±86.8 vs 279.5±61.8, p<0.05). There was no significant PaCO_2 difference between the groups. The incidence of cardiopulmonary complications of no-BiPAP group is significantly higher than that of BiPAP group (p<0.05), but there was no significant difference on hospital stay. These results indicated that BiPAP was effective on maintaining oxygenation and reducing cardiopulmonary complications in elderly patients after abdominal surgery.

非侵襲的陽圧呼吸療法 / 高齢者 / 開腹手術 / noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) / elderly patients / abdominal surgery



49-53 原著論文 Original Article JPN

Sivelestat Sodium Hydrate does not Shorten Intensive Care Unit Stay Following Emergent Thoracic Aortic Surgery

上西,祐一朗 / 田口,昌延 / 相澤,啓 / 森田,英幹 / 立石,篤史 / 坂野,康人 / 大木,伸一 / 齊藤,力 / 小西,宏明 / 河田,政明 / 三澤,吉雄
Kaminishi,Yuichiro / Taguchi,Masanobu / Aizawa,Kei / Morita,Hideki / Tateishi,Atsushi / Sakano,Yasuhito / Oki,Shin-ichi / Saito,Tsutomu / Konishi,Hiroaki / Kawada,Masaaki / Misawa,Yoshio

自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門
Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University

Neutrophil elastase, a serine protease, is a potent cytotoxic enzyme and plays a pivotal role in systemic inflammatory responses and acute lung injury associated with cardiopulmonary bypass. This study assessed the effects of Sivelestat sodium hydrate on shortening stays in the intensive care unit (ICU) following emergent thoracic aortic surgery. Fourteen patients with acute aortic dissection . undergoing emergent thoracic aortic surgery with hypothermic circulatory arrest were divided into two groups : a Sivelestat group (n=7) that was administered Sivelestat continuously (0.2mg/kg/h) before, during and at24hours after cardiopulmonary bypass; and a control group (n=7) in which no such drugs were used. As markers of systemic inflammation and lung injury, c reactive protein (CRP), white blood cell count (WBC), and blood gas assessment were measured immediately after surgery in the ICU, and at 24 hours after terminating cardiopulmonary bypass. Postoperative pulmonary function was assessed by Pa02/FiO2 (P/F) ratio. All patients tolerated surgery and there were no significant differences in onset time, procedures, CPB time, circulatory arrest time, and blood transfusion between the two groups. While there were no significant reductions in CRP, WBC, and P/F ratio, the duration of mechanical ventilation and ICU stay were significantly shortened in the Sivelestat group. However, exclusive of 2 patients with postoperative cerebral infarctions, there were no significant differences in the durations of mechanical ventilation and ICU stay. The present Sivelestat regimen demonstratively failed to shorten intensive care unit stay following emergent thoracic aortic surgery.

シベレスタットナトリウム水和物 / 急性大動脈解離 / 全身性炎症反応 / 集中治療期間 / Sivelestat sodium hydrate / Acute Aortic Dissection / Inflammatory Response / Intensive care



55-59 原著論文 Original Article JPN

Atrial arrhythmia after thoracic aorta surgery

坂野,康人 / 田口,昌延 / 相澤,啓 / 上西,祐一朗 / 大木,伸一 / 齊藤,力 / 小西,宏明 / 三澤,吉雄
Sakano,Yasuhiko / Taguchi,Masanobu / Aizawa,Kei / Kaminishi,Yuichiro / Oki,Shin-ichi / Saito,Tsutomu / Konishi,Hiroaki / Misawa,Yoshio

自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門
Division of Cardiovascolar Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascolar Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascolar Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascolar Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascolar Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascolar Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascolar Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascolar Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University

Atrial fibrillation or flutter, with an incidence from 25 to 60%, is the most common postoperative arrhythmia after typical cardiac surgery, adversely affecting surgical mortality and morbidity because of hemodynamic deterioration and thromboembolisms from the heart. However, there appear to be no studies reporting atrial arrhythmia after thoracic aortic surgery. The cases in this study demonstrated factors related to the occurrence of atrial arrhythmia. Four of 11 patients (initially 13, but two who simultaneously had aortic valve surgery were excluded) developed atrial arrhythmia after elective thoracic aortic surgery was carried out from March 2004 to December 2005. There were no operative deaths, cerebrovascular events, or prolongation of hospital days due to the occurrence of arrhythmia. Our present results suggested that factors related to occurrence of atrial arrhythmia were not affected by preoperative or operative factors. We could not recognize the difference between group A (in patients with postoperative atrial arrhythmia) and group B (in patients without postoperative atrial arrhythmia) with preoperative factors and operative factors, such as age, atrial size, central venous pressure operative time and cardiopulmonary bypass time and so on. On the other hand, we suspected that some cardiac loads were connected with the occurrence of arrhythmia after the operation, because there were differences between fluctuations of somatic factors related to hemodynamic factors, such as atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP). We identified increases of natriuretic peptides a few days after thoracic aortic operations; the rate of ANP and BNP increases significant higher in group A than in group B. In respect to postoperative management of thoracic aortic surgery, atrial arrhythmia needs to be aggressively prevented in cases where atrial loads may become large.

胸部大動脈瘤 / 心房性不整脈 / 利尿ペプチド



61-66 原著論文 Original Article JPN

腹圧性尿失禁に対するtension-free vaginal tape(TVT)手術の臨床的検討
Tension-free vaginal tape procedure for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence

菅谷,泰宏 / 寺内,文人 / 貫井,昭徳 / 黒川,真輔 / 鈴木,一実 / 越智,雅典 / 森田,辰男 Sugaya,Yasuhiro / Terauchi,Fumihito / Nukui,Akinori / Kurokawa,Shinsuke / Suzuki,Kazumi / Ochi,Masanori / Morita,Tatsuo

自治医科大学泌尿器科 / 自治医科大学泌尿器科 / 自治医科大学泌尿器科 / 自治医科大学泌尿器科 / 自治医科大学泌尿器科 / 自治医科大学泌尿器科 / 自治医科大学泌尿器科
Department of Urology, Jichi Medical University / Department of Urology, Jichi Medical University / Department of Urology, Jichi Medical University / Department of Urology, Jichi Medical University / Department of Urology, Jichi Medical University / Department of Urology, Jichi Medical University / Department of Urology, Jichi Medical University

当科で2001年2月から2002年11月までに女性腹圧性尿失禁に対してtension-free vaginal tape(TVT)手術を施行した8例を対象に臨床的検討を行った。術式は原法に従い,麻酔法は全例とも局所麻酔と静脈麻酔の併用で行った。手術時間は中央値63分(49〜85分),術後のカテーテル留置期間は平均1.5日(1〜3日),入院期間は平均6.7日(5〜8日)であった。術中合併症は出血(100g以上)2例,膀胱誤穿刺1例であった。術後合併症は排尿困難2例,後腹膜血腫1例(径40mm大)であった。排尿困難の1例は術後残尿率60%であったが,2ヶ月間の自己導尿で残尿率25%未満に改善した。後腹膜血腫の1例は保存的治療で改善した。術後観察期間は平均45.9ヶ月(36〜58ヶ月)で,完全尿禁制5例,著明改善1例,改善1例,不変1例であった。症例数は少ないが,他施設の報告とほぼ同様の治療成績と思われた。
We evaluated the safety, efficacy and patient's satisfaction following the tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) procedure for stress urinary incontinence (SUI) in female patients. Between February 2001 and November 2002, 8 patients aged 42 to 76 years were treated for SUI with the TVT procedure. The median operating time was 63 minutes, and the mean follow-up period after the TVT procedure was 45.9 months. There were several complications including voiding difficulty (2 cases), bladder perforation (1 case) and retroperitoneal hematoma (1 case). Of 8 patients, 63% were completely cured and 25% had improved subjectively with the TVT procedure. 88% of the patients showed favorable satisfaction with the surgery. These data suggest that the TVT procedure is an effective and safe operation for the treatment of female SUI.

