自治医科大学紀要 第32巻

1〜15 原著論文 Original Article



自治医科大学 英語

要  約


Investigating Unknown Words On-line

Robert Dilenschneider

English, Jichi Medical University

 Twenty university students participated in a four week study investigating the meanings of unknown words written within a reading passage using an on-line dictionary. Of the four treatment groups (No aid, Gloss, Click , Click & Spell), participants of the Gloss condition were better able to retain the meanings of unknown words. Results suggest that the more activity learners perform away from a reading passage using an on-line dictionary, the less likely their retention of unknown words.

17〜27 原著論文 Original Article


為本 浩至*1,佐久間由紀*2,吉田 昌史*2,浅野 智子*2,木本 瑞穂*2,村田 美保*2,生駒 亜希*2,斎藤 智之*2,石川 三衛*2,富永 眞一*1,川上 正舒*3

*1)自治医科大学 病態生化学部門
*2)自治医科大学附属さいたま医療センター 内分泌代謝科
*3)自治医科大学附属さいたま医療センター 総合医学1

要  約



Subnormal estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) without microalbuminuria does not predict macroangiopathy in diabetic patients: A six-year study

Hiroyuki Tamemoto*1,Yuki Sakuma*2,Masafumi Yoshida*2,Tomoko Asano*2,Mizuho Kimoto*2,Miho Murata*2,Aki Ikoma*2,Tomoyuki Saitoh*2,San-e Ishikawa*2,Shin-ichi Tominaga*1,and Masanobu Kawakami*3

*1)Department of Biochemistry, Jichi Medical University
*2)Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Jichi Medical University Saitama Medical Center
*3)Department of Comprehensive Medicine, Jichi Medical University Saitama Medical Center

 We tracked and analyzed the occurrence of new macroangiopathy for 300 Saitama Medical Center diabetic patients from 2002 to 2008. 183 patients (96 men, 87 women) had normoalbuminuria and 117 patients (84 men, 33 women) had albuminuria. The number of men in the albuminuric group was significant; however, the ages between the normoalbuminuric and albuminuric patients were not significantly different at 61.82±11.2 and 63.0±10.1 (mean±SD), respectively. With the exception of two normoalbuminuric patients, records of macroangiopathic events indicated the non-event survival rate for the albuminuric group was significantly worse than the normoalbuminuric group (0.68 vs. 0.91). The number of patients with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) ? 60 and < 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 was 245 (146 men and 99 women) for the albuminuric group and 53 (33 men, 20 women) for the normoalbuminuric group. Although the rate for men was not statistically different, the age of the lower eGFR group was significantly higher (66.7±11.1 vs. 61.3±10.5). The non-event survival rate was significantly worse for the eGFR < 60 than for the eGFR ? 60 group (0.65 vs. 0.85). The normoalbuminuric group contained 167 and 16 patients with eGFR ? 60 and < 6, respectively, with no significant differences in non-event survival rates between them (0.895 vs. 1.0). As a result, eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 without albuminuria was not a risk for macroangiopathy.

29〜41 原著論文 Original Article


飯田さと子*,坂本 敦司**

* 地域社会振興財団 地域社会健康科学研究所/自治医科大学 公衆衛生学部門
**地域社会振興財団 地域社会健康科学研究所/自治医科大学 地域医療学センター

要  約



Clinic doctors’ perceptions of the problems of remote and rural medicine
─Qualitative content analysis of free comments from a questionnaire for community health care─

Satoko Iida*, Atsushi Sakamoto**

*Centre for Community Health Science, The Foundation for Development of the Community / Department of Public Health, Jichi Medical University
**Centre for Community Health Science, The Foundation for Development of the Community / Center for Community Medicine, Jichi Medical University

 To learn about clinic doctors’ perceptions of the problems of remote and rural medicine, a qualitative content analysis of free comments from a questionnaire by Jich Meidcal University and The Foundation for Development of the Community was conducted.
The findings were as follows:
 1. Most clinic doctors described the difficulties in medical practice such as insufficient access to advice from specialists, long compulsory working hours, and the heavy responsibility of practicing medicine alone.
 2. Clinic doctors in urban areas tended to generalize the problems of medicine in remote and rural areas as common medical issues and focused on the doctor-patient relationship. Private clinic doctors also perceived the problems from the residents’ point of view and, as a result, are highly aware of the social problems that exist in their communities. Public clinic doctors in remote and rural areas are strongly influenced by municipal policy. Also, these doctors are concerned with improving their skills because of the high probability of being transferred.
 To support the medicine in remote and rural areas, it is necessary to clarify the differences in perceptions of the problems among clinic doctors, rural government officers, and residents. This would enable "Cooperation based on differences" that would help facilitate the improvement of community health.

