自治医科大学紀要 第26巻


1-8 原著論文 Original Article JPN

Statistical survey of late onset of lupus nephritis

岩津,好隆 / 夲間,寿美子 / 海野,鉄男 / 有阪,真由美 / 簑田,清次 / 浅野,泰 / 草野,英二 Iwazu,Yoshitaka / Homma,Sumiko / Umino,Tetsuo / Arisaka,Mayumi / Minoda,Seiji / Asano,Yasushi / Kusano,Eiji

自治医科大学腎臓内科 / 自治医科大学腎臓内科 / 自治医科大学腎臓内科 / 自治医科大学腎臓内科 / アレルギーリウマチ科 / 自治医科大学腎臓内科 / 自治医科大学腎臓内科
Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine / Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine / Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine / Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine / Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immuunology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical School / Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine / Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine 1-8


From December 1985 to December 2002, 12 patients with onset of lupus nephritis over the age of 50 were treated in our clinic. The onset age ranged from 50 to 79 years, with an average age of 60.7 years. All patients had proteinuria. Eight patients were in nephrotic status and nine patients developed renal failure. Renal biopsy was performed on eight patients and an autopsy was performed on one patient. As for the pathological classification, three patients belonged to class II, five (patients) to class IV, one (patient) to class V. The patients with class IV and class V nephritis had a tendency to develop nephrotic syndrome at diagnosis. All patients were treated with steroids. High dose intravenous methylprednisolone pulse therapy was performed on six patients, apheresis on three patients, immunosuppressive therapy on three patients. The final status at last observation was three patients with no proteinuria, one patient with persistent proteinuria without nephrotic syndrome, two patients with chronic renal failure, three patients on dialysis and three patients who had died. Infection was the cause of death in all patients who died. High serum Cr level at diagnosis was significantly associated with poor prognosis.

ループス腎炎 / 高齢者 / 予後因子 / 病理所見 / 臨床統計



9-13 原著論文 Original Article JPN

当科におけるbiphenotypic acute leukemia 8例の治療成績
Therapeutic results in patients with biphenotypic acute leukemia at Jichi Medical School Hospital

釜田,康行 / 永嶋,貴博 / 室井,一男 / 山本,千鶴 / 森,政樹 / 宮里,彰 / 高徳,正昭 / 永井,正 / 大月,哲也 / 小松,則夫 / 小澤,敬也
Kamata,Y. / Nagashima,T. / Muroi,K. / Yamamoto,C. / Mori,M. / Miyazato,A. / Takatoku,M. / Nagai,T. / Otsuki,T. / Komatsu,N. / Ozawa,K.

自治医科大学付属病院血液科 / 自治医科大学付属病院血液科:自治医科大学付属病院輸血・細胞移植部 / 自治医科大学付属病院血液科:自治医科大学付属病院輸血・細胞移植部 / 自治医科大学付属病院血液科:自治医科大学付属病院輸血・細胞移植部 / 自治医科大学付属病院血液科 / 自治医科大学付属病院血液科 / 自治医科大学付属病院血液科 / 自治医科大学付属病院血液科 / 自治医科大学付属病院血液科 / 自治医科大学付属病院血液科 / 自治医科大学付属病院血液科:自治医科大学付属病院輸血・細胞移植部
Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology, Jichi Medical School:Department of Medicine, Division of Cell Transplantation and Transfusion, Jichi Medical School / Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology, Jichi Medical School:Department of Medicine, Division of Cell Transplantation and Transfusion, Jichi Medical School / Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology, Jichi Medical School:Department of Medicine, Division of Cell Transplantation and Transfusion, Jichi Medical School / Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology, Jichi Medical School:Department of Medicine, Division of Cell Transplantation and Transfusion, Jichi Medical School

CatovskyスコアもしくはEGIL(The European Group for the immunological classification of leukemia)スコアによる診断基準を満たしたbiphenotypic acute leukemia(BAL)を8例経験し,臨床的特徴と治療について検討を行った。BALの頻度は急性白血病の6.4%(8/124例),年齢中央値41歳,男女比は1:1。Ph染色体陽性を2例に認めた。ALLに準じた治療を受けた6例中5例が寛解を得,1例が早期再発をした。AMLに準じた治療では2例中2例が寛解を得たが,どちらも早期再発した。寛解後療法として4例が造血幹細胞移植を受け,3例が長期生存している。ALLに準じた化学療法と,寛解後に造血幹細胞移植を受けた患者で,成績が良かった。寛解到達後の造血幹細胞移植が長期生存を期待しうる治療であると考えられた。
We reviewed the results of 8 patients with biphenotypic acute leukemia (BAL) which fulfilled the Catovsky Group criteria or the European Group for the Immunological Characterization of Leukemias criteria at Jichi Medical School Hospital. BAL patients account for 6.4% (8/124) of patients with acute leukemia, and there were 4 males and 4 females with a median age of 41 years. The Ph chromosome was found in two patients. Flow cytometric analyses demonstrated that leukemic cells from 7 of the 8 patients had both B-cell antigens and myeloid antigens simultaneously. Five of 6 patients entered into complete remission after treatment with acute lymphoblastic leukemia regimens, while the two patients treated with acute myeloblastic leukemia regimens relapsed after the complete remission. Three of 4 patients, who were treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation as a post-remission therapy, survived. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation may provide a better prognosis of BAL.

BAL / Catovskyスコア / EGILスコア / flow cytometry



15-19 原著論文 Original Article JPN

教育相談症例の検討 : 教育との連携に求められているもの
School consultation and developmental and behavioral pediatrics

塩川,宏郷 / 桃井,真里子
SHIOKAWA,Hirosato / MOMOI,Mariko Y.

