トップ > 医学部 > 心臓血管外科部門 > 研究と業績 > 研究と業績

自治医科大学医学部薬理学講座 分子薬理学部門


1) 中倉真人,神吉和重,小泉淳一,小谷恭弘,大崎悟,末澤孝徳,本浄修己,立石篤史,廣田真規,甲元拓志,石野幸三,河田政明,佐野俊二:補助循環の使用が有用であった周術期重症左心不全症例の経験.膜型肺28:45-46,2005.
2) 中村浩己,甲元拓志,河田政明,清水秀二,黒子洋介,川畑拓也,佐野俊二:子宮体部癌手術待機中に発見された左房内有茎性球状血栓症の1例.胸部外科58(9):838-840,2005.
3) 上西祐一朗,相澤啓,坂野康人,大木伸一,齊藤力,加藤盛人,小西宏明,三澤吉雄:シベレスタットナトリウム水和物(Sivelestat sodium hydrate)の人工心肺後炎症反応および肺障害に対する効果.自治医大紀要28:37-42,2005.
4) 田口昌延,上西祐一朗,小西宏明,相澤啓,坂野康人,大木伸一,齊藤力,加藤盛人,三澤吉雄:成人に発症した心臓原発乳頭状線維弾性腫の2例.胸部外科58(13):1163-1165,2005.
5) 吉積功,石野幸三,増田善逸,大島祐,河田政明,佐野俊二:超低体重児における大動脈弓離断を伴った大動脈-肺動脈窓の一期的根治術.日小循誌21:99-101,2005.
6) Honjo O., Ishino K., Kawada M., Ohtsuki S., Sano S.: Coarctation of the thoraco-abdominal aorta associated with mucopolysaccharidosis VII in a child. Ann Thorac Surg 80(2):729-731,2005.
7) Koizumi J., Ishino K., Kawada M., Yoshizumi K., Kanki K, Sano S.: Mid-term results of open aortic valvotomy for infants with critical aortic stenosis: Seven-year experience including delayed Ross strategy. Jpn J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 53(11):593-597,2005.  
8) Misawa Y.: Markers of endothelial activation during cardiopulmonary bypass. Ann Thorac Surg 79(3):1096-1096,2005.
9) Misawa Y., Kaminishi Y., Sakano Y.: Conduction disturbance after shutdown of the sinus node artery. Ann Thorac Surg 79(1):388-388,2005.
10) Misawa Y., Ohki S., Sakano Y.: Separate or composite graft replacement for diseases of both the aortic valve and the ascending aorta. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 129(1):236-237,2005.
11) Ohki R., Yamamoto K., Ueno S., Mano H., Misawa Y., Fuse K., Ikeda U., Shimada K.: Gene expression profiling of human atrial myocardium with atrial fibrillation by DNA microarray analysis. Int J Cardioll 102: 233-238,2005.
12) Ohki S., Misawa Y.: Hemolysis caused by regurgitant blood flow with high shear stress: an intractable complication after mitral valve repair. Ann Thorac Surg 79(2):754-754,2005.
13) Ohki S., Misawa Y., Saito T., Konishi H., Kaminishi Y., Sakano Y., Aizawa K., Takahashi H., Taguchi M., Shinohara T.: Clinical features of third open-heart valve surgery at the same valve position. Jpn J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 53(12):627-631,2005.
14) Ohtsuki S., Baba K., Kataoka K., Ohno N., Okamoto Y., Ishino K., Kawada M., Sano S., Sato S., Morishima T.: Usefulness of helical computed tomography in diagnosing pulmonary vein syenosis in infants. Acta Medi Okayama 59:93-98,2005.
15) Saito T., Misawa Y., Fuse K., Konishi H.: The CarboMedics prosthetic heart valve: experience with 180 implants. J Artif Organs 8(1):51-55, 2005.
16) Saito T., Misawa Y., Aizawa K., Konishi H., Oki S., Kaminishi Y., Sakano Y., Kato M., Taguchi M.,Shinohara T., Fuse K.: Misdeployment of a staple in the PAS-Port proximal anastomosis system: report of a case. Jichi Medical School J 28:83-87,2005.
17) Sano S., Ishino K., Kawada M., Honjo O.: Right ventricle-pulmonary artery shunt in first stage palliation of Hypoplastic lefy heart syndrome. Operative Technique Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 10:141-151,2005.
18) Takahashi H., Kaminishi Y., Saito T., Misawa Y.: Anatomical repair of partially unroofed coronary sinus syndrome through the coronary sinus orifice. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 11(3):208-210,2005.
19) Yoshioka T., Ageyama N., Shibata H., Yasu T., Misawa Y., Takeuchi K., Matsui K., Yamamoto K., Terao K., Shimada K., Ikeda U., Ozawa K., Hanazono Y.: Repair of infarcted myocardium mediated by transplanted bone marrow-derived CD34+ stem cells in a nonhuman primate model. Stem Cells 23:355-364,2005.
20) Yoshizumi K., Ishino K., Kawada M., Fujisawa E., Ohstuki S., Sano S.: Dor procedure for left ventricular diverticulum with mitral regurgitation in an infant. Ann Thorac Surg 80(1):332-333,2005.