腹圧性尿失禁 / TVT手術 / 臨床的検討



67-72 原著論文 Original Article JPN

A clinical study on patients with prostate cancer who underwent radical prostatectomy at the Department of Urology, Jichi Medical University

鈴木,一実 / 貫井,昭徳 / 森田,辰男
Suzuki,Kazumi / Nukui,Akinori / Morita,Tatsuo

自治医科大学腎泌尿器外科学講座 / 自治医科大学腎泌尿器外科学講座 / 自治医科大学腎泌尿器外科学講座
Department of Urology, Jichi Medical University / Department of Urology, Jichi Medical University / Department of Urology, Jichi Medical University

(目的)根治的前立腺摘除術(RRP)症例の検討を行い,今後の治療方針の一助とする。(方法)1996年1月より2005年4月までの期間にRRPを施行した225例を対象とし,患者年齢,治療前血清PSA値,Gleason grade,手術時間,出血量,同種血輸血の有無,pTおよびpN病期,PSA failure,生存期間等について検討した。(結果)患者年齢は中央値66.4歳,治療前血清PSA値は平均16.5ng/m1であった。自己血貯血は211例(93.8%)に準備し,うち9例が同種血輸血を必要とし,同種血輸血回避率は95.7%であった。平均手術時間は283分,平均出血量は1207mlであった。PSA failureは34例(15%)に認め,Gleason grade(GG)の高い症例に有意に多く認められた。観察期間内の癌死症例はなかった。(結論)RRPは安全に行えていることが確認されたが,患者選択にはGGを含めた再考の余地があるものと考えられた。
(Objective) To evaluate the efficacy of radical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP) for patients with clinical T1-3N0M0 prostate cancer. (Method) We evaluated 225 prostate cancer patients who under-went RRP at our institution between January 1996 and April 2005. The patients' age, pretreatment serum PSA level, Gleason grade (GG) (primary grade) in the biopsy specimens, the operation time, blood loss, homologous blood transfusion, pT, and pN stages, PSA failure, and survival period were examined. (Results) The mean patients' age was 66.4 years, and the mean pretreatment serum PSA level was 16.5ng/ml. Autologous blood could be prepared in 211 patients (93.8%). The rate of avoiding homologous blood transfusion was 95.7% (202 of 211 patients). The mean operation time was 283 minutes, and the mean blood loss was 1210ml. There were 34 patients with PSA failure (15.0%). The patients with high GG significantly had more PSA failure than those with lower. GG. None of our patients died of prostate cancer. (Conclusion) We think that more consideration is required for the patient selection including GG, even if RRP can be safely done.

前立腺癌 / 根治的前立腺摘除術 / PSA failure



73-78 原著論文 Original Article JPN

Compliance and therapeutic effects of wearing prismatic spectacles for infantile esotropia

牧野,伸二 / 木野内,理恵子 / 保沢,こずえ / 近藤,玲子 / 川崎,知子 / 坂庭,敦子 / 杉山,華江 / 平林,里恵 / 山本,裕子
Makino,Shinji / Kinouchi,Rieko / Hozawa,Kozue / Kondo,Reiko / Kawasaki,Tomoko / Sakaniwa,Atsuko / Sugiyama,Hanae / Hirabayashi,Rie / Yamamoto,Hiroko

自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室
Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical University / Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical University / Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical University / Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical University / Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical University / Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical University / Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical University / Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical University / Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical University

To analyze the characteristics and therapeutic effects of prismatic therapy for infantile esotropia, we retrospectively studied compliance with wearing prismatic spectacles in 163 patients. Eighteen patients (11.0%) underwent surgery within 1 year after prismatic spectacles prescription because of difficulty wearing them. The initial squint angle was significantly larger in the group with poor compliance (58.6±18.1 prism diopters) compared to the group with good compliance (48.14±12.6 prism diopters) (p<0.05). However, there were no significant differences in final ocular alignment and binocular visual function between the two groups. Early surgical intervention is a good option for patients with a large initial deviation of 60 prism diopters or more who have difficulty wearing prismatic spectacles.

乳県内斜視 / プリズム眼鏡 / 眼位 / 両眼視機能 / Infantile esotropia / Prismatic spectacles / Ocular alignment / Binocular visual function



79-91 原著論文 Original Article JPN

Performance of Activities of Jichi Medical University Graduates Practicing in Rural areas and on isolated islands

今道,英秋 / 鈴川,正之
Imamichi,Hideaki / Suzukawa,Masayuki

自治医科大学大学院地域医療学系 / 自治医科大学医学部救急医学
Jichi Medical University, Graduate School / Jichi Medical University, Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine

[Purpose] This study was carried out to evaluate performance of Jichi Medical University Graduates and to clarify promoters and inhibitors of practicing in rural areas and on isolated islands. [Method] We sent questionnaires about medical practice on a nationwide scale and received answers from 722 (79.2%) clinics in rural areas and on isolated islands and 812 (78.8%) doctors working in these clinics on March 2005. [Result] We analyzed questionnaires from 671 clinics and 670 medical doctors, excluding results of dental clinics and dentists from the analysis. Results from Jichi Medical University Graduates comprised 30 percent of all replies. Jichi Medical University Graduates dealt with various health and medical problems, more than those of the doctors who graduated from other medical schools. These differences were especially significant in the field of child health, orthopedics, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, dermatology and occupational health. Good performances of Jichi Medical University Graduates might be a result of their undergraduate and postgraduate training systems, their high motivation, appropriate training system and good working conditions such as support from the local government and inhabitants. [Conclusion] As for sustainable rural medicine, doctors working in rural areas need the reinforcement of a support system, enrichment of their training system, support from the local government, group practice, and cooperation of inhabitants. We found that support from the local government and reflections of doctors' opinions concerning health policy are related to sustaining practice in rural areas and on isolated islands.

へき地・離島医療 / 診療能力 / 診療支援 / 生涯教育 / 継続性 / rural medicine / performance of consultation / support for medical practice / continuous training / sustainability



93-103 原著論文 Original Article ENG

Improvement of dairy cattle reproductive efficiency in Indonesia

田中,穂積 / サンジャヤ,エリザベス / サダルタフィ,ツチィ / ロヤニ,イダ / ヘリアンティン / ヘルウィヤンティ,エニック / パルリンヅンガン,オロワン
Tanaka,Hozumi / Sanjaya,Elizabeth / Sudartafi,Tuty / Royani,Ida / Herliantien / Herwiyanti,Enniek / Parlindungan,Oloan

自治医科大学実験医学センター / プジョン酪農組合 / ジャブン農業組合 / ジャブン農業組合 / 国立シンゴサリ人工授精センター / 国立シンゴサリ人工授精センター / 国立シンゴサリ人工授精センター
Center for Experimental Medicine, Jichi Medical University / KOP SAE Pujon / KAN Jabung / KAN Jabung / Singosari Artificial Insemination Center / Singosari Artificial Insemination Center / Singosari Artificial Insemination Center

The objective of this study was to propose the method to improve the reproductive efficiency of dairy cattle in a tropical region as the developing countries. The reproductive states of cattle were investigated in the dairy farms of East Java Island. They were examined genital organs by rectum palpation and the body condition scores at routine medical checkup, and were treated by four means. The pregnant cattle was needed that the duration of the cows' non-pregnant condition was 6.5±3.5 (means ±SD) months after last parturition, and the conceived age of the heifers was 25.8±9.8 months. The body condition scores of the pregnant cattle were 2.0 or more. Over 82.7% of the non-pregnant cattle were found to be undernourished and in abnormal estrus. When the body condition score of less than 2.0 and non-pregnant cattle was increased by giving them only two kilograms of concentrated feed per day, 93.3% induction rate of estrus and a 73.3% conception rate were observed. In cattle with the body condition scores of more than 2.0, the means of iodine flushing, double PGF2a, and the synchronization of ovulation (OVSYNCH) result in significantly higher conception rates (59.4, 71.4, 64.2%, respectively) than in the control group (35%). These results demonstrate that the improvement of the body condition scores for undernourished cattle and iodine flushing lead them to the reproductive efficiecy of dairy cattle in a tropical region as the developing countries.

induction of estrus / conception rate / body condition score / improvement of the body condition scores / iodine flushing



105-113 原著論文 Original Article ENG

Clinical significance of flow cytometric evaluation of bone marrow involvement in B-cell lymphoma

