トップ > 医学部 > 心臓血管外科部門 > 研究と業績 > 研究と業績

自治医科大学医学部薬理学講座 分子薬理学部門


1) 安里満信,長谷川伸之,鈴川正之,大木伸一,上沢修,布施勝生:肺炎桿菌による孤立性感染性膝窩動脈瘤破裂の1例.日心外会誌32(1):45-47,2003.
2) 小西宏明,上西祐一朗,上沢修,加藤盛人,三澤吉雄,布施勝生:定時開心術における術前400ml貯血の有効性.自己血輸血16(1):33-35,2003.
3) 齊藤力,三澤吉雄,布施勝生,小西宏明,大木伸一,加藤盛人,上西祐一朗,上沢修,櫻井信司,斎藤健:巨細胞性動脈炎による胸部大動脈瘤, 大動脈弁閉鎖不全症の1手術例.自治医科大医学部紀要26:55-59,2003.
4) 佐野哲孝,小西宏明,大木伸一,齊藤力,上沢修,加藤盛人,三澤吉雄,布施勝生:上行大動脈置換兼大動脈弁置換後遠隔期にValsalva洞拡張をきたした1例.胸部外科56(9):786-789,2003.
5) 佐藤篤子,河野正樹,長谷川伸之,鈴川正之:診断に苦慮したデング熱の1例.日救急医会関東誌 23(1):158-159,2003.
6) Kaminishi Y., Aizawa K., Saito T., Misawa Y., Madoiwa S., Sakata Y.: Modified Bentall operation in a patient with hemophilia A. Jpn J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 51(2):68-70,2003.
7) Misawa Y.: Liberal use of delayed sternal closure: sternal infection does not increase. Ann Thorac Surg 75(2):638-638,2003.
8) Misawa Y.: Pannus formation after mitral valve replacement with the Omniscience prosthesis. Ann Thorac Surg 76(2):658-658,2003.
9) Misawa Y.: Left ventricular mass index in aortic valve surgery: a new index for early valve replacement? Eur J Cardio Thorac Surg24:666-667,2003.
10) Misawa Y., Fuse K.: Dose normothermic cardiopulmonary bypass influence clinical outcomes, cytokine production , and in vitro platelet function. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 125(7):1174-1174,2003.
11) Misawa Y., Fuse K.: Dynamic cardiomyoplasty reduces myocardial oxygen consumption. Ann Thorac Surg 76(3)suppl:977-977,2003.
12) Misawa Y., Fuse K.: Left ventricular remodeling after valve replacement in patients with isolated aortic regurgitation. Circulation 107(22):e208-e209,2003.
13) Misawa Y., Oki S., Fuse K.: Aortic valve regurgitation associated with a fibrous band between the leaflet and the aortic wall. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 125(6):1564-1565,2003.
14) Misawa Y., Saito T., Konishi H., Oki S., Kaminishi Y., Takahashi H., Aizawa K., Kamisawa O., Kato M., Fuse K.: When and how does nonstructural mechanical prosthetic heart valve dysfunction occur? Jpn J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 51(3):355-360,2003.
15) Oki S., Misawa Y., Fuse K.: A repair of funnel chest without sternal dissection in aortic root replacement. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 23:109-111,2003.
16) Onda H., Kaminishi Y., Misawa Y., Fuse K.: Non-perforating pericardial rupture causing cardiac tamponade. Int Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2:43-45,2003.
17) Saito T., Kamisawa O., Kaminishi Y., Misawa Y., Fuse K.: Isolated traumatic vertebral pseudoaneurysm: report of a case. Surgery Today 33(2):145-147,2003.
18) Ui T., Misawa Y., Oki S., Saito T., Fuse K.: Hemolytic anemia caused by mild regurgitation after mitral valve plasty. Jichi Medical School J 26:61-65,2003.