(Keywords: the problems of remote and rural medicine, primary care, clinic doctors, qualitative content analysis)

43〜49 原著論文 Original Article


村田 哲1),横倉 英人1),増田 智一1),藤田 悦子1),池田 雄一1),小池裕美子1),田口佳代子1),若旅 功二1),遠田 博1),細田 里美1),高塚 由佳1),立田 彩1),佐藤 篤子1),大山 正彦1),藤本美津夫1),清澤 智晴1,2),山田 朋子1),小宮根真弓1),中川 秀己1,3),大槻マミ太郎1)


要  約
 1998年から2008年まで, 自治医科大学附属病院皮膚科で経験した121例の悪性黒色腫について統計的に検討した。男性54例,女性67例で,それぞれ年齢分布のピークは60歳代と70歳代にあった。増加傾向にあるが,特に早期病変の症例の増加が著しかった。病型別では末端黒子型が44.6%,悪性黒子型が10.7%,表在拡大型が20.7%,結節型が19.8%であった。5年生存率はstage0が100.0%,stage1が93.3%,stage2が82.6%,stage3が39.4%で,stage4の5年生存率はまだ計算できず,30ヶ月の時点で14.8%であった。早期症例では予後がよく,一般に向けた簡便なスクリーニング法の啓発が今後の課題である。



A statistical study of 121 patients with melanoma treated at Jichi Medical University Hospital between 1998 and 2008

Satoru Murata1), Hideto Yokokura1), Tomokazu Masuda1), Etsuko Fujita1),
Yuichi Ikeda1),Yumiko Koike1),Yoshiko Taguchi1),Koji Wakatabi1),Hiroshi Onda1),Satomi Hosoda1),Yuka Takatsuka1), Aya Tatsuta1),Atsuko Sato1),Masahiko Oyama1),Mitsuo Fujimoto1),Tomoharu Kiyosawa1,2),Tomoko Yamada1),Mayumi Komine1),Hidemi Nakagawa1,3),and Mamitaro Ohtsuki1)

1)Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University
2)Department Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, National Defense Medical College
3)Department of Dermatology, Jikei University School of Medicine

 A total of 121 patients (54 males and 67 females) with melanoma were treated and their records reviewed in the Department of Dermatology at Jichi Medical University Hospital between 1998 and 2008. Patients’ age distribution ranged from 70 to 79 for females and from 60 to 69 years for males. The number of early-stage cases of melanoma in this study increased in comparison to a study previously reported by Umemoto et al. at Jichi Medical University Hospital between 1977 and 1992. Acral lentiginous melanoma accounted for 44.6% of cases, lentigo maligna melanoma for 10.7%, superficial spreading melanoma for 20.7%, and nodular melanoma for 19.8%. The five-year survival rates for stage-I, II and III cases were 93.3%, 82.6% and 39.4%, respectively. The survival rate for stage-IV cases was 14.8% at 30 months.

Keywords: malignant melanoma; statistical study; sentinel node biopsy; interferon

51〜61 原著論文 Original Article


上西祐一朗,相澤 啓,森田英幹,坂野康人,大木伸一,齊藤 力,小西宏明,三澤吉雄

自治医科大学 外科学講座 心臓血管外科学部門

要  約
 【結果】早期死亡はMVR3例,遠隔期死亡7例(0.25%患者/年)で,うち弁関連死亡3例,非弁関連死亡4例であった。3年の生存率はAVR 96.8%,MVR 82.2%,DVR 85.7%であった。血栓性合併症はAVR3例(0.45%患者/年),出血性合併症は2例(0.94%患者/年;AVR1例,MVR1例),人工弁感染が3例(0.07%患者/年;DVR2例,AVR1例),溶血がMVR1例(2.07%患者/年)でAVR後感染に対して再手術を1例(0.15%患者/年)に施行した。