山本,千鶴 / 室井,一男 / 和泉,透 / 佐藤,一也 / 上田,真寿 / 松山,智洋 / 大嶺,謙 / 外島,正樹 / 尾崎,勝俊 / 高徳,正昭 / 森,政樹 / 永井,正 / 小澤,敬也
Yamamoto-Kawano,Chizuru / Muroi,Kazuo / Izumi,Tohru / Sato,Kazuya / Ueda,Masuzu / Matsuyama,Tomohiro / Ohmine,Ken / Toshima,Masaki / Ozaki,Katsutoshi / Takatoku,Masaaki / Mori,Masaki / Nagai,Tadashi / Ozawa,Keiya

自治医科大学輸血・細胞移植部:自治医科大学内科学講座血液学部門 / 自治医科大学輸血・細胞移植部:自治医科大学内科学講座血液学部門 / 栃木県立がんセンター血液科 / 自治医科大学輸血・細胞移植部 / 自治医科大学輸血・細胞移植部 / 自治医科大学輸血・細胞移植部:自治医科大学内科学講座血液学部門 / 自治医科大学輸血・細胞移植部 / 自治医科大学輸血・細胞移植部 / 自治医科大学輸血・細胞移植部 / 自治医科大学輸血・細胞移植部 / 自治医科大学輸血・細胞移植部:自治医科大学内科学講座血液学部門 / 自治医科大学輸血・細胞移植部 / 自治医科大学輸血・細胞移植部:自治医科大学内科学講座血液学部門
Division of Cell Transplantation and Transfusion, Jichi Medical University:Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cell Transplantation and Transfusion, Jichi Medical University:Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Division of Hematology, Tochigi Cancer Center / Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cell Transplantation and Transfusion, Jichi Medical University:Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cell Transplantation and Transfusion, Jichi Medical University:Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cell Transplantation and Transfusion, Jichi Medical University:Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University

Bone marrow of 85 patients with B-cell lymphomas at initial presentation or at relapse was examined simultaneously using both two-color flow cytometry with a CD 19 gate (FCM) and pathologic examination (PTH) including bone marrow aspiration with or without core biopsy. Diffuse large-cell lymphoma (29 patients) and follicular lymphoma (20 patients) were two major subtypes. CHOP (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisolone)-based regimens were most frequently used to 47 patients. The median follow-up was 10.5 months. The estimated 2-year overall survival (OS) of the FCM- and PTH-negative group (49 patients), the FCM-positive but PTH-negative group (23 patients) and the FCM-and PTH-positive group (13 patients) was 69±7%, 45±11% and 31±15%, respectively. The estimated 2-year progression-free survival (PFS) of the first, second and third group was 69±7 %, 30±11% and 21±13%, respectively. These results suggest that FCM together with PTH predict the prognosis of B-cell lymphoma. Prospective studies are needed to define the role of flow cytometirc identification of bone marrow lymphoma involvement.

Lymphoma / Bone marrow / Flow cytometry



115-123 原著論文 Original Article ENG

Fasting plasma glucose and its relationship to future diabetes mellitus and white blood cell count : a longitudinal study in a rural Japanese population

松本,正俊 / 井上,和男 / 梶井,英治
Matsumoto,Masatoshi / Inoue,Kazuo / Kajii,Eiji

自治医科大学地域医療学センター地域医療学部門 / 東京大学医学部公衆衛生学 / 自治医科大学地域医療学センター地域医療学部門
Division of Community and Family Medicine Centre for Community Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Department of Public Health, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo / Division of Community and Family Medicine Centre for Community Medicine, Jichi Medical University

空腹時血糖と糖尿病や炎症との関連について過去に多くの報告があるが,そのほとんどは非アジア人種かつ都市部住民を対象としたものである。今回我々は空腹時血糖が将来の糖尿病と炎症の発症にどう影響するか,へき地の住民を対象に後ろ向きコホート研究によって調べた。1981年から1984年までの住民検診データをベースラインとし,1993年時点での追跡データをアウトカムとした。ベースラインにおいて空腹時血糖が7.0mmo1/L未満の対象者156名を平均11.5年間追跡した。ベースライン時に空腹時血糖5.6mmol/L以上だった群はそれ以外の群に較べて有意に糖尿病の発症率が高く,白血球数も増加していた。アウトカムデータの横断分析では,糖尿病群は非糖尿病群に較べてbody mass index,収縮期および拡張期血圧,C-reactive protein,インスリン,中性脂肪,白血球数,ヘモグロビンA1c,フルクトサミンが有意に高値であった。本研究によって日本のへき地住民においても,空腹時血糖5.6-7.0mmol/Lのimpaired fasting plasma glucose群は日本の僻地住民において糖尿病の発症に関連し,また炎症にも関連している可能性が示された。
We examined the longitudinal change of the fasting plasma glucose (FPG) level and its relationship with the development of diabetes and inflammation in a rural Japanese community. The records of an annual health screening in a Japanese community from 1981-1984 were used as the baseline data and compared with follow-up data obtained in 1993. 156 subjects with initial FPG values <7.0mmol/ L at the baseline period had been monitored for a mean of 11.5 years. In 1993 FPG-diagnosed diabetes was found more in individuals with baseline FPG values >=5.6 than those with <5. 6mmol/L. The subgroup with FPG >=5.6 had a higher mean white blood cell count than that with FPG <5.6mmol/L. A cross sectional analysis in the 1993 data showed the diabetes subgroup had higher mean levels of body mass index, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, C-reactive protein, insulin, triglycerides, white blood cell count, HbA1c and fructosamine, than the non-diabetes subgroup. In conclusion, `impaired fasting glucose' defined as FPG level with >=5.6mmol/L could identify future risk of diabetes, and it may be related to the development of sub-clinical inflammation in a rural Asian population.

fasting plasma glucose / diabetes / subclinical inflammation / prospective study / rural Japan



125-135 原著論文 Original Article ENG

An Improved Method for Determining Serum Isoflavones by HPLC with Coulometric Array Using Bisphenol A as an Internal Standard 超,健宏 / 大塚,広子 / 荒尾,行知 / 孫,素菊 / 山田,耕二 / 香山,不二雄
ZHAO,JIANHONG / OTSUKA,Hiroko / ARAO,Yukitomo / SUN,Suju / YAMADA,Koji / KAYAMA,Fujio

自治医科大学地域医療学センター環境医学部門 / 自治医科大学地域医療学センター環境医学部門 / 自治医科大学地域医療学センター環境医学部門 / 自治医科大学地域医療学センター環境医学部門 / 九州大学大学院農学研究科 / 自治医科大学地域医療学センター環境医学部門
Department of Environmental Medicine, Center for Community Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Department of Environmental Medicine, Center for Community Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Department of Environmental Medicine, Center for Community Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Department of Environmental Medicine, Center for Community Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Division of Bioenvironmental Sciences, Graduate School, Kyushu University / Department of Environmental Medicine, Center for Community Medicine, Jichi Medical University