自治医科大学小児科 / 自治医科大学小児科
Department of pediatrics, Jichi medical school / Department of pediatrics, Jichi medical school

We evaluated 132 cases who needed school consultation and pediatric liaison services during January 2000 and February 2003. They were examined at the Tochigi prefectural center for education. They all had several behavioral problems that include hyperactivity, problems in communication with their classmates, social misbehavior, and aggressive behavior. Sixty-six percent of the cases had developmental disorders including pervasive developmental disorder, autistic disorder, Asperger disorder. Eighteen percent of them were diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Even though not medically diagnosed, quite a lot cases had subtle developmental delay or developmental deviation. Pediatricians should have knowledge of these developmental disorders and knowledge of behavioral modifications for their behavioral problems. The importance of developmental and behavioral pediatrics in school consultation has emerged.

教育相談 / 連携 / 発達障害 / 発達行動小児科学



21-28 原著論文 Original Article JPN

Clinical study on male urethritis in Sano Kosei General Hospital

鈴木,一実 / 小林,実 / 菅谷,泰宏 / 貫井,昭徳 / 徳江,章彦
Suzuki,Kazumi / Kobayashi,Minoru / Sugaya,Yasuhiro / Nukui,Akinori / Tokue,Akihiko

佐野厚生総合病院泌尿器科 / 佐野厚生総合病院泌尿器科 / 二宮中央クリニック / 自治医科大学泌尿器科学教室 / 自治医科大学泌尿器科学教室
Department of Urology, Sano Kosei General Hospital / Department of Urology, Sano Kosei General Hospital / Ninomiya Chuo Clinic / Department of Urology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Urology, Jichi Medical School

(目的)当院医療圏における最近の男子急性尿道炎の臨床像を把握する。(対象と方法)2001年1月より2002年12月までの間に,性感染症(STD)性の男子尿道炎と診断した患者114例を対象に,起因菌,患者年齢,感染相手,治療薬,治療効果,淋菌性における薬剤耐性などにつき検討した。(結果)起因菌別頻度では淋菌性が47例(41.2%),クラミジア性が24例(21.1%),淋菌・クラミジア性が6例(5.3%)であった。患者年齢は20代が最多であった。感染相手は淋菌性ではCommercial Sex Worker(CSW)が27例(57.4%)で,クラミジア性ではGirl Friendが12例(50.0%)で最多であった。CSWの内訳ではピンクサロンなどが64.4%を占め,感染経路としてoral sexによる咽頭感染が主であると考えられた。治療薬は淋菌性ではセフェム系が26例(55.3%),クラミジア性ではニューキノロン系が11例(45.8%)で最も多く使用されていた。治療効果では淋菌性においてニューキノロン系は36.8%のみ有効であった。淋菌性尿道炎における尿培養感受性結果に基づく薬剤耐性の検討では,ニューキノロン系は26.7%〜61.5%の高度耐性を示した。(結論)患者の咽頭感染の認識の低さ,ニューキノロン系を主とした薬剤耐性淋菌の存在が問題であり,STDの啓蒙が急務であると考えられた。
Clinical observation was made on 114 male patients treated for urethritis that was diagnosed as a sexually transmitted disease (STD) at the Department of Urology, Sano Kosei General Hospital, from 2001 to 2002. The patients' ages ranged from 15 to 61 years with a mean of 27 years. The microbiological examinations isolated Neiseria gonorrhea alone in 47 (41.2%), Chlamydia tracomatis alone in 24 (21.1%), and both in 6 (5.3%) cases. The source of infection was commercial sex workers in 27 of 47 cases (57.4%) with gonococcal urethritis alone, and a girl friend in 12 of 24 cases (50.0%) with Chlamydia urethritis alone. By clinical evaluation and sensitivity examination of urinary culture, a quinolone-resistant Neiseria gonorrhea may be increasing in this area. Sex and STD education for young people is necessary.

男子尿道炎 / 淋菌性尿道炎 / クラミジア性尿道炎 / 薬剤耐性 Male Urethritis / Gonococcal urethritis / Chlamydia urethritis / Drug-resistance



29-34 原著論文 Original Article JPN

Comparison of the degree of satisfaction in rural districts among graduate doctors from Jichi Medical School and other medical universities

宇野,史洋 / 岡山,雅信 / 松本,正俊 / 高屋敷,明由美 / 藤原,真治 / 梶井,英治
Uno,Fumihiro / Okayama,Masanobu / Matsumoto,Masatoshi / Takayashiki,Ayumi / Fujiwara,Shinji / Kajii,Eiji

自治医科大学地域医療学教室 / 自治医科大学地域医療学教室 / 自治医科大学地域医療学教室 / 自治医科大学地域医療学教室 / 自治医科大学地域医療学教室 / 自治医科大学地域医療学教室
Department of Community and Family Medicine, Jichi Medical School / Department of Community and Family Medicine, Jichi Medical School / Department of Community and Family Medicine, Jichi Medical School / Department of Community and Family Medicine, Jichi Medical School / Department of Community and Family Medicine, Jichi Medical School / Department of Community and Family Medicine, Jichi Medical School

A questionnaire (a survey of the white paper of community health care) concerning the degree of satisfaction was mailed to 4, 893 full-time doctors who work in public medical institutions in rural districts, and a comparative analysis of the degree of satisfaction of the graduate doctors from Jichi Medical School (JMS) and other medical universities was made in the period from January to March, 2001. Among the items regarding medical treatment and duty, the degree of satisfaction was high for human relations with the residents in the area, and the degree of satisfaction in regard to management, administration and the budget were low. In the items relating to details of work, the degrees of satisfaction were low in regard to opportunities for receiving lifelong education and the will to work until retirement age. Odds ratio of the end of the duty period among JMS graduates who replied that they would work in a rural district in the future was as high as 7.8, thereby revealing rural directivity. The degree of satisfaction relating to items reported to be dissatisfaction factors, such as income, business and facilities for the education of dependent children, was also high. On the whole, it became clear that doctors working in rural districts did not have substantial dissatisfaction with their present conditions. The JMS graduates reported a high degree of satisfaction with many items as compared with graduates from other medical universities, suggesting that the original JMS curriculum increased rural directivity. In order to change the tendency for many doctors to avoid the rural medical service and remain unaware of true facts and merits associated with working in a rural district, it is thought that student education needs to be radically reformed.