The ATS bileaflet prosthetic heart valve: mid-term results from a single center

Yuichiro Kaminishi*,Kei Aizawa,Hideki Morita,Yasuhito Sakano,Shin-ichi Oki, Tsutomu Saito,Hiroaki Konishi,Yoshio Misawa

Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Jichi Medical University,
*Corresponding author; Yuichiro Kaminishi

 Clinical results of ATS prosthetic heart valve use in Japan have not been fully investigated. We analyzed the mid-term results of its use in a single center.
 Among 88 patients, mean age 61.1±9.9 years, 32 had aortic valve replacement (AVR), 42 mitral valve replacement (MVR), and 14 both aortic and mitral valve replacement (DVR). Mean follow-up was 2.5±1.5 years with a cumulative follow-up of 224.2 patient-years.
 There were 3 early deaths (3.4%: all in the MVR group) and 7 late deaths (1.8±1.7 %/patient-year: 3 valve related and 4 valve unrelated). Survival at 5 years was 96.8±17.8 % in the AVR group, 82.2±37.7 % in the MVR group, and 85.7±33.9 % in the DVR group. The linearized incidences of embolism (3), bleeding events (2), prosthetic valve endocarditis (3), hemolysis (1) and re-operation (1) in all patients were 1.3±1.5 %, 1.9±1.9 %, 0.2±0.6 %, 2.1±1.8 % and 0.1±0.6 %/patient-year, respectively. No other complications were observed.
 The ATS prosthetic heart valve showed excellent mid-term clinical results, with a low incidence of valve-related complications.

(Key words; ATS prosthetic valve, valve replacement, mid-term results)

63〜69 症例報告 Case Report


松山 泰1),長嶋 孝夫1),増田 智一2),岩本 雅弘1),吉尾 卓1),岡崎 仁昭1),大槻マミ太郎2),簑田 清次1)


要  約

Dramatic Improvement of Psoriatic Arthritis by Infliximab in a Patient Refractory to Conventional Therapy Presenting with Elevated Serum β-D-glucan

Yasushi Matsuyama1),Takao Nagashima1),Tomokazu Masuda2),Masahiro Iwamoto1),Taku Yoshio1),Hitoaki Okazaki1),Mamitaro Ohtsuki2),Seiji Minota1)

1)Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Jichi Medical University
2)Department of Dermatology, Jichi Medical University

 A 55-year-old Japanese man, with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis for the past 15 years, was under relatively good conditions and ambulant on conventional therapy. After voluntary discontinuation of the drugs in February 2007, he became completely bedridden and a pressure ulcer developed at the sacral region by immobilization due to joint pain. Because of the inadequate response and side-effects of oral prednisolone and cyclosporine A, infliximab was started despite increased levels of serum β-D-glucan, which was against the guidelines in Japan. Skin and articular symptoms surprisingly improved after the treatment, along with normalization of serum levels of β-D-glucan. He is now back to his completely normal life.
(Key words:infliximab, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, β-D-glucan)

71〜75 症例報告 Case Report


芝 順太郎,大木 伸一,上西祐一朗,三澤 吉雄


要  旨



Aortic root replacement in a patient with annulo-aortic ectasia associated with a single coronary orifice

Juntaro Shiba,Shin-ichi Ohki,Yuichiro Kaminishi,and Yoshio Misawa

Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Jichi Medical University, School of Medicine

 A coronary artery with an abnormal origin is a rare congenital condition that can cause myocardial ischemia. The procedure for an aortic root replacement is described for annulo-aortic ectasia with a single coronary orifice that was found in a 75-year-old patient by a preoperative coronary CT. The artery orifice was carefully harvested to avoid damaging the coronary artery wall that was anastomosed to the aorta. Artery reconstruction and the postoperative course were uneventful.