目的:大豆イソフラボンの生理活性がヒトの健康に種々の影響を与えることを示す研究成果に大きな関心が集まっている。この研究に不可欠な血清中イソフラボン測定をクロメトリック電極アレイと高速液体クロマトグラフィーを用いて,迅速で再現性のいい測定方法を確立する。方法:血漿サンプルは,抽出前にbisphenolAを内部標準として添加し,betaglucuronidase/sulfataseで3時間37℃で加水分解し,エタノール抽出後,20%メタノールで置換し,Binary gradient reversed-phase (C18) chromatographyに注入し,酢酸ナトリウム緩衝液(pH4.8)-メタノール・アセトニトリルの移動層,流速1.0ml/minを用いて測定を行った。8チャンネルの検出電極の内,3チャンネルを用いて,ダイゼイン,ジェネスタイン,エクオールのイソフラボン濃度について,ヒト血漿サンプルを用いて測定を繰り返し行った。結果:3種類のイソフラボンの測定回収率は,ダイゼイン105.5%,ジェネスタイン126.6%,エクオール81.1%であり,定量限界はダイゼイン5.0ng/ml,ジェネスタイン15.0ng/ml,エクオール2.5ng/mlであり,bisphenol Aを内部標準として加えることにより再現性が非常に向上した。7名のヒトの血漿中イソフラボン濃度のレンジは,ダイゼイン17.4-162.5ng/ml,ジェネスタイン47.1-563.0ng/ml,エクオール2.8-50.1ng/mlであった。こめ測定方法の改良により,疫学調査にも十分使える測定法となった。
Background : The influence of isoflavones has recently received a great deal of attention because of their potential beneficial and adverse effects. To evaluate the effects of isoflavones on human health, especially for large-scale epidemiological studies, a rapid, economical, and reliable method is needed to determine the levels of isolfavones in human serum. Methods : We modified Gamache's method for high performance liquid chromatography-coulometric array detection (HPLC-CA) of isoflavones such as by adding bisphenol A as an internal standard to human srum samples. Samplese were hydrolyzed with beta-glucuronisase and sulfatase for 3 h at 37℃. After extraction in ethanol, samples were reconstituted in 20% methanol and appled to the HPLC-CA with binary gradient reversed-phase (C18) chromatography. Eight electrodes were set for suitable detection of daidzein, genistein, and equol in serum and complete determination within 30 min. For validation, we measured isoflavone levels in sera from seven volunteers before and after three days of ingesting Soyaflavone E. Results : Isoflavones were simultaneously measured using 580-mV single voltage detection. Extraction efficiencies were 105.5% for daidzein, 126.6% for genistein, and 81.8% for equol. In addition, the lower limit of detection in serum was 5.Ong/ml for daidzein, 15.Ong/ml for genistein, and 2.5ng/ml for equol. Conclusions : For detection of isoflavones in human serum, HPLC-CA using bisphenol A as an internal standard is a rapid, sensitive, and reliable method., which can be applied to large-scale human epidemiological studies. Using this method, we were able to identify equol producers in a general Japanese population.

isoflavone / HPLC / conlometric array / human serum / equol producer



137-146 原著論文 Original Article ENG

Sevoflurane improves contractile function in stunned myocardium through KATP channels in dogs

関口,昌人 / 赤澤,訓 / 中井川,泰 / 井上,荘一郎 / 佐藤,正章 / 萩原,秀文 / 池野,重雄 / 石井,良介 / 瀬尾,憲正
SEKIGUCHI,Masato / AKAZAWA,Satoshi / NAKAIGAWA,Yasushi / INOUE,Souichirou / SATHO,Masaaki / HAGIWARA,Hidefumi / IKENO,Shigeo / ISHII,Ryousuke / SEO,Norimasa

南魚沼市立ゆきぐに大和病院麻酔科 / 自治医科大学麻酔科学・集中治療医学講座 / さいたま赤十字病院麻酔科 / 自治医科大学麻酔科学・集中治療医学講座 / 自治医科大学麻酔科学・集中治療医学講座 / 自治医科大学麻酔科学・集中治療医学講座 / 自治医科大学麻酔科学・集中治療医学講座 / さいたま赤十字病院麻酔科 / 自治医科大学麻酔科学・集中治療医学講座
Department of Anesthesia, Yukiguni Yamato Hospital, Mimamiuonuma, Niigata / Department of Anestesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Department of Anesthesia, Saitama Red Cross Hoapital / Department of Anestesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Department of Anestesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Department of Anestesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Department of Anestesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Department of Anesthesia, Saitama Red Cross Hoapital / Department of Anestesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Jichi Medical University

本研究の目的は,犬の気絶心筋において,吸入麻酔薬セボフルランによって誘導される心筋保護作用が,KATPチャンネルを介して行われることを調べることにある。気絶心筋は,冠動脈左前下行枝を5回,5分間毎の結紮と解除を繰り返すことによって作成した。22頭の雑種成犬を,コントロール群(n=7),セボフルラン群(n=7),グリブライド(KATPチャンネルブロッカー)処理群(n=8)の3群に分けた。血行動態,代謝および酸素需要の変化と心機能を,基礎麻酔下(baseline),30分間のセボフルラン麻酔後(S-30),気絶心筋作成後(再灌流前;BR),再灌流後(15,30,60,120,180min)の8点で測定した。心収縮能の指標である%SS(segment shortening)の回復は,群間比較では有意差は見られなかったが,baselineでの比較ではセボフルラン群で他群より早期(15分後)の回復が見られた。また,グリブライド処理群では,再灌流180分後でも有意に低値であった。心筋組織標本では各群とも梗塞の所見はみられず,セボフルラン群での虚血性変化は他群より軽度であった。以上より,セボフルランはKATPチャンネルを介して,犬の気絶心筋の収縮能を改善していることが示唆される。
This investigation examined the role of myocardial adenosine triphosphateregulated potassium (KATP) channels in sevoflurane-induced myocardial protection of stunned myocardium in dogs. Stunned myocardium was produced by occluding the left anterior descending artery (LAD) 5 times for 5 min each, interspersed with 5 min periods of reperfusion before prolonged LAD occlusion. Dogs (n=22) were instrumented for measurement of heart rate (HR), left ventricular (LV) and aortic blood pressure (AP), cardiac output (CO), maximum rate of increase of LV pressure (LVdp/dt max) and percent segment shortening (%SS). Dogs were divided into 3 groups : Group C, control group (n=7) ; Group S, sevoflurane 1-minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC) anesthesia for 75 min before and after stunning (n=7) ; and Group G, pretreated with glyburide before sevoflurane anesthesia (n=8). Hemodynamic and metabolic variables and LV function were measured in the basal anesthetic state (baseline), at sevoflurane anesthesia for 30 min (S-30), after stunning (before reperfusion ; BR), and at 5 intervals after reperfusion of LAD occlusion. Regarding regional dyskinesia, although there was no significant differences between groups, Group S demonstrated better recovery of %SS than Group C and G in comparison with each baselines. Group G displayed sustained systolic dysfunction after 180 min reperfusion. Sevoflurane-induced cardioprotective effects were associated with the microscopic differences in myocardial tissue among groups. Sevoflurane enhances recovery of myocardial contractile function, and these effects are blocked by glyburide pretreatment.

sevoflurane / KATP channel / stunned myocardium



147-153 原著論文 Original Article JPN

血圧のグラフ化が患者の血圧コントロールと治療意欲へもたらす影響についての検討 Usefulness of a blood pressure notebook

村田,和弘 / 長岡,智恵子 / 國光,加代子 / 長岡,恵子
Murata,Kazuhiro / Nagaoka,Chieko / Kunimitsu,Kayoko / Nagaoka,Keiko

萩市大島診療所 / 萩市大島診療所 / 萩市大島診療所 / 萩市大島診療所
Ohshima Clinic in Hagi-City / Ohshima Clinic in Hagi-City / Ohshima Clinic in Hagi-City / Ohshima Clinic in Hagi-City

In bounded time, we questioned whether the status of blood pressure (BP) control can be adequately judged from a BP notebook. We randomly divided 101 patients, who measured home BP, into the graph group (G group, 51patients) and non-graph group (NG group, 50 patients). Then we investigated BP control and patient treatment motivation. Office BP, office heart rate (HR), and home HR did not show any significant differences between the G group and the NG group, or within the G group and the NG group, respectively. Home BP of the G group and the NG group decreased significantly after four months, but there were no significant differences between the G group and the NG group. The G group tended to show increased frequency of BP measurement, whereas the NG group showed a significant decrease.

