


  1. 新里高広、久保太郎、清水俊洋、南木浩二、八木澤隆:脱感作療法を行った既存抗体陽性例における腎移植予後.日本臨床腎移植学会雑誌6(2):185-191, 2018.
  2. Anan G, Nanmoku K, Shimbo M, Nagahama M, Kimura T, Sakuma Y, Endo F, Komatsu Y, Hattori K, Yagisawa T. Renal Transplantation with Simultaneous Aortoiliac Reconstruction Using a Polytetrafluoroethylene Vascular Graft for Severe Atherosclerosis. Case Rep Transplant. 2018 Jul 31;2018:8959086. doi: 10.1155/2018/8959086. eCollection 2018.
  3. Kimura T, Shiizaki K, Akimoto T, Shinzato T, Shimizu T, Kurosawa A, Kubo T, Nanmoku K, Kuro-O M, Yagisawa T.:The impact of preserved Klotho gene expression on antioxidative stress activity in healthy kidney. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2018 Aug 1;315(2):F345-F352
  4. Nanmoku K, Shinzato T, Kubo T, Shimizu T, Kimura T, Yagisawa T. Prevention of Late-Onset Cytomegalovirus Infection and Disease in Donor-Positive/Recipient-Negative Kidney Transplant Recipients Using Low-Dose Valganciclovir. Transplant Proc. 2018 Jan - Feb;50(1):124-129.
  5. Nanmoku K, Shinzato T, Kubo T, Shimizu T, Kimura T, Yagisawa T. Desensitization with the Use of an Antibody Removal-Free Protocol in ABO-Incompatible Kidney Transplant Recipients with a Low Anti-A/B Antibody Titer. Transplant Proc. 2018 May;50(4):982-986.
  6. Nanmoku K, Shinzato T, Kubo T, Shimizu T, Kimura T, Yagisawa T. Steroid Withdrawal Using Everolimus in ABO-Incompatible Kidney Transplant Recipients With Post-Transplant Diabetes Mellitus. Transplant Proc. 2018 May;50(4):1050-1055.
  7. Nanmoku K, Kurosawa A, Kubo T, Shinzato T, Shimizu T, Kimura T, Yagisawa T. Conversion From Steroid to Everolimus in Maintenance Kidney Transplant Recipients With Posttransplant Diabetes Mellitus. Exp Clin Transplant. 2018 Jun 18. doi: 10.6002/ect.2017.0178.
  8. Nanmoku K, Shinzato T, Kubo T, Shimizu T, Yagisawa T. Prevalence and predictors of early hypercalcemia after kidney transplantation: a nested case-control study within a cohort of 100 patients. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2018 Aug 18. doi: 10.1007/s10157-018-1627-6.
  9. Nanmoku K, Owada Y, Oshiro Y, Kurosawa A, Kubo T, Shinzato T, Shimizu T, Kimura T, Sakuma Y, Ishikawa N, Ohkohchi N, Okamoto H, Yagisawa T. Prevalence and characteristics of hepatitis E virus infection in kidney transplant recipients: A single-center experience in Japan. Transpl Infect Dis. 2018 Nov 27:e13033. doi: 10.1111/tid.13033.
  10. Kawabata N, Sato T, Nanmoku K, Nagata D, Ishikawa S, Ishibashi S, Yagisawa T, Uehara Y. An Observational Study on the Clinical and Nutritional Factors Determining the Kidney Function at One Year after Transplantation. Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2018;9:1299-1315.
  11. Shinzato T, Kurosawa A, Kubo T, Shimizu T, Kimura T, Nanmoku K, Yagisawa T.: No significant differences in short-term renal prognosis between living kidney donors with and without diabetes. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2018 Jun;22(3):694-701.



  1. 八木澤隆:各論06. 知っておきたい腎移植、腎移植の基本と生体腎移植、透析療法最前線、中元秀友 監修、東京医学社、p 258-266、2018
  2. 八木澤隆:「移植講演会」、臓器移植推進協会だより 第28号(平成30年2月1日)、公益財団法人栃木県臓器移植推進協会
  3. 八木澤隆:慢性腎臓病と腎不全治療の進歩、病気を知ろう(第28回)、自治医科大学附属病院だより、Vol 27: 6-7、2018(平成30年8月1日)
  4. 八木澤隆、原田浩、奥見雅由、寺西淳一:腎移植のさらなる質x量の向上を目指して(腎移植座談会) Tx Partner 13: 2-8, 2018
  5. 八木澤隆: 2.低・中分子生化学物質 11)クエン酸 腎と透析 Vol. 84増刊号 (ベッドサイド検査事典): 66-67, 2018
  6. 八木澤隆:成人腎移植の成績と課題、腎移植―最新の知見、腎と透析85:479-485、2018