へき地医療 / 地域医療 / 満足度 / 学生教育 Rural health care / General practice / Job satisfaction / Medical support / Education



35-48 原著論文 Original Article ENG

Intrathecal methotrexate and intravenous VP-16 combined with irradiation for the treatment of primary central nervous system lymphomas Comparison of chemotherapy including intrathecal methotrexate combined with irradiation and irradiation alone for the treatment of primary central nervous system lymphomas

Miyawaki,Takahiro / Shinoda,Souji / Masuzawa,Toshio

自治医科大学脳神経外科学教室 / 自治医科大学脳神経外科学教室 / 自治医科大学脳神経外科学教室
Department of Surgical Neurology, Jichi Medical School, Minamikawachi-machi / Department of Surgical Neurology, Jichi Medical School, Minamikawachi-machi / Department of Surgical Neurology, Jichi Medical School, Minamikawachi-machi

我々は中枢神経原発悪性リンパ腫の患者で,放射線療法と化学療法を組み合わせた場合と,放射線療法単独の治療効果を回顧的に比較し,同時に副作用である白質脳症との相関も調べた。(方法)当院で治療した,16人の免疫不全のない中枢神経原発悪性リンパ腫の患者をメソトレキセートの髄腔内投与と,VP-16とデキサメサゾンの静脈内投与による化学療法と放射線治療を両方行う群(8人)と,放射線治療単独群(8人)に分け効果や副作用を比較した。(結果)両方の治療を受けた群で有意に生存期間が延長した(p=0.038)が,この群のうち半数が白質脳症を発症し,メソトレキセートの総投与量と相関した(p=0.047)。(結論)メソトレキセート髄腔内投与を含む化学療法と放射線治療の組み合わせは,中枢神経原発悪性リンパ腫患者の生存期間を延長するが,メソトレキセートの投与量と白質脳症の発症とは比例するため,注意深い観察が必要である。 Background Chemotherapy has been useful in the treatment of primary CNS lymphoma as well as irradiation. In particular, methotrexate (MTX) is known as an effective agent. We compared retrospectively the effects of combined chemotherapy/irradiation and irradiation alone, and we examined several factors for possible correlations with leukoencephalopathy development. Methods Seventeen immunocompetent patients with primary central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma were treated by chemotherapy including intrathecal methotrexate (MTX), combined with irradiation, or irradiation alone. Group A received intrathecal MTX (3-10mg), intravenous VP-16 (100mg/m^2), and dexamethasone (10mg/m^2) as well as conventional irradiation or stereotactic radiosurgery. Group B received only conventional irradiation. Results Sixteen patients (8 patients in each group) were assessable. All 16 patients had a complete or partial response. Group A had statistically significant prolongation of the survival time (p=0.0382) compared with group B. Two patients in group A developed leukoencephalopathy, and two patients died of leukoencephalopathy. Multiple regression analysis revealed significantly between the development of leukoencephalopathy and total dose of MTX. Conclusions Chemotherapy, including intrathecal MTX, combined with whole-brain irradiation prolonged the survival time of primary CNS lymphoma patients. The incidence of leukoencephalopathy was related to the total dose of MTX, so careful patient monitoring is required.

lymphoma / methotrexate / intrathecal / leukoencephalopathy



49-54 症例報告 Case Report JPN

Gasless laparoscopic-assisted total gastrectomy for early cancer via mini-laparotomy using an abdominal wall lift

細谷,好則 / 俵藤,正信 / 荒井,渉 / 横山,卓 / 平嶋,勇希 / 瑞木,亨 / 倉科,憲太郎 / 斎藤,心 / 安田,是和 / 永井,秀雄
Hosoya,Yoshinori / Hyodo,Masanobu / Arai,Wataru / Yokoyama,Taku / Hirashima,Yuki / Zuiki,Toru / Kurashina,Kentaro / Saito,Shin / Yasuda,Yoshikazu / Nagai,Hideo

自治医科大学消化器一般外科 / 自治医科大学消化器一般外科 / 自治医科大学消化器一般外科 / 自治医科大学消化器一般外科 / 自治医科大学消化器一般外科 / 自治医科大学消化器一般外科 / 自治医科大学消化器一般外科 / 自治医科大学消化器一般外科 / 自治医科大学消化器一般外科 / 自治医科大学消化器一般外科
Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School

早期胃癌に対し腹腔鏡胃切除が広く行われるようになったが,手術手技の困難さから腹腔鏡(補助)下の胃全摘手術の報告は少ない。今回われわれは小開腹による腹腔鏡補助下の胃全摘術を導入したので報告する。上腹部に6cmの小開腹を行い,開腹創をケント鉤で,臍部を皮下鋼線で吊り上げた。4つのポートを挿入し,主に超音波切開凝固装置で大網や小網を切離し,胃支配動静脈は結紮(クリップ)切離した。十二指腸切離,食道空腸吻合は自動吻合器で行った。再建はstick型Roux-en Yとし,Y脚吻合は小開腹創より体外で手縫い縫合で行った。現在まで胃上部早期胃癌3例に施行し,重篤な合併症を認めず,全例再発なく外来通院中である。吊り上げ式を用いた腹腔鏡補助手胃全摘手術は当科独自の方法であり,侵襲軽減や美容面で有用な術式となりうる。しかし症例数も少なく,経験を積み重ねて細やかな経過観察を行い,評価すべきと判断される。
Laparoscopic gastrectomy has been applied to the treatment of gastric cancer in Japan. However, there are few reports of laparoscopic or laparoscopic-assisted total gastrectomy in the treatment of gastric cancer because of the difficulty of the surgical technique. Laparoscopically assisted total gastrectomies with Roux-en-Y reconstruction were performed on three patients with early gastric cancer located in the upper portion of the stomach. METHODS : 6 cm mini laparotomy and three surgical ports were inserted into the abdomen. We lifted up the laparotomy and the subcutaneous tissue around the umbilicus with retractors. Gastric arteries were divided using ultrasonically activated coagulating shears, and ligated with ligation forceps. Following these steps, a total gastrectomy and reconstruction was performed by the Roux-en-Y method through a mini laparotomy. The operations were performed without serious complications. We successfully performed gasless laparoscopic-assisted total gastrectomy. This procedure has not been reported. When patients are carefully selected, the laparoscopic-assisted procedure can be curative and minimally invasive as a treatment for early gastric cancer.