血圧手帳 / グラフ化 / 治療コンプライアンス blood pressure notebook / graph / treatment compliance



155-161 原著論文 Original Article JPN

Analysis of Dermatophyte Flora for 5 years at Jichi Medical University Omiya Medical Center in Saitama and Identification of Atypical Dermatophytes using Molecular Biological Technique (PCR-RFLP analysis)

梅本,尚可 / 加倉井,真樹 / 横倉,英人 / 戸田,淳 / 大沢,真澄 / 阿部,浩之 / 平塚,裕一郎 / 岡田,栄子 / 東,隆一 / 和田,由香 / 林,和 / 望月,隆 / 出光,俊郎
Umemoto,Naoka / Kakurai,Maki / Yokokura,Hideto / Toda,Sunao / Osawa,Masumi / Abe,Hiroyuki / Hiratsuka,Yuichiro / Okada,Eiko / Azuma,Ryuichi / Wada,Yuka / Hayashi,Mutsumu / Mochizuki,Takashi / Demitsu,Toshio

自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター皮膚科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター皮膚科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター皮膚科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター皮膚科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター皮膚科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター皮膚科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター皮膚科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター皮膚科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター皮膚科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター皮膚科臨床検査部細菌検査室 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター皮膚科臨床検査部細菌検査室 / 金沢医科大学環境皮膚科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター皮膚科
Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University Omiya Medical Center / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University Omiya Medical Center / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University Omiya Medical Center / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University Omiya Medical Center / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University Omiya Medical Center / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University Omiya Medical Center / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University Omiya Medical Center / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University Omiya Medical Center / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University Omiya Medical Center / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University Omiya Medical Center / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University Omiya Medical Center / Department of Dermatology, Kanazawa Medical University / Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University Omiya Medical Center

当科において,5年間に来院した白癬患者293例から分離された白癬菌308株の菌種の同定を行った。また,形態学的に分類不能な14株については,分子生物学的手法により同定を行い,形態学的同定結果と比較した。同定した白癬菌株は Trichophyton rubrum (TR)172株,Trichophyton mentagrophytes (TM)132株,Microsporrum canisが1株であった。同定が困難であった14株では,PCR-RFLP法により,TRと思われたがTMであった3株を含め,計4株が形態による同定法の結果と異っていた。当科では全国平均よりもTMの割合が高く,全白癬のTR/TM比は1.30,足白癬のTR/TM比は0.85であった。TMの多い背景には気候,地域性,病院の特殊性などが推測された。形態学的に同定困難な非定型的な白癬菌株の同定には,PCR-RFLP法が有用であった。
Background It is well known that tinea, especially tinea pedis, is a common dermatosis. However, dermatophyte flora causing tinea in Saitama City has not been previously investigated. Materials & Methods (1) Dermatophyte flora in the central city of Saitama was evaluated. Three-hundred-eight strains of dermatophytes were isolated from the patients from 2001 to 2006 January. (2) Fourteen cases of undetermined strains were analyzed by the PCR-RFLP method. Results (1) Trichophyton rubrum (TR)/Trichophyton mentagrophytes (TM) proportion was 172 : 132. TR/TM in tinea pedis was TM predominant ; 74 : 87. Four cases of 14 strains revealed different results from those by routine analyzes by the PCR-RFLP method. Conclusion In the central city of Saitama, TM is an important fungus as a causative fungus in tinea pedis. This is a characteristic result because TR is the predominant causative fungus of tinea pedis in Japan. Interestingly, our results are similar to those in Okinawa and Chiba. The PCR-RFLP method is a useful and reliable tool for the precise identification of the dermatophytes which cannot be identified by routine examination such as macroscopic, microscopic, and biochemical methods.

白癬 / 皮膚糸状菌 / 白癬菌相 / PCR-RFLP法 / さいたま市 / tinea / dermatophyte / fungal culture / PCR-RFLP analysis / Saitama City



163-167 症例報告 Case Report JPN

Deep vein thrombosis in inpatients

釜田,康行 / 岩本,雅弘 / 青木,葉子 / 長嶋,孝夫 / 奈良,浩之 / 上村,健 / 吉尾,卓 / 岡崎,仁昭 / 簑田,清次
Kamata,Yasuyuki / Iwamoto,Masahiro / Aoki,Youko / Nagashima,Takao / Nara,Hiroyuki / Kamimura,Takeshi / Yoshio,Taku / Okazaki,Hitoaki / Minota,Seiji

自治医科大学内科学講座アレルギー膠原病学部門 / 自治医科大学内科学講座アレルギー膠原病学部門 / 自治医科大学内科学講座アレルギー膠原病学部門 / 自治医科大学内科学講座アレルギー膠原病学部門 / 自治医科大学内科学講座アレルギー膠原病学部門 / 自治医科大学内科学講座アレルギー膠原病学部門 / 自治医科大学内科学講座アレルギー膠原病学部門 / 自治医科大学内科学講座アレルギー膠原病学部門 / 自治医科大学内科学講座アレルギー膠原病学部門
Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Jichi Medical University / Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Jichi Medical University / Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Jichi Medical University / Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Jichi Medical University / Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Jichi Medical University / Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Jichi Medical University / Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Jichi Medical University / Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Jichi Medical University / Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Jichi Medical University

We determined the plasma D-dimer level on admission and 1 week after admission in 100 patients who were admitted to our hospital between January and June 2005. In patients with a high plasma D-dimer level or a marked change in this level and patients with suspected deep vein thrombosis (DVT), ultrasonography of the lower limbs was performed, and the presence or absence of DVT was determined. DVT was observed in5of the 100 patients. Of the 5 patients, 3 had already had DVT before admission, and the other 2 developed DVT during hospitalization. All 5 patients had clinical symptoms ; however, in patients with clinical symptoms without an increase in the plasma D-dimer level, no DVT was observed by ultrasonography of the lower limbs. In patients with a change in the plasma D-dimer level and clinical symptoms, DVT may be diagnosed by ultrasonography of the lower limbs.

Dダイマー / 下肢深部静脈血栓症 / 下肢静脈超音波 / 膠原病



169-174 症例報告 Case Report JPN

長期間大量の消化管出血をきたし胸腹部にわたり腫瘤を形成したリンパ管腫症の1例 A case of lymphangiomatosis of the mediastinum, pleura and retroperitoneum with severe intestinal bleeding for a long period

本村,学 / 小山,信一郎 / 大中,俊宏 / 岡野,良 / 西田,淳二 / 兵頭,隆史 / 山田,茂樹 Motomura,Manabu / Koyama,Shinichiro / Onaka,Toshihiro / Okano,Ryou / Nishida,Junji / Hyoudo,Takashi / Yamada,Shigeki

自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター 総合診療科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター 呼吸器内科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター 総合診療科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター 総合診療科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター 血液内科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター 病理部 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター 病理部
The Department of General Medicine, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical University / The Department of Respiratory disease, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical University / The Department of General Medicine, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical University / The Department of General Medicine, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical University / The Department of Hematology, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical University / The Division of Pathology, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical University / The Division of Pathology, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical University

A 24-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with the chief complaints of shortness of breath, bloody sputum and melena. Laboratory studies on admission revealed disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Endoscopic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract and the colon showed diffuse mucosal bleeding. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest revealed a large mediastinal mass with fatty attenuation. The mass involved surrounding structures including the great vessels, large airways, and heart. The chest CT scan also demonstrated the thickness of bronchovascular bundles. At the age of 13, he had been diagnosed as having primary chylopericardium, and underwent an operation for pericardial windows and a thoracic duct ligation. We had reexamined the specimens of his pericardium that had been resected at the age of 13. This pathological diagnosis had revealed lymphangioma. In addition to these histopathological findings, a diagnosis of lymphangiomatosis was made based on the extent of the lesions as assessed by roentogenographic studies and his clinical course. Despite any treatment (e. g. radiation therapy, thalidomide) his symptoms had progressively deteriorated. He was finally diagnosed with lymphangiomatosis of the mediastinum, left pleura and retroperitoneum on postmortem examination. In this paper we report a very rare case of lymphangiomatosis with respiratory failure and severe intestinal bleeding.