77〜83 症例報告 Case Report


遠藤 哲哉,遠藤 俊輔,長谷川 剛,大谷 真一,手塚 憲志,手塚 康裕,金井 義彦,山本 真一,齊藤 紀子,塚田 博


要  約


Minimal Lung Cancer with Extensive Chest Wall Invasion:Report of Two Cases

Tetsuya Endo, MD,Shunsuke Endo, MD, PhD,Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, MD, PhD,Shinichi Otani, MD,Kenji Tetsuka, MD,Yasuhiro Tezuka, MD,Yoshihiko Kanai, MD,Shinichi Yamamoto, MD,Noriko Saito, MD,and Hiroshi Tsukada, MD, PhD

Department of General Thoracic Surgery, Jichi Medical University

 We describe rare 2 cases of minimal lung cancer with marked progression to the chest wall. The radiological findings revealed a chest wall tumor. Both cases underwent lobectomy concomitant with chest wall resection. Pathological study showed that well-differentiated carcinoma was minimal inside the visceral pleural and poorly differentiated tumor cells broke down the pleura and extended into the chest wall. Both cases died of recurrent cancer within 1 year after surgery.

(Key words:chest wall tumor, lung cancer, surgery)

85〜90 症例報告 Case Report  

放射線化学療法により長期にComplete Responseが得られている肛門扁平上皮癌の1例

栗田真紀子,堀江 久永,鯉沼 広治,宮倉 安幸,田中 宏幸,濱田 徹,熊野 秀俊,冨樫 一智,安田 是和,仲澤 聖則*

自治医科大学 消化器・一般外科
同 放射線科*

要  約
 放射線化学療法により5年間以上Complete Responseが得られている肛門扁平上皮癌の1例を経験したので報告する。症例は63歳の女性で,肛門部痛,排便時出血を主訴に近医受診し,肛門癌を疑われ当院紹介受診した。直腸診で肛門縁より3cmに下縁を有する前壁中心の半周性腫瘍が認められた。右鼡径部に腫大したリンパ節が触知された。大腸内視鏡検査で同部位に2型腫瘍が認められ,生検で高分化型扁平上皮癌と診断された。遠隔転移は認められなかった。A N2 M0: stage III bの診断で,放射線化学療法を施行した。4門照射で,原発巣,骨盤,両鼡径部に計63Gy照射した。同時に化学療法(5-FU 500mg+CDDP 10mg, 5per week)を3コース施行した。治療終了2週後の大腸内視鏡検査で腫瘍は消失し,5年3ヶ月経過した現在,無再発生存中である。



A case of squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal attaining a complete response over five years with chemoradiation therapy

Makiko Kurita,Hisanaga Horie,Koji Koinuma,Yasuyuki Miyakura, Hiroyuki Tanaka,Toru Hamada,Hidetoshi Kumano,Kazutomo Togashi,Yoshikazu Yasuda,and Masanori Nakazawa*

Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University
*Department of Radiology, Jichi Medical University

 We present a case of anal canal cancer that, after solely undergoing chemoradiation therapy, has not relapsed in over five years time. A 63-year-old woman was referred to Jichi Medical University Hospital because of suspected anal canal cancer due to anal pain and hematochezia. Upon admission, a digital rectal examination revealed an anal canal tumor in the anterior wall. In addition, the right inguinal lymph nodes were swollen, leading us to suspect metastases. Furthermore, a colonoscopy revealed an apparent tumor with central ulceration and biopsy specimens confirmed well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. However, no distant metastases were identified in abdominal computed tomography or ultrasonography findings. Nevertheless, the cancer was classified as stage III b T N2 M0, and chemoradiation therapy was selected as first-line therapy. Therefore, a total of 63 Gy of radiation was applied at the primary lesion, pelvis, and bilateral groin area. Three courses of chemotherapy (5-FU 500 mg + CDDP 10 mg, 5 times per week) were added to the radiation therapy. Two weeks after completion of chemoradiation therapy, colonoscopy showed disappearance of the tumor, and biopsy specimens confirmed absence of any viable cancer cells. Since then, no relapse has occurred for five years and three months.

Key words: anal canal carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, chemoradiation therapy

91〜95 症例報告 Case Report


佐多 奈歩,古宮かおり,堀田 訓久,瀬尾 憲正


要  約



Two cases of a placenta accreta with massive hemorrhage during a cesarean section

Naho Sata,Kaori Komiya,Kunihisa Hotta,and Norimasa Seo

Department of Anestesiology and Critical care Medicine, Jichi Medical University

 We describe two patients with placenta accreta complicated by massive hemorrhage during a cesarean section. Meticulous operative strategies, including bilateral internal iliac arterial balloon occlusions, were proposed to avoid fatal outcomes. For one patient who survived, these techniques were not adopted because she underwent an emergency cesarean section due to a premature hemorrhage and several episodes of hypotension during surgery. However, for the other patient, the balloon occlusion of the arteries as an operative procedure was relatively stable. Nevertheless, because placenta accreta can be associated with life-threatening hemorrhage, meticulous surgical, anesthetic, and strategic planning are critical.