早期胃癌 / 腹腔鏡 / 鏡視下手術 / 縮小手術 / 吊り上げ式



55-59 症例報告 Case Report JPN

Giant cell arteritis incidentally diagnosed during operation for thoracic aortic aneurysm and aortic valve regurgitation : case report

齊藤,力 / 三澤,吉雄 / 布施,勝生 / 小西,宏明 / 大木,伸一 / 加藤,盛人 / 上西,祐一朗 / 上沢,修 / 櫻井,信司 / 斎藤,健
Saito,Tsutomu / Misawa,Yoshio / Fuse,Katsuo / Konishi,Hiroaki / Oki,Shinichi / Kato,Morito / Kaminishi,Yuichiro / Kamisawa,Osamu / Sakurai,Shinji / Saito,Ken

自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門 / 自治医科大学病理学講座 / 自治医科大学外科学講座心臓血管外科学部門,自治医科大学病理学講座
Division of Cardiovascular surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Division of Cardiovascular surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Division of Cardiovascular surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Division of Cardiovascular surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Division of Cardiovascular surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Division of Cardiovascular surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Division of Cardiovascular surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Division of Cardiovascular surgery, Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Pathology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Pathology, Jichi Medical School

Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a systemic vasculitis that primarily affects extracorporeal arteries of the head and neck in the elderly. We report a case of a thoracic aortic aneurysm and severe aortic regurgitation diagnosed as GCA by pathological findings of the thoracic aorta, without classical GCA manifestations. A59-year-old man was admitted for preoperative evaluation of a thoracic distal arch aneurysm of 8cm after back pain for one year. He had a heart murmur on admission, and ultrasonic echocardiography showed severe aortic valve regurgitation. Laboratory data showed elevation of C-reactive protein (CRP). Aortic arch replacement and aortic valve replacement were successfully completed by operation. Histologic examination of the aortic wall demonstrated giant cell arteritis. Through laboratory data, delayed normalization of CRP was noted ; he was discharged at postoperative day 27 and has been asymptomatic for 5 months after surgery. Cases of thoracic aortic aneurysm or aortic regurgitation developing before a diagnosis of GCA are rare ; three cases have been reported. We considered that when a thoracic aortic aneurysm with inflammatory response is found, GCA, even without its classical manifestations, should at least be suspected.

巨細胞性動脈炎 / 胸部大動脈瘤 / 大動脈弁閉鎖不全症 Giant cell arteritis / Thoracic aortic aneurysm / Aortic valve regurgitation



61-65 症例報告 Case Report ENG 

Hemolytic anemia caused by mild regurgitation after mitral valve plasty

宇井,崇 / 三澤,吉雄 / 大木,伸一 / 齊藤,力 / 布施,勝生
Ui,Takashi / Misawa,Yoshio / Oki,Shin-ichi / Saito,Tsutomu / Fuse,Katsuo

自治医科大学心臓血管外科 / 自治医科大学心臓血管外科 / 自治医科大学心臓血管外科 / 自治医科大学心臓血管外科 / 自治医科大学心臓血管外科
Division of Cardiovasular Surgery Jichi Medical School / Division of Cardiovasular Surgery Jichi Medical School / Division of Cardiovasular Surgery Jichi Medical School / Division of Cardiovasular Surgery Jichi Medical School / Division of Cardiovasular Surgery Jichi Medical School

A 60-year-old woman underwent mitral valve plasty and annuloplasty with a prosthetic ring. She developed myocardial infarction of the left ventricular inferior wall with stable hemodynamic condition on the postoperative day of 2nd. On the next day, severe hemolysis became apparent. Echocardiography revealed mild mitral valve regurgitation with akinesis of the inferior wall of the left ventricle. The regurgitant flow hit the implanted prosthetic ring, and changed the flow direction. She underwent mitral valve replacement, and her subsequent course was uneventful with quick disappearance of hemolytic anemia.

僧帽弁形成術 / 人工弁輪 / 溶血性貧血 / 僧帽弁置換術 mitral valve plasty / hemolytic anemia / myocardial infarction / mitral valve replacement



67-71 症例報告 Case Report ENG

軽症外傷後の胎盤早期剥離 : 迅速な胎児心拍モニター実施の必要性
Placental abruption after minor maternal trauma : The need for immediate cardiotocographic monitoring

小田切,幸平 / 松原,茂樹 / 馬場,洋介 / 桑田,知之 / 島田,和彦 / 渡辺,尚 / 泉,章夫 / 鈴木,光明
Odagiri,Kouhei / Matsubara,Shigeki / Baba,Yosuke / Kuwata,Tomoyuki / Shimada,Kazuhiko / Watanabe,Takashi / Izumi,Akio / Suzuki,Mitsuaki

自治医科大学医学部産婦人科 / 自治医科大学医学部産婦人科 / 自治医科大学医学部産婦人科 / 自治医科大学医学部産婦人科 / 自治医科大学医学部産婦人科 / 自治医科大学医学部産婦人科 / 自治医科大学医学部産婦人科 / 自治医科大学医学部産婦人科
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jichi Medical School:Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jichi Medical School