リンパ管腫症 / 慢性DIC / 放射線療法 / サリドマイド



175-180 原著論文 Case Report ENG

Lympho-myeloproliferative disorder without 8p11 chromosomal abnormality

永嶋,貴博 / 永井,正 / 佐藤,一也 / 三好,拓児 / 室井,一男 / 小澤,敬也
Nagashima,Takahiro / Nagai,Tadashi / Sato,Kazuya / Miyoshi,Takuji / Muroi,Kazuo / Ozawa,Keiya

自治医科大学内科学講座血液学部門:自治医科大学輸血・細胞移植部 / 自治医科大学内科学講座血液学部門 / 自治医科大学内科学講座血液学部門 / 自治医科大学内科学講座血液学部門 / 自治医科大学輸血・細胞移植部 / 自治医科大学内科学講座血液学部門:自治医科大学輸血・細胞移植部
Divisons of Hematology Jichi Medical University:Cell Transplantation and Transfusion, Jichi Medical University / Divisons of Hematology Jichi Medical University / Divisions of Hematology Jichi Medical University / Divisions of Hematology Jichi Medical University / Cell Transplantation and Transfusion, Jichi Medical University / Divisons of Hematology Jichi Medical University:Cell Transplantation and Transfusion, Jichi Medical University

症例はT細胞性リンパ腫と好酸球増多を合併した骨髄増殖性疾患の21歳の男性。骨髄細胞とリンパ節生検から得られた細胞とで共通の複雑な染色体異常を認めたことから,造血幹細胞レベルでの腫瘍化が骨髄増殖性疾患およびT細胞性リンパ腫の発症に関わっているものと推察された。同様の臨床所見を示す疾患として,8p11 myeloproliferative syndrome (EMS)/stem-cell myeloproliferative disorder が知られているが,本症例は8p11関連の染色体異常を認めないことから,異なった機序により発症したものと考えられる。
We report here a case of myeloproliferative disorder accompanied by T-cell lymphoma and eosinophilia. Both bone marrow cells and lymphnode cells showed the same complicated chromosomal abnormalities, suggesting that transformation of stem cells might have been involved in the development of both myeloproliferative disorder and T-cell lymphoma in this patient. This is a rare case in which clinical features resemble those of 8p11 myeloproliferative syndrome/stem-cell myeloproliferative disorder but its characteristic chromosomal abnormalities involving 8p11 were not found. The mechanisms of the simultaneous development of myeloproliferative disorder and T-cell lymphoma by stem cell transformation are of immense interest.

myeloproliferative disorder / T-cell lymphoma / mastocytosis / Stemcell myeloproliferative disorder



181-186 症例報告 Case Report ENG

Pituitary apoplexy associated with Rathke's cleft cyst : A report of two cases

鈴木,尚 / 草鹿,元 / 大森,義男 / 篠田,宗次
Suzuki,Hisashi / Kusaka,Gen / Omori,Yoshio / Shinoda,Soji

自治医科大学大宮医療センター脳神経外科 / 自治医科大学大宮医療センター脳神経外科 / 自治医科大学大宮医療センター脳神経外科 / 自治医科大学大宮医療センター脳神経外科
Department of Surgical Neurology, Jichi Medical University Omiya Medical Center / Department of Surgical Neurology, Jichi Medical University Omiya Medical Center / Department of Surgical Neurology, Jichi Medical University Omiya Medical Center / Department of Surgical Neurology, Jichi Medical University Omiya Medical Center

Although pituitary apoplexy associated with Rathke's cleft cyst is rare, we have experienced two cases. A28-year-old man had sudden onset of headache, nausea, and vertigo in March 2004. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a pituitary fossa mass with suspected intratumoral bleeding. The mass was surgically removed using a trans-sphenoidal approach. The pathological findings indicated Rathke's cleft cyst. The other case was a 32-year-old woman who developed headache in September 2004. Brain MRI showed intratumoral bleeding at a pituitary lesion mass. The trans-sphenoidal approach was again used to remove the tumor and hematoma. The microscopic findings of Rathke's cleft cyst were almost identical to those of the first case. Symptoms resolved postoperatively in both patients. Although pituitary apoplexy is usually caused by pituitary adenoma, Rathke's cleft cyst should be considered in the differential diagnosis.

pituitary apoplexy / Rathke's cleft cyst



187-191 症例報告 Case Report ENG

Bacterial panperitonitis caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae

馬場,洋介 / 松原,茂樹 / 角田,哲男 / 近藤,恵 / 町田,静生 / 鈴木,光明
Baba,Yosuke / Matsubara,Shigeki / Tsunoda,Tetsuo / Kondo,Megumi / Machida,Shizuo / Suzuki,Mitsuaki

栃木県日光市民病院産婦人科:栃木県芳賀赤十字病院:自治医科大学産婦人科 / 自治医科大学産婦人科 / 栃木県日光市民病院産婦人科 / 栃木県日光市民病院外科 / 自治医科大学産婦人科 / 自治医科大学産婦人科
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nikko Municipal Hospital:Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Haga Red Cross Hospital:Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jichi Medical University / Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jichi Medical University:Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jichi Medical University, 3311-1 Yakushiji, Shimotsuke, Tochigi 329-0498 JAPAN / Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nikko Municipal Hospital / Department of Surgery, Nikko Municipal Hospital / Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jichi Medical University / Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jichi Medical University, 3311-1 Yakushiji, Shimotsuke, Tochigi 329-0498 JAPAN

淋菌性汎発性腹膜炎のために開腹ドレナージ手術を行った思春期女性症例を経験した。症例は16歳女性で複数男性との性交経験がある。発熱と下腹部痛のため紹介入院となった。下腹部全体の筋性防御と子宮圧痛があり,白血球増多・CRP高値を認めた。膿性頸管膣分泌物は認められなかった。flomoxef 2g/dayとminocycline200mg/dayを併用投与したが腹膜刺激症状が悪化し,汎発性腹膜炎の診断で緊急開腹手術をおこなった。膿性腹水があり腸管の表面を膿性被膜が覆っており,卵管に強度の炎症性浮腫が認められた。腹腔内を洗浄しドレーンを留置した。術後3日目には下腹部痛が軽快し解熱した。細菌検査では,膣分泌物の淋菌培養が陽性で,子宮頸管分泌物・膿性腹水からはPCRで淋菌が検出された。以上より,本症例は淋菌による汎発性腹膜炎と診断された。医学中央雑誌での検索によると,最近20年間に淋菌性汎発性腹膜炎は本邦では5例報告され,いずれも緊急開腹ドレナージ手術が行われた。女性の淋菌感染症は多くの場合子宮頚管炎・下部尿路感染症を示すが汎発性腹膜炎となる場合もある。近年,初交年齢の低下と共にティーンエイジャーのSTDが増加し,若年女性の淋菌感染症も増加傾向にある。腹膜炎の診療に際して,ことに性的活発な女性の腹膜炎では,淋菌性腹膜炎も鑑別診断として考慮する必要がある。
We here report a 16-year-old sexually active woman suffering from acute bacterial panperitonitis caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. She complained of severe abdominal pain and emergency drainage laparotomy was done under the diagnosis of acute bacterial panperitonitis. Drainage operation rapidly ameliorated her general condition and she was discharged from the hospital 17 days after the operation. After the operation Neisseria gonorrhoeae was detected by PCR from both purulent ascites in the abdominal cavity and cervical discharge, and thus the diagnosis of gonococcal panperitonitis was confirmed. Although the usual manifestations of gonococcal infection in women are slight, such as cervical discharge or mild miction pain, Neisseria gonorrhoeae should be added to the list of bacteria causing acute bacterial panperitonitis. This is the 6^<th> reported case of gonococcal panperitonitis in 20 years in the Japanese literature.



193-200 症例報告 Case Report ENG

Successful EUS-guided drainage of a pancreatic pseudocyst complicated by obstructive jaundice

宮谷,博幸 / 吉田,行雄 / 牛丸,信也 / 工藤,康孝 / 本田,英明 / 村山,淳子 / 澤田,幸久 / 中島,嘉之 / 宇賀神,卓広 / 落合,香織 / 鷺原,規喜 / 中村,郁夫
Miyatani,Hiroyuki / Yoshida,Yukio / Ushimaru,Shinya / Kudo,Yasutaka / Honda,Hideaki / Murayama,Junko / Sawada,Yukihisa / Nakashima,Yoshiyuki / Ugajin,Takuhiro / Ochiai,Kaori / Sagihara,Noriyoshi / Nakamura,Ikuo

自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器科
First Department of General Medicine, Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center / First Department of General Medicine, Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center / First Department of General Medicine, Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center / First Department of General Medicine, Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center / First Department of General Medicine, Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center / First Department of General Medicine, Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center / First Department of General Medicine, Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center / First Department of General Medicine, Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center / First Department of General Medicine, Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center / First Department of General Medicine, Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center / First Department of General Medicine, Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center / First Department of General Medicine, Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center