(Key words: placenta accreta, massive hemorrhage, bilateral internal iliac artery balloon occlusion)

97〜102 症例報告 Case Report


牧野 伸二,保沢こずえ,近藤 玲子,熊谷 知子,伊藤 華江,平林 里恵,関口 美佳

自治医科大学 眼科学教室  

要  約
 症例1は10歳男児。脳腫瘍術後の両眼外転神経麻痺で,眼位は近見で右眼内斜65プリズムジオプター (PD),遠見で右眼内斜70PDであった。両眼の外転制限があり,右眼は正中を越える外転は不能であった。手術は全身麻酔下で,上下直筋を露出し,それぞれの付着部から8mmの位置で筋幅の1/3に5-0非吸収糸を通糸し,上直筋に通糸した糸は耳上側,下直筋に通糸した糸は耳下側の角膜輪部から10mmの強膜に縫着した。内直筋後転も併せて施行した。術後,近見で右眼内斜5PDと改善し,正中を越える外転も可能になった。


Vertical muscle transposition procedure without tenotomy or muscle splitting for abducens palsy

Shinji Makino,Kozue Hozawa,Reiko Kondo,Tomoko Kumagai,Hanae Ito, Rie Hirabayashi,and Mika Sekiguchi

Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical University

 Two patients with abducens palsy who underwent a vertical muscle transposition procedure without tenotomy or muscle splitting are reported.
 Patient 1: A 10-year-old boy had bilateral abducens palsy caused by a brain tumor. His esodeviation was 65 prism diopters (PD) in the primary position. His right eye could not abduct beyond the midline. He underwent a muscle transposition procedure. After the vertical recti were exposed, 5-0 nonabsorbable sutures were passed through the temporal margins 8 mm behind their insertions. The same suture was passed through each scleral wall 10 mm behind the superotemporal limbus and inferotemporal limbus. The temporal margin of each vertical rectus was transposed and anchored to the sclera. A 6-mm medial rectus muscle recession was also performed. Postoperatively, the esodeviation decreased to 5 PD in the primary position.
 Patient 2: A 44-year-old woman had a left abducens palsy caused by hydrocephalus. Her esodeviation was 80 PD in the primary position. Her left eye could not abduct beyond the midline. She underwent a muscle transposition procedure. Postoperatively, the esodeviation decreased to 45 PD in the primary position.
 This surgery causes less tissue trauma and is a simpler method of muscle transposition for treating abducens palsy.

(Key words: abducens palsy, vertical muscle transposition procedure)

103〜109 症例報告 Case Report

副乳頭切開を施行した膵管非癒合(腹側膵管欠損型) の1例

宮谷 博幸,澤田 幸久,中島 嘉之,石井 彰,鷺原 規喜,池田 正俊,岩城 孝明,吉田 行雄 

自治医科大学附属さいたま医療センター 消化器科

要  約
 症例:77歳 男性.11年前に胃癌のため遠位側胃切除(ビルロートII法再建),8年前急性膵炎の既往あり,高アミラーゼ血症を伴う腹痛発作を繰り返すため精査目的に当センターに入院した。透明キャップを装着した直視鏡にてERCPを試みたが,主乳頭からは胆管のみ造影され,膵管は全く造影されなかった。MRCPにて膵管非癒合が疑われたため,ERCP再検,副乳頭造影にて背側膵管の造影が得られたが,腹側膵管は造影されず,膵管形態から腹側膵管欠損型の膵管非癒合と考えられた。膵管にガイドワイヤー留置後,先細カテーテルの挿入を試みたが不可能なため,ワイヤーガイド下に針状ナイフで副乳頭を切開し,膵管ステントを留置して終了した。高アミラーゼ血症は以後認められず,腹痛も一時改善した。腹側膵管欠損症は主乳頭からは膵管造影が得られないため,副膵管造影をしないと診断できない。本症を疑った場合は積極的に副乳頭からアプローチすべきである。