外傷性胎盤早期剥離は妊婦の腹部重症外傷に高率に合併する。時に軽症外傷にも合併するが,この際にも性器出血や腹痛などの症状を伴う事が多い,と報告されてきた。今回,軽微交通外傷後に発症した無症候性胎盤早期剥離症例を経験した。症例は28才,初妊,初産婦。妊娠31週。車同士の側面衝突。車は小破程度でエアーバッグ作動せず。妊婦は助手席で3点式シートベルトを装着しており,腹部打撲の自覚なし。事故後直ちに当病院救急外来へ救急車搬送された。妊婦は右肘,右膝の軽度疼痛を訴え,同部に軽度腫脹を認めたが,他の外傷や腹部ベルト圧痕を認めず,性器出血や腹痛の訴えもなかった。全身のcheck upに並行して胎児心拍モニタリングを行ったところ,non-reassuring fetal heart rate patternを認め,腹部超音波検査では胎盤の異常肥厚像を認めた。胎盤早期剥離による胎児ジストレスと判断,緊急帝王切開が行われた。新生児は1950gの女児でアプガー値は,6点,8点(1,3分)。胎盤母体面の1/3を占める胎盤後血腫を認め,胎盤早期剥離が確定された。母体DICや母児間輸血のサインは認めず,母児共健康退院となった。胎盤早期剥離は軽症外傷にも合併し得る。性器出血,腹痛などの症状がなくても,また腹部打撲の自覚がなくても本症は起こり得る。軽症外傷,ことに軽症交通外傷では,受傷妊婦に生命の危険のないことを確認後,胎児心拍モニタリングを傷処置や傷状態の記録(訴訟に対する証拠保全)に先行させて施行すべきである。
We report a 31-week-gestational woman who suffered placental abruption after a very minor maternal trauma. Although she did not show genital bleeding or abdominal pain, symptoms characteristic of placental abruption, an immediate cardiotocogram and echogram revealed the placental abruption. An emergency cesarean section was performed and she gave birth to a healthy preterm infant. In the care of traumatized pregnant women, an immediate cardiotocographic examination should be done at the same time as the systemic physical examination are performed, even though the trauma may appear quite minor and even if she makes no obstetrical complaints.

trauma / traffic accident / placental abruption / cardiotocogram



73-77 症例報告 Case Report JPN

A Case of Double Cancer in the Urinary Tract and the Larynx : Difficulty in Diagnosis as Primary Laryngeal Cancer

黒川,真輔 / 児玉,智之 / 貫井,昭徳 / 小林,実 / 徳江,章彦 / 佐久間,裕司
Kurokawa,Shinsuke / Kodama,Tomoyuki / Nukui,Akinori / Kobayashi,Minoru / Tokue,Akihiko / Sakuma,Yuji

自治医科大学泌尿器科 / 自治医科大学泌尿器科 / 自治医科大学泌尿器科 / 自治医科大学泌尿器科 / 自治医科大学泌尿器科 / 自治医科大学病理
Department of Urology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Urology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Urology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Urology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Urology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Pathology, Jichi Medical School

We report a case of double cancer in the urinary tract and the larynx. In this case the laryngeal tumor was difficult to diagnose as a primary cancer. The patient was a 71-year-old man who visited our hospital with complaints of right abdominal pain and gross hematuria. Computed tomography (CT) showed a giant tumor at the right renal pelvis and ureter. Cystoscopy revealed a nodular tumor at the site of the right ureteral orifice. Transurethral resection of the bladder tumor was performed to obtain the pathological diagnosis of transitional cell carcinoma. The patient came to present dyspnea, and CT revealed a laryngeal mass compressing the airway. A biopsy of the laryngeal mass was performed ; however, the tumor was poorly differentiated carcinoma, and a definitive diagnosis wasn't made. Chemotherapy achieved partial response transiently on both the renal pelvic and ureteral tumors and the laryngeal tumor, however, the patient died of tumor progression with multiple liver metastases. Necropsy revealed the laryngeal tumor as primary small cell carcinoma of the larynx. Multiple metastases in the liver consisted of both transitional cell carcinoma and small cell carcinoma.

腎盂尿管癌 / 喉頭小細胞癌 / 重複癌 Renal pelvic and ureteral carcinoma / Laryngeal small cell carcinoma / Double cancer



79-83 症例報告 Case Report JPN

A case of convergent strabismus fixus associated with high myopia

牧野,伸二 / 酒井,理恵子 / 保沢,こずえ / 近藤,玲子 / 川崎,知子 / 坂庭,敦子 / 杉山,華江 / 平林,里恵 / 山本,裕子 / 水流,忠彦
Makino,Shinji / Sakai,Rieko / Hozawa,Kozue / Kondo,Reiko / Kawasaki,Tomoko / Sakaniwa,Atsuko / Sugiyama,Hanae / Hirabayashi,Rie / Yamamoto,Hiroko / Tsuru,Tadahiko

自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室
Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School / Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School

A 55-year-old man who had high myopia was referred to Jichi Medical School Hospital because of progressive esotropia of the left eye. The left eye was fixed in a position of extreme adduction, and ocular motility was severely restricted in all directions. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated that the superior rectus (SR) had deviated nasally and the lateral rectus (LR) had deviated inferiorly. The posterior globe appeared to be dislocated from the muscle cone. We performed a surgical operation for the left eye consisting of transpositions of the SR and LR combined with a large recession of the medial rectus. Postoperatively, the patient became able to fixate in primary gaze, and ocular motility improved in abduction. This surgical procedure is a useful option for treating convergent strabismus fixus.