症例 48歳男性 2004年4月に急性膵炎にて膵頭部のnecrosectomyの既往あり。術後,外来にて経過観察中に膵頭部に8cm大の膵仮性嚢胞が出現した。膵嚢胞圧迫による閉塞性黄疸および肝機能障害を生じたため,2005年4月加療目的に入院した。入院後EUS下に胃体下部後壁より膵嚢胞を通電穿刺,6F pig-tailカテーテルを経鼻的に嚢胞内に留置しドレナージを施行した。穿刺時に胃内腔側に出血を認めたが,自然止血された。2週間後,経鼻カテーテルを抜去し,ガイドワイヤー下に7F,3cm長の両端pigtail biliary stentを留置した。その後,黄疸および膵嚢胞は消失し,検査成績も正常化した。外来にて11ヶ月間観察中であるが,膵嚢胞の再発なく経過良好である。閉塞性黄疸を合併した膵仮性嚢胞症例は比較的稀であり,手術やPTBDを併用した経乳頭的治療,経皮嚢胞ドレナージなどの報告はあるが,EUS下ドレナージのみにより治療し得た症例報告は検索範囲で存在しないため,今回報告する。
Obstructive jaundice caused solely by a pancreatic pseudocyst is rare. We report a case of a pancreatic pseudocyst complicated by obstructive jaundice successfully treated by EUS-guided drainage. A 48-year-old man was admitted to our hospital due to jaundice and abdominal distention. He had undergone necrosectomy of the pancreatic head for acute non-alcoholic pancreatitis about 1 year before the current admission. Following a diagnosis of obstructive jaundice due to compression by a pancreatic pseudocyst, EUS-guided drainage was performed with a 6F nasocystic catheter. Two weeks later, the pancreatic pseudocyst had decreased in size, and a 7F double pig-tail biliary stent was placed to drain the cavity. The patient responded well to treatment, and his laboratory values normalized. A follow-up CT scan 2 months later showed that the pancreatic pseudocyst had disappeared. The patient had an uncomplicated recovery and has been asymptomatic for 11 months. There have been no previous reports of successful drainage under EUS-guidance in cases of obstructive jaundice caused solely by a pancreatic pseudocyst without biliary drainage.

pancreatic pseudocyst / obstructive jaundice / EUS-guided drainage



201-207 症例報告 Case Report ENG

A case of colouterine fistula associated with diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon

関根,理 / 山本,宏 / 篠原,浩一
Sekine,Osamu / Yamamoto,Hiroshi / Shinohara,Kouichi

自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター外科 / 東埼玉総合病院外科 / 東埼玉総合病院外科
Departement of Surgery, Omiya Medical Center Jichi Medical University / Department of Surgery, Higashisaitama General Hospital / Department of Surgery, Higashisaitama General Hospital

The patient was an 81-year-old female with a chief complaint of lower abdominal pain and vaginal discharge. She was consulted in a local hospital. CT scan revealed an abscess of Douglas pouch and a little free gas in the uterus. She was referred to our hospital for further examination. Colonoscopy revealed a stenosis of the sigmoid colon which was considered to be due to diverticulitis, but no evidence of sigmoid colon cancer. Gastrografin enema revealed diverticula and a stenosis of the sigmoid colon with a fistula track connecting to the uterus. We made the diagnosis of colouterine fistula associated with diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon. Sigmoid colostomy and closure of the fistula opening of the uterus were carried out. We analyzed 15 reported cases including our present case in Japan. Our case aged 81 was the oldest one. There is an increasing incidence of colonic diverticulosis in Japan. Colouterine fistula is rare, it should be considered as one of the complications of diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon.
colouterine fistula / diverticulitis



209-215 症例報告 Case Report ENG

Gracilis muscle repair of rectovaginal fistula that developed after low anterior resection of the rectum. Report of two cases

岡田,晋一郎 / 河村,裕 / 平林,慎一 / 小西,文雄
OKADA,Shinichiro / KAWAMURA,Yutaka / HIRABAYASHI,Shinichi / KONISHI,Fumio

自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器一般外科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器一般外科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器一般外科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器一般外科
Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center / Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center / Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center / Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University, Omiya Medical Center


rectovaginal fistula / gracilis muscle repair / rectal cancer / ulcerative colitis



217-221 症例報告 Case Report ENG

Idiopathic hemorrhage from appendix

大岐,真生子 / 河村,裕 / 小西,文雄 / 宮谷,博幸 / 山田,茂樹
Ogi,Maoko / Kawamura,Yutaka J. / Konishi,Fumio / Miyatani,Hiroyuki / Yamada,Sigeki

自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター外科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター外科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター 外科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター 消化器科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター 病理
Dept. of Surgery, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical University / Dept. of Surgery, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical University / Dept. of Surgery, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical University / Dept. of Gastroenterology, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical University / Dept. of Pathology, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical University

We present an unusual case of appendiceal hemorrhage which was diagnosed at emergency colonoscopy and successfully treated surgically. A44-year-old man presented with repeated hematochezia. Emergency colonoscopy revealed continuous bleeding from the orifice of the appendix. The origin of the hemorrhage was the appendix. Emergency appendectomy was performed. Histopathological examination revealed a hematoma in the tip of the appendix and mesoappendix. Appendiceal hemorrhage is extremely rare. For the diagnosis of appendiceal hemorrhage, meticulous colonoscopic examination of the appendiceal orifice, including repeated irrigation and careful observation of the orifice, is essential. Emergency appendectomy is thought to be the treatment of choice.

appendiceal hemorrhage / colonoscopy / hematochezia



223-228 報告 Report JPN

Importance of Water Intake during Athletic Exercise in a Hot Climate


Department of Physical Education, Jichi Medical University

I researched the water intake of 12 male track and field members (long distance runners, n=3 ; sprinters, n=9) during practice at a summer training camp at Jichi Medical University. On the first day and the second day, the members practiced twice : in the morning (9 : 00-11 : 30) and in the afternoon (14 : 00-16 : 30) ; on the third day they practiced only in the morning. They practiced five times in total. The total amount of water intake varied from person to person. The average amount of body weight decrease after practice was 1.1±0.6%. But for the long distance runners (1.5±0.6%), the decrease was larger than that of the sprinters (1.0± 0.6%, p<0.01). As for the true weight decrease as a result of the practice (decrease in weight and total of amount of intake of water), the morning of the first day was the maximum for the long distance runners (3.5±1.1%). It was 2.7±0.9% on an average of five times of practice. The true weight decrease for the sprinters (1.7±0.9%) based on the average of five times of practice was less when compared with the long distance runners (p<0.01. It exceeded 2% only on the morning of the first day. Because runners lose more water through perspiration than they think, they are advised to drink more water than they may feel is necessary.

暑熱環境 / 運動 / 水分摂取 / Hot climate / Athletic exercise / Water intake



229-232 報告 Report JPN

Application of stainless clip to the closure of graft conduit from right axillary artery

齊藤,力 / 田口,昌延 / 相澤,啓 / 森田,英幹 / 立石,篤史 / 坂野,康人 / 上西,祐一朗 / 大木,伸一 / 小西,宏明 / 河田,政明 / 三澤,吉雄
Saito,T. / Taguchi,M. / Aizawa,K. / Morita,H. / Tateishi,A. / Sakano,Y. / Kaminishi,Y. / Oki,S. / Konishi,H. / Kawada,M. / Misawa,Y.

自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門
Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University / Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University

In the case of atherosclerotic aorta or aortic dissection, it is troublesome for femoral artery cannulation to establish cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) due to its plaque or thrombi from the iliofemoral arterial wall and abdominal aortic wall, or systemic malperfusion. Right axillary artery cannulation was used for CPB as a valid alterative to the cerebral protective method. The15-cm-long (8-mm in diameter) woven Dacron graft was implanted into the axillary artery from the right subclavian incision. It was successful and safe to perform on all patients, and it provides sufficient arterial inflow during CPB. The axillary artery graft was clamped and the stainless hemoclip (Ligaclip Extra) was applied a few millimeters above the anastomosis to prevent narrowing the axillary artery, or creating a stump that could become an aneurysm or a source of emboli. To close the graft with minimal dead space, we have used stainless steel hemoclips without additional postural changes. We used the procedure on 14 cases of cardiothoracic surgery, from 2003.8.-2005.12. The operative procedures were total arch replacement 6, descending aortic replacement 5, and each ascending aortic replacement, solitary AVR, solitary CABG1. We used it initially for the case of supine position, then indicated them to the case of right lateral position. As there were no adverse effects at all, we think the application of stainless clip closure for the graft conduit makes a little more comfortable procedure, without additional postural changes for prolonged operations.