Successful wire-guided minor papillotomy using front-view endoscopy in a case of agenesis of the duct of Wirsung with a Billroth II gastrectomy

Hiroyuki Miyatani,Yukihisa Sawada,Yoshiyuki Nakashima,Akira Ishii,Noriyoshi Sagihara,Masatoshi Ikeda,Takaaki Iwaki,Yukio Yoshida

Department of Gastroenterology, Jichi Medical University, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama, Japan

 Agenesis of the duct of Wirsung is rarely encountered when pancreatography completely fails. We successfully treated a patient with pancreatic pain due to this unusual pancreas divisum by wire-assisted minor papillotomy using cap-attached front-view endoscopy. A 77-year-old man with a history of pancreatitis was admitted to our hospital due to epigastralgia. He had a partial gastrectomy with gastrojejunostomy (Billroth II). We performed ERCP with cap-attached front-view endoscopy to determine the cause of the abdominal pain. ERC revealed a mildly dilated common bile duct. However, ventral pancreatography was not obtained via the papilla of Vater. We attempted pancreatography via the minor papilla at the second ERCP. The minor papilla was difficult to find and approach because of its small size and obscure orifice. We inserted a thin metal tip cannula into the minor papilla and performed dorsal pancreatography. With a diagnosis of pancreas divisum, we performed wire-assisted minor precut papillotomy with a needle knife. A 5-Fr. single pig-tail plastic stent was successfully placed. There were no procedure-related complications and post-ERCP pancreatitis. The patient’s epigastralgia was relieved, and the hyperamylasemia improved. Subsequently, though the epigastralgia relapsed, the serum amylase level remained almost normal.

(Key words: Wirsung duct agenesis, pancreas divisum, endoscopic minor papillotomy, Billroth II reconstruction)

111〜118 症例報告 Case Report


水田 憲利,野田 弘志,柿澤 奈緒,遠山 信幸,小西 文雄 

自治医科大学附属さいたま医療センター 一般・消化器外科

要  約


Chronic pancreatitis mimicking intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas; Report of tow cases

Noritoshi Mizuta,Hiroshi Noda,Nao Kakizawa,Nobuyuki Toyama,Fumio Konishi

Department of Surgery, Saitama Medical Center, Jichi Medical University.

 We report two cases of chronic pancreatitis mimicking intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN). The first is a 71year old man with a cystic mass in the pancreas that appeared to be IPMN on imaging but histologically was a simple cyst. The second is a 59 year old man with a cystic lesion that appeared to be IPMN but histologic study after resection revealed chronic pancreatitis. Accurate preoperative diagnosis of cystic lesions of the pancreas is difficult. Chronic pancreatitis sometimes forms pseudocysts which resemble IPMN. It is important to consider these benign diagnoses in patients with cystic lesions of the pancreas on preoperative imaging.

(Key words: chronic pancreatitis, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm, pseudocyst)

119〜128 報 告 Report


小林 裕1),平井 勝1),鷲野 聡1),松崎 敦1),森田 辰男2) 

1)自治医科大学さいたま医療センター 総合II泌尿器科

要  旨
 臨床病期ではStage A35例,B313例,C39例,D71例であり,Stage A,Bが全体の75%を占めており限局性前立腺癌の割合が高かった。症例数は2003年以降急激に増加しておりさいたま市のPSA検診が2002年に開始された影響と考えられた。
 実測5年生存率は全体で89%,臨床病期別生存率はStage A94%,Stage B93%,Stage C92%,Stage D66%であった。5年PSA非再発率はStage A94%,Stage B84%,Stage C68%,Stage D34%であった。生存率,PSA非再発率ともにStageA,B,Cが有意にDよりも良好であった。



Clinical analysis of prostate cancer at Saitama Medical Center, Jichi Medical University

Yutaka Kobayashi1), Masaru Hirai1),Satoshi Washino1),Atsushi Matsuzaki1),and Tatsuo Morita2)

1)Department of Urology, Jichi Medical University Saitama Medical Center
2)Department of Urology, Jichi Medical University