固定内斜視 / 強度近視 / 筋移動斜視手術 Convergent strabismus fixus / High myopia / Muscle transposition surgery



85-90 症例報告 Case Report JPN

A case of lip injury effectively reconstructed by tongue flap

小佐野,仁志 / 鈴木,英正 / 土屋,欣之 / 伊藤,弘人 / 松本,浩一 / 草間,幹夫
Osano,Hitoshi / Suzuki,Hidemasa / Tsuchiya,Yoshiyuki / Itoh,Hiroto / Matsumoto,Koichi / Kusama,Mikio

自治医科大学歯科口腔外科学講座 / 自治医科大学歯科口腔外科学講座 / 自治医科大学歯科口腔外科学講座 / 自治医科大学歯科口腔外科学講座 / 自治医科大学歯科口腔外科学講座 / 自治医科大学歯科口腔外科学講座
Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Jichi Medical School

A case of facial injury reconstructed with a buccal mucosal flap and tongue flap for full thickness defects of the lower lip is described. A 64-year-old male had received a heavy blow to his face due to a traffic accident. Necrosis due to hematogenous disturbance occurred in more than half of the entire lower lip vermilion. The patient was operated on for reconstruction of the lower lip two times. First vestibuloplasty was performed using a buccal mucosal flap. Subsequently the vermillion was reconstructed using a frontal tongue flap. An effective way to obtain a good functional result of the lower lip is to practice a rehabilitation program against scar contraction. A stretch of the lower lip with fingers two or three times a day was performed. We started rehabilitation seven days after the tongue flap was divided. The patient favorably recovered after the operation and is now able to wear a denture and to feed without slobbering.

口唇外傷 / 舌弁 / 機能訓練 Lip injury / Tongue flap / Functional training


  91-99 症例報告 Case Report JPN

大胸筋皮弁とDeltopectral flapにて頚部皮膚欠損の再建を行った両側頚部壊死性筋膜炎の1例
A Case of cervical necrotizing fasciitis requiring reconstruction with pectoralis major musculocutaneuos flap and deltopectoral skin flap for neck skin defect

松本,浩一 / 鈴木,英正 / 伊藤,弘人 / 小佐野,仁志 / 神部,芳則 / 草間,幹夫
Matsumoto,Koichi / Suzuki,Hidemasa / Ito,Hiroto / Osano,Hitoshi / Jinbu,Yoshinori / Kusama,Mikio

自治医科大学歯科口腔外科学講座 / 自治医科大学歯科口腔外科学講座 / 自治医科大学歯科口腔外科学講座 / 自治医科大学歯科口腔外科学講座 / 自治医科大学歯科口腔外科学講座 / 自治医科大学歯科口腔外科学講座
Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Jichi Medical School

我々は両側頚部蜂巣炎から壊死性筋膜炎に進展した症例を経験した。63歳の男性で,両側顎下部から頚部にかけて著明な腫脹と疼痛を主訴に来院し,4ヶ月の治療期間中に8回切開排膿処置を施行した。患者はコントロール不良な糖尿病を認め,それが炎症の拡大と治療期間の長期化に関与していた。両側頚部の大きな皮膚欠損に対しては,大胸筋皮弁とDeltopectra1 (DP)皮弁にて再建を行い良好な結果を得た。
We presented a rare case of necrotizing fasciitis of both-sides of the neck requiring reconstruction with pectoralis major musculocutaneous flap and deltopectoral flap for neck skin defect. The patient, a 63-year-old male, visited our hospital for treatment of swelling and severe pain of the mandible and neck. As many as 8 times' repetition of surgical drainage was necessary because of the presence of diabetes mellitus. He improved with a remaining skin defect in the neck, which was reconstructed with a pectoralis major musculocutaneus flap and deltopectoral skin flap. He was discharged after 4 months' treatment.

頚部壊死性筋膜炎 / 大胸筋皮弁 / DP皮弁 / 再建 Necrotizing fasciitis / Pectoralis major musculocutaneus flap / deltopectoral skin flap / Reconstruction


  101-106 症例報告 Case Report JPN

Painful Tic Convulsifの一例 A successful two-staged operation on a painful tic convulsif associated with an unruptured cerebral aneurysm

岩佐,英明 / 森,茂夫 / 篠田,宗次
Iwasa,Hideaki / Mori,Shigeo / Shinoda,Souji

自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター脳神経外科:(現)蓮田病院脳神経外科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター脳神経外科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター脳神経外科
Department of Neurosurgery, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical School / Department of Neurosurgery, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical School / Department of Neurosurgery, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical School

1920年に,初めてCushingにより報告された,片側顔面痙攣に三又神経痛を合併する症例は,それ以降,"Painful tic convulsif"と呼ばれる様になった。現在までに私共が渉猟し得た範囲では,Painful tic convulsifは合計65例であった。その内,原因の明らかな40例の内訳は,血管性病変31例(脳動静脈奇形2例を含む),腫瘍性病変9例で血管性病変が多かった。しかし,今回,私共の発表した未破裂脳動脈瘤を合併するPainful tic convulsifの報告は,私共が渉猟した範囲では,皆無であった。更に,術前脳血管撮影を行った,私共の顔面痙攣56症例では未破裂脳動脈瘤の合併が2例(合併率3.6%)という高率にみとめられた。顔面痙攣の術前には,少なくとも,合併症の少ない3D-CTAやMRAなどによる未破裂脳動脈瘤の検索をしておくべきであると思われた。
A 71-year-old female with a painful tic convulsif, associated with an unruptured left middle cerebral artery berry-type aneurysm, first, had a surgery of clipping of the left MCA aneurysm, and second, had microvalcular decompression surgery for relieving the left side trigeminal neuralgia and hemifacial spasm (tic convulsif). Both surgeries were successful. In 1920, Cushing first described three cases of tic convulsif including painful tic convulsif. There were 64 reported cases of tic convulsif before this report, but there had been no report of tic convulsif associated with an unruptured cerebral aneurysm as in our case. In addition, we had another case of hemifacial spasm with unruptured anterior communicating artery aneurysm. So far, we have experienced 5 cases of hemifacial spasm on which have performed a cerebral angiogram. The association rate of hemifacial spasm and unruptured aneurysms was 3.2% (2/56). In the hemifacial spasm cases, we had better to do preoperative angiographical examination using MRA or 3D-CTA to look for hidden cerebral aneurysms instead of a cerebral angiogram with which we sometimes had some advertent complications.