胸部大動脈手術 / 大動脈解離 / 腋窩動脈送血 / 止血用クリップ / thoracic aortic aneurysm / aortic dissection / axillary artery / hemoclip



233-241 報告 Report JPN

Relationship between dietary habits, nutrition and mental health among junior high school students

高野,順子 / 秋根,大 / 佐々木,敏 / 香山,不二雄
Takano,Junko / Akine,Dai / Sasaki,Satoshi / Kayama,Fujio

自治医科大学医学部 / 自治医科大学医学部 / 国立健康・栄養研究所 / 自治医科大学地域医療学センター環境医学部門
Jichi Medical University / Jichi Medical University / National Institute of Health and Nutrition / Division of Environmental Medicine, Centre for Community Medicine, Jichi Medical University

The authors conducted a survey on the relationship between dietary habits and mental status in 104 junior high school students in Minami-Kawachi Town, Tochigi Prefecture. Japan. Their dietary habits were assessed by a self-administered diet history questionnaire, which consists of questions on frequencies of food items intake and amount of nutrition. Their mental status were assessed by a method described by Kawasaki et al. Mental health were correlated with intake of several food items, "hot temper" with "frequency of taking soy sauce" (P<0.01) and "amount of a dish compared to that of eating out" (P<0.05), "irritation" with "frequency of taking fish with bone" and "frequency of taking breakfast with a staple food" (P<0.05), "lack of perseverance" with "frequency of taking fish with bone" and "frequency of taking seaweed" (P<0.05), "fatigue" with "amount of taking cabbage" and "amount of taking mushroom" (P<0.05), "unwillingness to go to school" with "frequency of taking salads of fresh vegetables except lettuce, cabbage and tomatoes" (P<0.05) and "frequency of taking breakfast with a staple food" (P<0.01). As concerns nutrition, "fatigue" showed a negative correlation with "ash", "sodium", "Vitamin C", "n-6fatty acid" (P<0.05), "polyunsaturated fatty acid", and "n-3 fatty acid" (P<0.01).

食生活 / 食品 / 栄養素 / 心理状態 / 中学生 / dietary habit / food items / nutrition / mental health / junior high school students



243-252 報告 Research Report ENG

The Effect of Heavy Net Sulfur Air Pollution on Healthy Japanese Workers : The Relationship of Lung Function to Long-term Exposure to Sulfur Volcanic Emissions on Miyake Island

宇野,秀之 / 堀口,兵剛 / 香山,不二雄
UNO,Hideyuki / HORIGUCHI,Hyogo / KAYAMA,Fujio

自治医科大学地域医療学センター地域医療学部門 / 自治医科大学地域医療学センター環境医学部門 / 自治医科大学地域医療学センター環境医学部門
Center for Community Medicine, Division of Community and Family Medicine, Jichi Medical University:Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Welfare and Health Office, Department of Medical Policy, Tokyo / Center for Community Medicine, Division of Environmental Medicine, Jichi Medical University / Center for Community Medicine, Division of Environmental Medicine, Jichi Medical University

三宅島は太平洋上,東京南部の小島である。雄山という活火山は2000年6月に噴火が始まり,主にSO_2である火山ガスは未だに排出が続いている。我々は三宅島での長期間滞在労働者100人にピークフロー,自己記述式質問票,血圧と身長測定を行い,最終的に63人の健常労働者個人データを得た。年齢と体格を考慮した予測PEFRで実測PEFRを補正し,作業場所を2群分けし実測PEFR/予測PEFR比を使用しMann-WhittneyU検定を行ったが,有意差は認めなかった。また実測PEFR/予測PEFR比をSO_2濃度,呼吸器疾患,Brinkmann Index,収縮期血圧を独立変数として多変量解析を行った。収縮期血圧にて優位な関連性が認められた(OR:1032;95%CI:1.001-1.064)。この我々の結果では,measure PEFR/predicted PEFR比の低下はSO_2大気汚染よりむしろ収縮期血圧に因るところが大きいということが言えた。この研究は三宅島住民や活火山に近接する他居住地区でのリスクコミュニケーションの目的で使用される有益な情報となるであろう。
Miyake Island (Miyakejima), a small island located south of Tokyo, Japan, in the Pacific Ocean, has an active stratovolcano, Mt. Oyama. The volcano began erupting in June 2000, and volcanic gas, consisting primarily of sulfur dioxide (SO_2), is still being emitted. We measured the peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), administered questionnaires (dealing with age, workplace, past medical history, present incidence of persistent coughing and smoking habits), and did clinical examinations (blood pressure, and height) of 100 Japanese male workers in January 2003 by simple random sampling and cross-sectional study. We obtained complete data for 96 healthy subjects. Although the measured PEFR/predicted PEFR values, taking age and physique into account, tended to be lower in the group exposed to high S02 levels than in the group exposed to low SO_2 levels, there was no significant difference (Mann-Whitney U-test, p=0.886). We also did a multiple logistic regression analysis on the measured PEFR/predicted PEFR values using SO_2 concentration, respiratory diseases, Brinkmann Index and systolic blood pressure (BPs). A statistically significant difference was on BPs (OR : 1.032 ; 95% 0 : 1.001-1.064). We were able to conclude that our results could be attributed to measured PEFR/predicted PEFR against BPs rather than S0_2 air pollution. This study will present useful information that can be used for the purposes of discussing risk with the residents of Miyake- Island and other settlements located in close proximity to active volcanoes.

Sulfur dioxide / Volcanic emissions / Miyake Island / Lung function / Peak expiratory flow rate



253 平成17年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN

嗅覚系と視床下部-下垂体-副腎皮質系のインタラクションの実態解明 : ラット下垂体前葉細胞におけるc-Fosの一過性発現の解析





253-254 平成17年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN






254-255 平成17年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN






255-256 平成17年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN


矢田,ゆかり / 高橋,尚人 / 本間,洋子 / 尾仲,達人 / 桃井,真里子

自治医科大学医学部小児科病院 / 自治医科大学医学部小児科病院 / 自治医科大学医学部小児科病院 / 自治医科大学医学部小児科病院 / 自治医科大学医学部小児科病院



256-257 平成17年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN






257-258 平成17年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN






258-259 平成17年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN





259 平成17年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN

The function of Six1 and Six4 in the development of cranial ganglia


Division of Biology Center for Molecular Medicine, Jichi Medical University

Survival of sensory neurons is tightly regulated in a cell-type and developmental-stage-specific manner. Transcriptional regulatory mechanisms underlying this regulation remain to be elucidated. In the present study, we investigated the role of Six1 and Six4 in the development of trigeminal ganglia. Abundant expression of Six1 and Six4 was noted in sensory neurons during early trigeminal gangliogenesis. Loss of both Six1 and Six4 in mice caused severe defects in the trigeminal ganglia, wherein massive apoptosis accompanied by activation of caspase-3 was observed at early but not late stages of gangliogenesis. In Six1^<-1-> Six4^<-1-> mice, trigeminal sensory neurons were generated, but showed reduced expression of Bcl-x compared to the wild-type mice. Accordingly, neurons from the deficient mice could not survive in culture even in the presence of neurotrophins. Our results suggest a cell-intrinsic role of Six1 and Six4 in the survival of early-generated trigeminal sensory neurons.

Six1 / Six4 / 神経発生 / アポトーシス / 三叉神経節



259-260 平成17年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN






260-261 平成17年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN

乾癬増悪のメカニズム : ヒトケラチノサイトのVEGF産生におよぼす神経ペプチドの影響





263 平成17年度自治医科大学大学院医学研究科研究奨励賞研究成果報告 JPN






263-264 平成17年度自治医科大学大学院医学研究科研究奨励賞研究成果報告 JPN






264-265 平成17年度自治医科大学大学院医学研究科研究奨励賞研究成果報告 JPN

心不全における慢性炎症と酸化ストレス : 臨床研究を基盤とした新規治療法の開発





265 平成17年度自治医科大学大学院医学研究科研究奨励賞研究成果報告 JPN






265-267 平成17年度自治医科大学大学院医学研究科研究奨励賞研究成果報告 JPN






267-268 平成17年度自治医科大学大学院医学研究科研究奨励賞研究成果報告 JPN

膵星細胞増殖機構における Anginotensin IIとTGF-β_1の細胞内情報伝達機構の検討