 We analyzed 458 patients with prostate cancer treated at Saitama Medical Center, Jichi Medical University between 1997 and 2006 to clarify the clinical picture of this disease in the era of PSA monitoring.
 Clinical stage was A in 35 cases, B in 313, C in 39, and D in 71 (75% of patients were stages A or B). The number of patients has sharply increased since 2003, probably due to the introduction of PSA screening in Saitama City in 2002. The overall five-year survival rate of the 458 patients was 89% (94% for stage A, 93% for stage B, 92% for stage C, and 66% for stage D). The five-year PSA recurrence-free rate was 94% for stage A, 81% for stage B, 68% for stage C, and 34% for stage D. The overall survival rate and the five-year PSA recurrence-free rate were significantly better for stages A, B and C than for stage D (p<0.05).
 Localized prostate cancer treatment at our hospital had a generally satisfactory outcome. There were no significant differences in the overall survival rate between the three treatments (surgery, radiation, and endocrine therapy). Widespread use of the PSA screening test should allow the detection of more patients with prostate cancer at an early stage. Diagnosis at an early stage increases the number of therapeutic options available, allowing us to select the best treatment while considering quality of life as the most important factor.

129〜134 資 料 Material


牧野伸二,保沢こずえ,近藤 玲子,熊谷 知子,伊藤 華江,平林 里恵,関口 美佳 

自治医科大学 眼科学教室

要  約



Status of strabismus surgery in the amblyopia and strabismus clinic of Jichi Medical University Hospital

Shinji Makino,Kozue Hozawa,Reiko Kondo,Tomoko Kumagai,Hanae Ito, Rie Hirabayashi,and Mika Sekiguchi

Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical University

 We reviewed the records of 286 patients with strabismus who underwent surgery under local anesthesia at Jichi Medical University Hospital between 2000 and 2007. Patients’ ages ranged from 11 to 83 (average, 33.7±19.3 years). The initial diagnoses were esotropia (n=73), exotropia (n=169), hypertropia (n=25), paralytic strabismus (n=11), torsional strabismus (n=6), and other conditions (n= 2). Less than 10% of patients required a second operation, but this was performed on those with torsional strabismus. Minimal surgical procedures are recommended to prevent intraoperative pain and stress under local anesthesia.

(Key words:strabismus, strabismus surgery, day surgery)

135 平成20年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告


細野 達也,坂東 政司,杉山幸比古

内科学講座 呼吸器内科部門

136 平成20年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告


岡 智子


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鈴木 隆浩


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増田 茂夫(1),阿部 朋行(2),井上 誠(3),長谷川 護(3),林  聡(4),長尾 慶和(2),花園 豊(1)


138〜139 平成20年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告


山田健太郎,高橋 雅春,星野 悠,高橋 秀行,市山 浩二,長嶋 茂雄,田中 利典,岡本 宏明

感染・免疫学講座 ウイルス学部門

139〜140 平成20年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告


金井 孝裕,小高 淳,伊東 岳峰,斎藤 貴志,青柳 順,桃井真里子


140 平成20年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告


前島 裕子1,Udval Sedbazar1,須山 成朝1,河野 大輔1,尾仲 達史2,高野 英介1,吉田 なつ1,小池 正人4,内山 安男4,藤原 研3,屋代 隆3,出崎 克也1,清水 弘行5,中田 正範1,森 昌朋5,矢田 俊彦1


141 平成20年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告


松原 大祐


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甲谷 友幸,星出 聡,江口 和男,石川 譲治,島田 和幸,苅尾 七臣

自治医科大学内科学講座 循環器内科学

142〜143 平成20年度自治医科大学医学部研究奨励金研究成果報告


大西佐知子,釜田 康之,長嶋 孝夫,上村 健,岩本 雅弘,簔田 清次

自治医科大学 アレルギー・膠原病学部門

145 平成20年度自治医科大学大学院医学研究科研究奨励賞研究成果報告


石渡 彰


145〜146 平成20年度自治医科大学大学院医学研究科研究奨励賞研究成果報告


門内 一郎


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齋藤 真理


147 平成20年度自治医科大学大学院医学研究科研究奨励賞研究成果報告


田副 文子


148 平成20年度自治医科大学大学院医学研究科研究奨励賞研究成果報告


永島 秀一


148〜149 平成20年度自治医科大学大学院医学研究科研究奨励賞研究成果報告


林 芳和