Tic convulsif / hemifacial spasm / trigeminal neuralgia / unruptured cerebral aneurysm



107-112 症例報告 Case Report JPN

A case of primary mediastinal seminoma with diagnostic difficulties

石田,博徳 / 中村,豪 / 山口,方規 / 太田,雅弘 / 山田,茂樹 / 蘇原,泰則 / 小西,文雄
Ishida,Hironori / Nakamura,Takeshi / Yamaguchi,Masaki / Ohta,Masahiro / Yamada,Shigeki / Sohara,Yasunori / Konishi,Fumio

自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器・一般・呼吸器外科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器・一般・呼吸器外科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器・一般・呼吸器外科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター病理 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター病理 / 自治医科大学胸部外科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター消化器・一般・呼吸器外科
Department of Surgery, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical School / Department of Surgery, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical School / Department of Surgery, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical School / Department of Pathology, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical School / Department of Pathology, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical School / Department of Thoracic Surgery, Jichi Medical School / Department of Surgery, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical School

A 30-year-old man was informed of out an abnormal shadow on his chest X-ray during a routine health check and was admitted to our hospital. A chest CT scan showed an anterior mediastinal tumor, 3×2cm in diameter on horizontal section. He had no complaint or symptom. All of the tumor markers were within normal values. A CT guided biopsy was not performed because of the anatomical difficulties. The tumor had Ga-67 accumulation on scintigraphy. The thymic tissue with the tumor was resected. The tumor was diagnosed as pure seminoma in the histological examination of the resected specimen. Because of the incomplete resection, he received postoperative irradiation of 46 Gy, followed by two courses of cisplatin-based chemotherapy. At eight months after surgery, he has no sign of recurrence. In the diagnosis of a mediastinal tumor, the presence of a rapidly growing tumor in a young man with Ga-67 accumulation on scintigraphy and no elevated tumor markers may suggest the possibility of a pure seminoma.

縦隔セミノーマ / 悪性胚細胞性腫瘍 / 手術 / 放射線療法 / 化学療法



113-117 症例報告 Case Report JPN


藤社,勉 / 竹元,伸之 / 甲斐,敏弘 / 岡本,秀樹 / 小西,文雄 / 山田,茂樹
TOHSHA,Tsutomu / TAKEMOTO,Nobuyuki / KAI,Toshihiro / OKAMOTO,Hideki / KONISHI,Fumio / YAMADA,Shigeki

自治医科大学付属大宮医療センター外科 / 自治医科大学付属大宮医療センター外科 / 自治医科大学付属大宮医療センター外科 / 自治医科大学付属大宮医療センター外科 / 自治医科大学付属大宮医療センター外科 / 自治医科大学付属大宮医療センター病理
Department of Surgery, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical School / Department of Surgery, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical School / Department of Surgery, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical School / Department of Surgery, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical School / Department of Surgery, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical School / Department of Pathology, Omiya Medical Center, Jichi Medical School

We report a case of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the breast. A 65-year-old woman was seen at the hospital because of a tumor of the left breast. On physical examination the tumor was 3.4cm in diameter, and was located in the inside of the left breast. By a fine needle aspiration biopsy and cytology, we detected malignant cells with keratosis, made a diagnosis of SCC, and performed an atypical mastectomy. Histologically the tumor showed SCC with cancer pearl formation and a small component of adenocarcinoma ; estrogen and progesterone recepters analyses were not elevated. SCC of the breast is a rare disease accounting for about 0.1% of all breast cancers and is classified into special types according to the guidelines of the treatment for breast cancers in Japan.

乳癌 / 扁平上皮癌 / 穿刺吸引細胞診



119-121 症例報告 Case Report JPN

半月状線ヘルニア(Spigelian hernia)の一例
A case of Spigelian heernia

笠松,哲司 / 遠山,信幸 / 中谷,研介 / 松田,俊太郎 / 河村,裕 / 小西,文雄
Kasamatsu,Tetsuji / Toyama,Nobuyuki / Nakatani,Kensuke / Matsuda,Shuntaro / Kawamura,Yutaka / Konishi,Fumio

自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター外科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター外科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター外科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター外科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター外科 / 自治医科大学附属大宮医療センター外科
Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School, Omiya Medical Center / Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School, Omiya Medical Center / Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School, Omiya Medical Center / Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School, Omiya Medical Center / Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School, Omiya Medical Center / Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School, Omiya Medical Center

We report a rare case of Spigelian hernia with a review of the literatures. A 59-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital, showing a localized bulge on her right lower abdomen. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) presented a defect of the aponeurosis at the lateral side of the rectus muscle. Localization of the hernia and the CT findings suggested the presence of the Spigelian hernia. She underwentan operation, including the closure of the hernia orifice and the reinforcement of the abdominal wall with a polypropylenemesh (Marlex mesh). Postoperative course was uneventful. She has been healthy without recurrence of the hernia.

Spigelヘルニア Spigelian hernia



123-128 症例報告 Case Report JPN

Hemorrhagic colitis due to E. coli O157 with advanced rectal cancer detected by total colonoscopy-a case report

石窪,力 / 加藤,貴子 / 藤原,直樹 / 瀬戸山,敏幸 / 勅使河原,正敏 / 多田,正弘
Ishikubo,T / Katou,T / Fujiwara,N / Setoyama,T / Teshigawara,M / Tada,M 秩父市立病院 / 秩父市立病院 / 秩父市立病院 / 秩父市立病院 / 秩父市立病院 / 埼玉県立がんセンター Chichibu city hospital / Chichibu city hospital / Chichibu city hospital / Chichibu city hospital / Chichibu city hospital / Saitama Cancer Center

A 74-year-old man was hospitalized due to an acute onset of bloody diarrhea. Total colonoscopy on the day of admission revealed edematous mucosa with longitudinal ulcers in the cecum, the ascending colon, the sigmoid colon and the rectum. Although local findings showed close resemblance to those of ischemic colitis, scattered inflammations suggested infectious colitis. He was treated with intravenous Fosfomycin and the symptoms gradually improved. As E. coli O157 was detected in the culture of the stool and the fecal filtrate was verocytotoxin positive, a diagnosis of infectious colitis was made. On the 18th day of admission, an advanced cancer was found in the superior rectum by colonoscopy. Biopsy proved it to be a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. In patients suspected of ischemic colitis, stool culture is necessary when results of total colonoscopic examination are not available. It is because the local findings of the disease are very similar to those of hemorrhagic colitis caused by E. coli O157. Further, we should be aware that, in the acute treatment of such patients, detection of cancer lesions is difficult even in cases of advanced cancer.

病原性大腸菌O-157感染症 / 大腸内視鏡 / 虚血性腸炎 / 大腸直腸癌 E. coli O157 / Colonoscopy / Ischemic colitis / Colorectal cancer



129-133 報告 Research Report JPN

動脈硬化に関する健康教育における参加型学習の有用性 : 新規に考案した動脈硬化血管模型を用いて
Experience-based education in a health education class on atherosclerosis, using a model of atherosclerosis as a teaching tool

小谷,和彦 / 坂根,直樹 / 森井,まゆみ
Kotani,Kazuhiko / Sakane,Naoki / Morii,Mayumi

鳥取大学医学部臨床検査医学 / 神戸大学大学院医学系研究科分子疫学 / 篠山市保健センター
Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University / Division of Molecular Epidemiology, Department of Environmental Health and Safety, Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University / Sasayama city health center

The present study tested the usefulness of the educational tool named "Kekkann-kun" by which the process of atherosclerosis was visualized in a health education class. Seventy female participants in a community health education class were divided into 2 groups : one viewing a slide show explaining atherosclerosis (Group A : 36 subjects, aged 53.7±6.3 years old) and the other group taught by a combination of the slide show and the educational tool of atherosclerosis (Group B : 34 subjects, aged 53.6±10.4 years old). We found that Group B was more satisfied with the class compared to Group A. The tool also helped participants to understand the formation of atherosclerosis. The use of this tool seemed to result in greater understanding of atherosclerosis.

教材 / 動脈硬化 / 健康教室 / 健康教育 Teaching tool / Atherosclerosis / Health education



135-141 資料 JPN

Present status and prospects in the amblyopia and strabismus clinic of Jichi Medical School Hospital

牧野,伸二 / 山本,裕子 / 酒井,理恵子 / 保沢,こずえ / 近藤,玲子 / 川崎,知子 / 坂庭,敦子 / 杉山,華江 / 平林,里恵
Makino,Shinji / Yamamoto,Hiroko / Sakai,Rieko / Hozawa,Kozue / Kondo,Reiko / Kawasaki,Tomoko / Sakaniwa,Atsuko / Sugiyama,Hanae / Hirabayashi,Rie

自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室 / 自治医科大学眼科学教室
Division of Amblyopia and Strabismus, Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School / Division of Amblyopia and Strabismus, Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School / Division of Amblyopia and Strabismus, Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School / Division of Amblyopia and Strabismus, Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School / Division of Amblyopia and Strabismus, Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School / Division of Amblyopia and Strabismus, Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School / Division of Amblyopia and Strabismus, Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School / Division of Amblyopia and Strabismus, Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School / Division of Amblyopia and Strabismus, Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical School

We evaluated the clinical features of the amblyopia and strabismus clinic of Jichi Medical School Hospital. The subjects of this study were first-visit patients at the amblyopia and strabismus clinic of Jichi Medical School Hospital between April 1974 and December 2000. The clinical data were analyzed retrospectively. Among all of the 6677 cases, the diagnoses were classified as follows : 5038 cases (75.5%) with strabismus, 562 cases (8.4%) with amblyopia, 72 cases (1.1%) with abnormality of convergence or divergence, 145 cases (2.2%) with nystagmus, 197 cases (3.0%) with organic ocular disease, 34 cases (0.5%) with psychological visual disturbance and 629 cases (9.4%) with refractive error alone.

斜視 / 弱視 / 臨床統計 Strabismus / Amblyopia / Clinical statistics



143 平成14年度自治医科大学研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN 






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144-145 平成14年度自治医科大学研究奨励金研究成果報告 ENG

The Adenovirus E1A and E1B19K genes provide a helper function for transfection-based Adeno-associated virus vector production The Adenovirus E1A and E1B19K genes provide a helper function for transfection-based Adeno-associated virus vector production

Matsushita,Takashi Department of Virology



145-146 平成14年度自治医科大学研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN 






146-147 平成14年度自治医科大学研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN






147 平成14年度自治医科大学研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN






147-148 平成14年度自治医科大学研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN


菊池,豊 / 白石,裕比湖 / 桃井,真里子

自治医科大学小児科学講座 / 自治医科大学小児科学講座 / 自治医科大学小児科学講座



148-149 平成14年度自治医科大学研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN


大口,昭英 自治医科大学産科婦人科学講座



149-151 平成14年度自治医科大学研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN

創薬を目指した,分子構造に基づく分子間相互作用・分子機能の研究 : ヒト免疫グロブリンlgGのFcレセプター(FcγRllla)の単一核酸多型(SNP,single nucleotide polymorphism)がどのように抗CD20モノクローナル抗体との相互作用に影響するかの考案




151-152 平成14年度自治医科大学研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN






152 平成14年度自治医科大学研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN

小腸移植に替わる新しい術式に関する実験的検討 : 小腸逆蠕動間置法及び小腸移植

吉田,卓義 / 遠山,信幸 / 清崎,浩一 / 小西,文雄

自治医科大学総合医学第2講座 / 自治医科大学総合医学第2講座 / 自治医科大学総合医学第2講座 / 自治医科大学総合医学第2講座



153 平成14年度自治医科大学研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN






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154 平成14年度自治医科大学研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN






154-155 平成14年度自治医科大学研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN

中枢性尿崩症ラットに対するバゾプレシン遺伝子導入 : ホルモン分泌と生理作用の検討





155-156 平成14年度自治医科大学研究奨励金研究成果報告 JPN






156 平成14年度自治医科大学研究奨励金研究成果報告 ENG

Molecular Genetics of Autism : Study of Methyl-CpG binding protein family genes in autistic patients

